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sabato 3 agosto 2024

Contemporary Arts 79


 C o n t e m p o r a r y   A r t s

Angela Star
Sculpture, 49 W x 46 H x 13 D cm
 Edgar Duvivier                                   Brazil

Black Rock
Mixed Media, 50.8 W x 61 H x 1.8 D cm
 Binod BK                                                  United States
Cherry Blossom Haiku
Paintings, 91.4 W x 91.4 H x 3.8 D cm
 Marina Nelson                                 Canada 

Clouds Spectacular
Paintings, 50.8 W x 40.6 H x 1.8 D cm
 S Lan                                                        United States 
Closed Eyes: Niki
Paintings, 21 W x 30 H x 0.2 D cm
 Jessica Russo Scherr                         Germany 
Cool shade of the Lawn
Paintings, 35.6 W x 27.9 H x 0.5 D cm
 Frederick Hurd                                    United States 
Creek Trail (on acrylic)
Mixed Media, 30.5 W x 40.6 H x 2.5 D cm
 William Leirer                                      United States 
everyone wants to fly - Limited Edition of 20
Photography, 40 W x 40 H x 0.1 D cm
 Kasia Derwinska                              Spain 
Filoctetes (instalacion in progress), Bewag Halle, Berlin, Alemania, 2004. 
Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo -  Created: 1 June 2004
Finding Form
 We all like answers, we all like when our curiosity is satisfied. Incomplete and unfinished things leave us unresolved. Every brain nerve goes haywire and that feeling needs an outlet, a release. A Circle is a very natural and organic shape. It’s easy, seamless and less effort is required to make it. As a child, we first learn to recognize it in the sun and moon, the solar system. It’s a shape which is complete, give a sense of fullness and no distractions, no divide. Ever heard the phrase “ you have come full circle”, consciously or subconsciously, we all are seeking to feel resolved. Circles in my painting represent resolve, which I could not find in situations and life events. It gives me the control which I needed when I had none. Don’t we all want to feel centred within ourselves, something that anchor us, and we don’t fall apart.It's the first painting in the series born out of happy art accident. Originally it had big round circles. But only recently, I added small circles, which appear as a cohesive pattern of atomic grids, for me which represent that we all connected one way or the other.
A tutti noi piacciono le risposte, a tutti noi piace quando la nostra curiosità è soddisfatta. Le cose incomplete e non finite ci lasciano irrisolti. Ogni nervo del cervello impazzisce e quella sensazione ha bisogno di uno sfogo, di una liberazione. Un cerchio è una forma molto naturale e organica. È facile, senza soluzione di continuità e richiede meno sforzo per realizzarlo. Da bambini, impariamo prima a riconoscerlo nel sole e nella luna, nel sistema solare. È una forma che è completa, dà un senso di pienezza e nessuna distrazione, nessuna divisione. Hai mai sentito la frase "hai completato il cerchio", consciamente o inconsciamente, cerchiamo tutti di sentirci risolti. I cerchi nel mio dipinto rappresentano la determinazione, che non riuscivo a trovare nelle situazioni e negli eventi della vita. Mi dà il controllo di cui avevo bisogno quando non ne avevo. Non vogliamo tutti sentirci centrati dentro noi stessi, qualcosa che ci ancora e non ci fa crollare? È il primo dipinto della serie nato da un felice incidente artistico. In origine aveva grandi cerchi rotondi. Ma solo di recente ho aggiunto dei piccoli cerchi, che sembrano un modello coeso di griglie atomiche, che per me rappresentano il fatto che siamo tutti connessi in un modo o nell'altro. Mahima Saraswat   Created: 3 March 2022
Oliver Castaño Mallorca Skapheandros  talk to me on - Own work, documentary location on Category:Images created by Oliver Castaño Mallorca

Fir Branch - Simon Aldridge 2009
 Oil painting by Simon Aldridge 2009
Postconceptualist - Own work
Fixation (IV) 2013
 Изображение события "Фиксация", осуществленного художником Петром Павленским 10 ноября 2013 года в городе Москва.
 Пётр Павленский - Own work
 Immagine dell'evento "Fixation", realizzato dall'artista Pyotr Pavlensky il 10 novembre 2013 a Mosca. 
 Pyotr Pavlensky - Opera propria
Flavio Tiberio Petricca esposizione, 2016, Palazzo Pallavicini Rospigliosi, Roma
 Flavio Tiberio Petricca - Own work  Created: 26 March 2021
Flavio Tiberio Petricca installazione nel 2019 a Villa Medici 
Flavio Tiberio Petricca - Own work           Created: 18 February 2022

Flexile Panoptiosis: Mirror box: Installation Art
 Teahankim - Own work    Created: 12 March 2016

Flexile Panoptiosis urban facade.
 Urban Facade: Integration of Fashion and Architecture: Projection Mapping 
Teahankim - Own work     Created: 12 March 2016
Flock I (1990) - Magdalena Abakanowicz
 Magdalena Abakanowicz Flock I (1990) © Studio Stefano Graziani for Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH Courtesy The Marta Magdalena Abakanowicz-Kosmowska and Jan Kosmowski Foundation
 Muzeumsusch - Own work  Created: 10 February 2019
Floral Freedom I by Tim Bengel. Black sand, white sand, gold leaf, adhesive, varnish on aluminium, 135 x 202 cm, 2017. 
Tim Bengel  Created: 11 November 2018
Flower-Skull-Cemetery, 2019
 Tim Bengel: Flower-Skull-Cemetery, 2019, Factory Berlin. 
Tim Bengel - Own work   Created: 20 September 2019
Flowers in Vase
 OP ART is a style of visual art from the 1960s. Reality broken down into geometric forms creates irritating forms 
Fred Isler - Aus Nachlass  Created: 4 August 1968
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016.
 delphinereist -

Flux tendu 2
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016. 
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Flux tendu 3
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016. 
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Flux tendu 4
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016. 
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Flux tendu 5
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016. delphinereist -
Flux tendu 6
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016. delphinereist -
Flux tendu7
 Delphine Reist et Laurent Faulon FLUX TENDU La Station, Nice, 6 février au 2 avril 2016.
 fluxus - fluxus 
Flying man
 Oil painting on canvas 
Suraj kumar kashi - Own work    Created: 31 May 2019
Quatuor Eolia - Own work    Created: 2007

Jkaeelwes - Own work     Created: 2006
 A photograph of Jenny Holzer's sculptural installation for the Smithsonian American Art Museum 
Photograph by A.M. Kuchling of "For SAAM" by Jenny Holzer -    Created: 22 November 2007
Paintings, 60 W x 42 H x 2 D cm
 Nik Linn                                         Netherlands 
Lily Pond, Norton Simon Museum
Paintings, 35.6 W x 27.9 H x 0.5 D cm
 Frederick Hurd                                             United States
Liz Taylor
Paintings, 40.6 W x 50.8 H x 0.1 D cm
 Dean Russo                                         United States 
Meeting Place
Paintings, 309.9 W x 144.8 H x 3.8 D cm
 Mykola Zhuravel                                             Canada
message in the bottle - Limited Edition of 20
Photography, 40 W x 40 H x 0.1 D cm
 Kasia Derwinska                                       Spain 
Midnight Tulip
Paintings, 61 W x 76.2 H x 15.2 D cm
 Marina Nelson                                    Canada 

Motor Series No. 5 - Honey
Paintings, 76.2 W x 101.6 H x 2.5 D cm
 Shannon Carleen Knight                                      United States
Ocean Song *V20230222
Paintings, 44 W x 60 H x 0.2 D cm
 René Serrano                                Mexico 
Paintings, 45.7 W x 61 H x 2.5 D cm 
Shannon Carleen Knight                         United States 

Park Bench 1
Paintings, 76.2 W x 101.6 H x 3.8 D cm
 Patty Jo Beaton                                            Canada
Roses by the Pool
Paintings, 27.9 W x 35.6 H x 3.8 D cm
 Marina Nelson                                    Canada 
Silent As A Rock
Paintings, 160 W x 140 H x 5 D cm
 Hengki Koesworo                            Indonesia 
The city of wonders - Large Size - Limited Edition 1 of 3
Photography, 85 W x 85 H x 0.1 D cm
 Kasia Derwinska                                       Spain 
The Dawn
Paintings, 27.9 W x 35.6 H x 0.5 D cm
 Dean Russo                                             United States 
The shimmering birches
Paintings, 25.4 W x 20.3 H x 5.1 D cm
 Marta Gwizdala                                     United States
There is Always a Way Out
Paintings, 80 W x 80 H x 3 D cm
 Ana Dévora                                      Spain 
Sculpture, 38.1 W x 66 H x 12.7 D cm
 Marina Nelson                                   Canada



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