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sabato 13 luglio 2024


 V I D E O

0107 - b moll

0107 - b moll - window 
0107 - b moll
Hiroshi Kondo
Hiroshi Kondo39.6K views
 La città è fatta di tanta vita, di tanta luce. C'è una solitudine in una città dove l'esistenza personale è sepolta. Tuttavia, quella piccola luce possiede una forza vitale brillante e splendente. Ogni piccola luce influenza la vita della città, e la città si trasforma grazie a tante luci.
The city is made up of so much life, so much light.
There is a loneliness in a city where self-existence is buried.
However, that little light has a bright, shining life force to it.
Each little light affects the life of the city, and The city is transformed by the many lights.

Hiroshi Kondo(

Ayako Taniguchi(
1st Album 'obsess' on sale

1000 Mile Dream
Taproot Pictures 
1000 Mile Dream

Taproot Pictures
Taproot Pictures20.7K views
 Liza Dietzen sogna di gareggiare come sleddog da quando ha scoperto l'Iditarod all'asilo. Da allora, ha dedicato gran parte della sua vita ad allevare e prendersi cura della sua squadra di cani da slitta, favorendo un legame profondo costruito sulla fiducia reciproca. Nelle sue parole, "Vedere da 12 a 16 personalità diverse [della squadra di slitta] riunirsi, e tu ne fai parte, è difficile esprimere a parole esattamente cosa significa per te... è magico." Seguiamo il viaggio di Liza e della sua squadra per competere nella UP 200, una gara di qualificazione per l'Iditarod.

Liza Dietzen has dreamt of competing as a dog sledder since learning about the Iditarod in kindergarten. Ever since, she's dedicated the majority of her life to raising and caring for her sled dog team, fostering a deep bond built on mutual trust. In her words, “To see 12 to 16 different personalities [of the sled team] all coming together, and you’re a part of that, it’s hard to put into words exactly what it means to you…it’s magical.” We follow Liza and her team's journey to compete in the UP 200, a qualifying race for the Iditarod.

Production Company - Taproot Pictures
Director - Karl R. Koelling
Executive Producer - Anders Nordblom
Producer - Josh Carrasquillo
Cinematographer and Editor - Matthew Bouwense
Assistant Editor - Ryan Hagerman
Associate Producer - Tara Plizga
Sound Mixer - Ryan Hagerman
Music Licensing - Musicbed
Music Artists - Luke Atencio, Cowboys in Japan, Chris Coleman
Sound Design - Christian Stropko
Color - Matthew Bouwense

Special Thanks to:

The Upper Peninsula Sled Dog Association
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
Sherri Wolf
Tim "Stinky" Wood
Derek Weaver
Darlene Walch
The Dietzens
Ogden Club
Braincell Camera
Red Digital Cinema Support



Ariela Dorf
Ariela Dorf28.1K views

Brand : Aides
Elodie Labourde / Ophélie Levasseur /Julie Palma
Agency : Strike
CEO/ CCO : Jerome Gonfond
CSO : Pierre Bellefleur
Creative director : Rémi Lascault
Creative director : Francis Pluntz
Strategic planner : Mata Massias
Art director : Alba Menéndez
Art director : Julien Gallopin
Head of Production : Melina Audoux
Production : Voir®️
Director : Ariela Dorf
Producer : Aurélien Drosne
DP ; Victor Seguin
DP’s rep : Cosmic
Focus puller : Florent Tité
2nd AC : Elsa Rivière-Poupon
Video : Ocean Gal
Line producer : Margaux Monneri-Fons
Production coordinator : Simon Durot
Production assistant : Caroline Voccia
In-house Art director : Maxence Houtin
1st AD : Pierre abadie
2nd AD : Steve Berron
Unit Manager : Valentin Achilli
2nd Unit Manager : Romain Deron
Driver : Boris Biaou
Driver : Sebastien Bottary
Runner : Félicien Pinot
Catering :The Chaud Must Go On
Gaffer : Xavier Sentenac
Electrician : Nicolas Sanchez
Electrician : Nicolas Voillequin
Key Grip : Alexandre Chapelard
Grip : Clarence Malaper
Art director : Elise Puzos
Assistant Art director : Livia Lattenzio
Assistant Art director : Emilien Legros
Assistant Art director : Alice Proux
Assistant Art director : Asma Jouini
Stylist : Maud Dupuy
Stylist’s rep : Cosmic
Assistant Stylist : France Hofnung
MUA : Anouk Haïf
MUAH : Clémence Dolmaire
Hair Dresser : Elvire Thout
Editor : Bruno Alves
Colourist : Elie Akoka
Sound Studio : THE
Sound producer : Raphael Fruchard
Music supervisor : Antoine Le Guern
Sound engineer : Thomas Gabriel

Massive thanks to :
Gui Ifanger
Tais Okamura
Luiza Queiroz
Cosmic Agency
Faceoff Casting
The Place To See
Joceane Assunção

Alzheimer’s Society - Dementia is Killing Me - DC

Alzheimer's Society - Dementia is Killing Me - DC

Novemba36.6K views 
Siamo incredibilmente orgogliosi di questo lavoro. Venire a conoscenza della demenza e vedere l'effetto devastante che ha su quasi un milione di famiglie che convivono con essa nel Regno Unito è stato incredibilmente umiliante e straziante. Cerca #curethecaresystem per firmare la petizione che esorta il governo ad aiutare coloro che lottano per prendersi cura dei propri cari con la dignità e il sostegno che meritano.
We’re incredibly proud of this work. Learning about Dementia, and seeing the devastating effect it has on nearly a million families living with it in the UK has been incredibly humbling and heartbreaking.

Search #curethecaresystem to sign the petition urging the government to help those struggling to look after their loved ones with the dignity and support they deserve.

Cast: Kate Dickie, Mark Carlisle

Agency: Engine
Creative Director: Jo Moore
Creatives: Chris da Roza, Hugo Isaacs

Production: Academy Films
Producer: Steve Overs
AD: Micki Colker-Pearlman

Cinematographer: David Foulkes
Focus: Justin McGillivray
Gaffer: Matthew Bohun
Sound Recordist : Emanuele Constantini

Production Designer: Bobbie Cousins
Stylist: Sofia Sacomani
Wardrobe Stylist : Katie McGoldrick

Editor: Stephen Dunne at tenthree
Edit Assistant: Blaine Pearson
Music: Colin Stetson & Sarah Neufeld ‘And Still They Move’
Sound Designer: Alex Bingham & Patch Rowland at Machine
Colourist: Rich Fearon
Post: Black Kite Studios

Are You Still There?

Are You Still There?

Rayka Zehtabchi
Rayka Zehtabchi42.4K views 
La batteria di un'auto scarica lascia Safa bloccata da sola nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale.

A dead car battery leaves Safa stranded alone in a strip mall parking lot.

Directed by Rayka Zehtabchi & Sam Davis
Written by Rayka Zehtabchi & Sam Davis
Produced by Reef Oldberg
Starring Safa Tarifi & Rima Haddad
Shot, edited, sound-designed by Sam Davis
Executive Produced by Derek Tonks & Darren Gealta
Co-Produced by Sarah Bazzi

SXSW Film Festival
Seattle International Film Festival - Special Jury Award for Performance
Clermont Ferrand International Film Festival
Aspen Shorts Fest
Palm Springs Short Fest
Cleveland International Film Festival
Indy Shorts International Film Festival
AFI Fest

Augment Legend

Augment Legend

Norco Bicycles
Norco Bicycles285K views 
Le montagne della North Shore di Vancouver accendono l'immaginazione da decenni: un regno incantato formato dalla natura e scolpito a mano con sentieri di trionfo e sfide. C'è una forza vitale in gioco qui, intrecciata con ogni roccia, radice e traccia. Ti coinvolge e altera la tua percezione dell'impossibile, lasciando un segno innegabile e indelebile.
The mountains of Vancouver’s North Shore have ignited imaginations for decades - an enchanted realm formed by nature and hand sculpted with trails of triumph and confronting challenge.

There is a life force at play here - intertwined with every rock, root and trail relic. It draws you in and alters your perception of the impossible, leaving an undeniable, indelible mark.

Brown Brit

The Romantix 
Brown Brit
The Romantix
The Romantix6,671 views 
Brown Brit segue il viaggio di una donna da un matrimonio combinato nell'India del 1987 alla sua nuova vita in una tenuta comunale nel nord di Londra dove cresce tre figli. Raccontato attraverso autentici filmati d'archivio VHS degli anni '80 e '90 e creato dalla sua famiglia e dai suoi amici (comprese le sue tre figlie), questo film è un tributo alla resilienza di una madre, al suo coraggio nello sfidare le norme sociali e al suo incrollabile impegno nel forgiare la sua vita. proprio destino, sia per se stessa che per le sue figlie.

Brown Brit follows a woman’s journey from an arranged marriage in 1987 India to her new life on a North London council estate raising three children. Told through real archival VHS footage from the 80s and 90s, and created by her family and friends (including her three daughters), this film is a tribute to a mother’s resilience, her bravery in defying societal norms, and her unwavering commitment to forging her own destiny, for both herself and for her daughters.

Directed, Produced & Edited by: The Romantix (Jay Stephen, Ralph Briscoe)
Written by: Ashica Stephen
Narrated by: Deepica Stephen
Music and Sound Design by: TCTS, Baz Kaye
Ft. Vocals from: Shivum Sharma
Director of Photography: Elliott Lowe
Cast: Deepica Stephen, Kimberley Capero, Loussin-Torah Pilikian
Location Scout: Alistair Woolham
Production Assistant: Eilish Briscoe
In Partnership with: Channel 4
Post Production: Time Based Arts
Colourist: Ruth Wardell
VFX Artist: Tom Robinson
Flame / Lead: Ria Shroff
VFX 2D: Daniel Peoples, Liam Doyle, Frankie Foster, Lucy Lawrence
Post Producer: Chris Aliano
Executive Producer - Colour: Dan Kreeger
Special Thanks: Mike Skrgatic, James Allen, Simone Grattarola

Isabella Howell Tagliati

Written & Directed by Isabella Tagliati

Quando la nipote americana di Wanda va a stare con lei nella periferia di Roma, lei cerca di colmare un divario generazionale e soddisfare un desiderio senza risposta di vicinanza prima della fine dell'estate.



Austin Bunn
Austin Bunn3,985 views 
Un allevatore sposato si reca in un campeggio gay nelle Endless Mountains in Pennsylvania per ritrovare il suo amore perduto da tempo e scopre che il passato non ha ancora finito con lui. 

A married dairy farmer travels to a gay campground in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania to find his long lost love -- and discovers the past isn't done with him yet.

Writer/Director: Austin Bunn
Starring: Mark Rowe (Stranger Things, Yellowstone)

Select Festivals Screenings
Cleveland International Film Festival (Cleveland OH) – winner, Best LGBT Short Film Award
Jim Thorpe Film Festival (Jim Thorpe, PA) – winner, Best LGBT Short Film
“Out Here: 3 Films About Rural LGBT Life” (Ithaca NY)
Hillside Campground (New Milford, PA)
DeadCenter Film Festival (Oklahoma City, OK)
South Side Film Festival (Bethlehem, PA)
Berkshire International Film Festival (Great Barrington, MA)
Provincetown Film Festival (Provincetown, MA) – winner, Best Queer Short
OutSouth Queer Film Festival (Durham, NC)
Sidewalk Film Festival (Birmingham, AL)
Palm Springs LGBTQ+ Festival - Festival Favorite
Woodstock Film Festival (NY)
Out on Film (Atlanta, GA)
Santa Fe International Film Festival (NM)
Reeling LGBTQ+ (Chicago)
Annapolis Film Festival (MD)
Grand Valley State University (Grand Rapids, MI)
Seattle Queer Film Festival
Rio LGBTQIA Film Festival (Brazil)


Crown Royal | Sundays At The Triple Nickel

Crown Royal | Sundays At The Triple Nickel

Stept Studios
Stept Studios69.9K views 
Marjorie Eliot ha perso suo figlio una domenica del 1992. Da allora, ha organizzato una festa jazz domenicale settimanale nel suo salotto, nel quartiere Sugar Hill di Harlem, nel tentativo di creare una celebrazione come tributo a suo figlio.

Marjorie Eliot lost her son on a Sunday in 1992. Since then, she has hosted a weekly Sunday jazz party in her living room, in the Sugar Hill section of Harlem, in an effort to create celebration as a tribute to her son.

This weekly concert is open to the community and anyone who wants to attend.

A film by Jess Colquhoun
Supported by Crown Royal --

The Debutante

The Debutante

Animate Projects
Animate Projects111K views 
Una giovane donna vivace convince una iena dello zoo di Londra a prendere il suo posto durante una cena danzante organizzata in suo onore. Il loro piano richiede una sorprendente quantità di abilità artistica e violenza. Basato su una storia dell'artista Leonora Carrington, Elizabeth Hobbs celebra la sua sorprendente storia con pittura e collage.

A spirited young woman persuades a hyena from London Zoo to take her place at a dinner dance held in her honour. Their plan requires a surprising amount of artistry and violence. Based on a story by artist Leonora Carrington, Elizabeth Hobbs celebrates her startling tale with paint and collage.

The Debutante is a film by Elizabeth Hobbs, produced by Animate Projects, with the support of the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery, and with thanks to the Estate of Leonora Carrington.

The Do It Up Date

The Do It Up Date - Narrative 
The Do It Up Date
Andrew Barchilon
Andrew Barchilon51.7K views 
Kip e Shayla si preparano per un bell'appuntamento che alla fine del film si rivela un bel momento.

Dry Out
Dry Out
Christian Stangl
 viewsLa vita ha bisogno di acqua. Ma questo fluido tende col tempo ad evaporare allo stato gassoso. L'essiccazione è un processo chimico che richiede ore, giorni o addirittura settimane. Senza abbastanza acqua il metabolismo degli organismi si ferma. Utilizzando fotocamere ad alta risoluzione con obiettivi macro o il microscopio, ho filmato più di cento sequenze di vari motivi organici che si stavano seccando. L'estetica visiva e la drammaticità di queste trasformazioni mi hanno affascinato. Ecco perché ho cercato le scene e i momenti migliori per creare questo cortometraggio.
 Nessun animale non microbico è stato maltrattato in questo video.

Life needs water. But this fluid tends to evaporate over time into a gaseous state.
Drying out is a chemical process that takes hours, days or even weeks.
Without enough water the organisms metabolism is stopping.

Using high resolution cameras with macro-lenses or the microscope, i timelapsed more than hundred sequences of various organic motives which were drying out.

The visual aesthetics and drama of these transformations captivated me.
That's why I searched for the best scenes and moments to create this Shortfilm.

A film by Christian Stangl

Music composed by my brother Wolfgang aka meercrob.

Vocals by Alexandra Grandl

Timelapse-Software Development: Mario Zeller

Produced in 4K UHD

Soundtrack available at

Selection of still-frames:

No non-microbial animals were harmed in this video.

The New Yorker 
The New Yorker
Ben Wolin and Michael Minahan’s documentary short follows Daniel Kish, who uses clicks and echos to listen his way through the world.
Il cortometraggio documentario di Ben Wolin e Michael Minahan segue Daniel Kish, che usa clic ed echi per farsi strada attraverso il mondo.

The story behind the film:

The Empty Seat - Paralympic Team Belgium

Milo Blake 
The Empty Seat - Paralympic Team Belgium
Milo Blake
Milo Blake2,422 view 
Production company: Being and Spindle films
Director: Milo Blake
Executive producers: Yannick Verdonck, Thomas Cassiers
Producer: Sarah Rastelli
1st AD: Laurent Bousse
DOP: Sander Vandenbroucke
1st AC: Boris Godfroid
2nd AC: Jokke De Roo
Gaffer: Rayan Imoula
Best Boy: Simon Verjus
Grip: Patrick Otten, Lester Otten
Art Director: Aaron De Keyzer
Editor: Tim Swaby
Grading: Thomas Mangham @ Black Kite
Sound Design & Music composition (director) : Martin Leitner @ SoundsGood Audio
Creative & Strategic Director: @odinsaille
Creative director: @rubenvanm @jvangysel
Creative: @irisnuyts @simonpyson
FR copywriter: @postillon88
Client director: @innietran
Client manager: @shiqiji
Producer: @robinmosch
Design director: @sterk_water
Designer: @davy_dooms @joris_hechtermans @bxbvba

Emulate - Okay Kaya

 Pastello blu cosmico + carboncino su carta varia Emulate è un'esplorazione delle emozioni e della dualità umane e di come si integrano nell'esperienza umana soggettiva. Volevo esplorare questi concetti da una prospettiva universale e onnicomprensiva e creare illustrazioni in movimento che mantenessero una certa ambiguità visiva, in modo che gli spettatori potessero associare le proprie emozioni ed esperienze alle sequenze. Durante la mia ricerca sulla dualità ho scoperto che nelle scale più piccole di energia e materia nell'universo esiste la teoria della dualità onda-particella, che è diventata il concetto visivo centrale del video. Si ipotizza che la materia singolare ai suoi livelli subatomici e persino atomici, non esista solo in particelle, ma anche simultaneamente come onde. Come ha affermato Albert Einstein: “Sembra che dobbiamo usare a volte l’una teoria e a volte l’altra, mentre a volte possiamo usare entrambe. Ci troviamo di fronte a un nuovo tipo di difficoltà. Abbiamo due immagini contraddittorie della realtà; separatamente nessuno dei due spiega pienamente i fenomeni della luce, ma insieme lo fanno.
 Cosmic blue pastel + charcoal on miscellaneous paper

Emulate is an exploration of human emotion and duality and how they integrate into the subjective human experience. I wanted to explore these concepts from an overarching universal perspective, and create moving illustrations that maintained some visual ambiguity, so that the viewers could attach their own emotions and experiences to the sequences.
During my research into duality I discovered that within the smallest scales of energy and matter in the universe, there exists the theory of wave-particle duality, which became the core visual concept of the video. It hypothesizes that singular matter at its sub-atomic and even atomic levels, not only exist in particles, but also simultaneously as waves. As Albert Einstein put it, “It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do.”

Ezra Collective ft Yazmin Lacey - GOD GAVE ME FEET FOR DANCING

Tajana Tokyo 
Ezra Collective ft Yazmin Lacey - GOD GAVE ME FEET FOR DANCING
Tajana Tokyo
Tajana Tokyo559 views

Director @tajanatokyo
Artist @ezracollective ft. @yazminlacey
Production Company @somesuchandco
Co-Founder @sallyc70 & @timmynasher
Executive Producer @lansylamblegs
Head of Production Georgina Fillmore
Music Rep @mrandrereid / REPmedia

Choreographers & dancers @kikzkatika & @itsmichelezan

Producer @ayo_alli_
Production Manager @graesgrant
Production Assistant @ogwat
1st AD @matt._.turner

DOP @Charlie_knight_
1st AC Michael Hannides
2nd AC @nickmilligan96

Sound Design @stuartcharlessound

Gaffer @monty_lightz
Key Grip @eaglegrips_

Location Manager j_a_m_i_e_s_o_n
Stylist @adewinterz
Artist Stylist @connsgaffe
HMU @Ayopoabiri

Edit House @cabinedit
Edit Producer @jgdawson_
Editor @amber.saunders_

VFX @coffeetvstudiocolour
Colorist Steff Perry

Grade House @company_3
Grade Producer @chrisanthonyproducer

Record Label @partisanrecords

Catering @youngskitchen_
Unit base @romfordrc
Lighting equipment supplied by
Camera equipment supplied by @panavisionofficial
Title Design
Video Commissioner @jakecrossland_
Videographer / BTS @temiadegbayibi
Management Amy Frenchum
Accounts @everythingamyb & Brian Mullen
Trainee @alexandra.brannan
Runner @teonorthwest & @its_ashleyyy._
Electrician @charlie25191 & @rebecca_maskellmj
HMU assistant @chudesasha

Garmin - Wherever You Want to Go

Garmin - Wherever You Want to Go

Wondercamp1,146 views
 Quando stai cercando di entrare in un nuovo settore, può sembrare scoraggiante senza un corpo di lavoro preesistente. Abbiamo creato questo annuncio delle specifiche per Garmin e i suoi computer da bicicletta incentrato sulla libertà di "andare dove vuoi". Per noi, questo pezzo rappresenta la gioia nel creare qualcosa per divertimento, sfidando la nostra competenza tecnica e facendo un passo avanti verso nuove possibilità.
When you're looking to break into a new industry, it can feel daunting without a pre-existing body of work. We created this spec ad for Garmin and their bike computers around the freedom of "going wherever you want to go". For us, this piece represents the joy in creating something for fun, challenging our technical expertise, and taking a step forward into new possibilities.

Production Company: Wondercamp
Director: Tim Kressin
Executive Producer: Davis Goslin
Producer: Katie Graham
Cinematographer: Greg Balkin
Editors: Tim Kressin, Makenna Wall
Nata Metlukh 
GIFs (season 5)
Nata Metlukh
una raccolta delle ultime gif

Gabriele Calvi
Le nostre abitudini spesso definiscono noi stessi. Ecco una raccolta di quelli cattivi (vero?). Animazioni e musiche di Gabriele Calvi ©2024

The Hand Of India

The Hand Of India - spirituality 
The Hand Of India
Simon Mulvaney
Simon Mulvaney91.4K views 
Al culmine della Guerra Fredda, in mezzo alle crescenti tensioni tra Stati Uniti e Russia, il primo ministro indiano Indira Gandhi si recò a Washington D.C. per tenere un discorso pragmatico sui temi della comunicazione, della comprensione e dell’amicizia. 35 anni dopo, con la crescente polarizzazione in tutto il mondo, il suo messaggio semplice ma elegante non è mai stato così rilevante. Tuttavia, è in India che il messaggio di Indira Gandhi risulta ancora più vero; riuscendo in qualche modo a dare un senso a una società seducente e meravigliosamente caotica, con una ricca reputazione di fonte di ispirazione per gruppi di visitatori occidentali. Girato durante un viaggio con lo zaino in spalla di due mesi, con un'attrezzatura fotografica minima, questo è il mio tentativo di comunicare la bellezza del paese natale di Indira, insieme ai temi risonanti che ha toccato tanti anni fa. Per tutto ciò che insegni al mondo, grazie India.

At the height of the Cold War, amidst growing tensions between the US and Russia, Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi traveled to Washington D.C to deliver a pragmatic speech on the subjects of communication, understanding and friendship.

35 years later, with increasing polarisation around the globe, her simple yet elegant message has never felt so relevant.

However, it is in India, where Indira Gandhi's message still rings most true; somehow managing to make sense of a beguiling and beautifully chaotic society, with a rich reputation of inspiring swathes of Western visitors.

Shot during a two month backpacking trip, with minimal camera equipment, this is my attempt to communicate the beauty of Indira's home country, along with the resonating themes she touched upon all those years ago.

For everything you teach the World, thank you India.

Shot, cut and directed by Simon Mulvaney

Words by Indira Gandhi

Music: 'Primavera' by Ludovico Einaudi

Hemant Devara

Hemant Devara
Morni Gertner

Sony A7sii
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 lens
Tiffen VND
Glidecam 2000HD
DJI Mavic Pro
MacBook Pro 2015
Adobe Premiere Pro CC

HANHAE - I GO (아이구)

HANHAE - I GO (아이구)

a Film by KOINRUSH

Director : SUIKO (@suiko_)
Animator : GGOOKIM (@ggookim), Hyntaek Jo (@oddeye_bs). Hyomin Park (@daer_mypink)


 IARA è ora disponibile su @britishvogue, davvero orgoglioso di questo progetto che ho girato un anno fa a Brasilandia, San Paolo, Brasile, con il team più talentuoso e adorabile. Grazie mille per tutti coloro che sono stati coinvolti e che hanno reso tutto ciò possibile

IARA out now on @britishvogue, really proud of this project I shot one year ago in Brasilandia, São Paulo, Brazil, with the most talented and lovely team. Thank you so much for everyone involved and that made this possible

Directed by Florian Joahn Co-created with Rodrigo Inada
Cinematography Rodrigo Inada
Production Design Eduarda Delcueto
Styling Jean Paul Paula
Hair & makeup
Music by @Linndaquebrada @RVincenzo
3D designer @rodrigodcar @Niyeezzy2.0

Co-created with Rodrigo Inada, @JeanPaulPaula, @D3lcu, @Travest.Lara, @Petelecoteamo, @Brasilandia.Co and @Yanhiga

Featuring: @anddywilliams , André Rosa Smith, Athena Garcia, Caio Campos Fausto, Eric Oliveira, Fernando Costa, Gabriel Felipe Antonio Silva, Gabriel Marley, Guilherme Iago, Pereira de Lima, Helena Araújo, Iara Martinhos, Iohana Martinhos, Kelton Campos Fausto, Kleber Kelço, Apparecido da Silva, @larissacemiterio , Marlene Conceição Campos, Matheus Müller, Natasha Princess, Nvssor, Pedro Henrique de Freitas, Aquino, Ronaldo Basílio da Silva, Stephany Francielle, Thalyson Castro de Sousa, @vstravinsky, Vitor Alves.

HMUA @chicasintetaz
2AC @enzovieira @aaronysaiki
special thanks to @shoyama
SFX martão/carrasco
colorgrading @millchannel

Improv (1)

Improv (1) - hand-drawn 
Improv (1)
Lewis Heriz
Lewis HerizUna serie di forme astratte improvvisate si trasformano e si spostano - a volte meccanicamente, a volte oniricamente - come se fossero parte di un tutto ritmico. Animazione e design del suono di Lewis Heriz Questo è il primo di una serie di schizzi nati come una sfida personale di animazione settimanale su Instagram. (

A series of improvised abstract forms morph and shift - sometimes mechanically, sometimes oneirically - as if part of a rhythmic whole.

Animation & Sound Design by Lewis Heriz

This is the first in a series of sketches which began life as a personal weekly animation challenge on Instagram. ( )

Let This Feeling Go | Andrew De Zen

Let This Feeling Go | Andrew De Zen
Trust359 views

A young woman primed to explode finally lets herself loose.

Una giovane donna pronta ad esplodere finalmente lasciarsi andare.

License footage from the film here:
Written & Directed by: Andrew De Zen
Produced by: Boldly
Producers: Shelby Manton, John Scarth, Andrew De Zen
Executive Producers: Trust, Stept Studios, Shelby Manton, Geoff Manton, Kristoff Duxbury, Sebastien Galina
Starring: Naika Toussaint
Featuring: Alexander Soto and Cole George
Casting Directors: Kris & Kara Casting
Director of Photography: Cole Graham
Production Designer: Gabrielle D’Errico
Hair & Makeup Artist: Jessica De Palma
Stylist: Nina Cheb-Terrab
Editor: Michael Barker
Editorial: Outsider Editorial
Colourist: Sam Gilling
Sound Design & Mix: Nikolay Antonov
Composer: Ben Fox
Music Supervisor: Cody Partridge
Recording Studio: Koko Productions
Recording Engineer: Murray Price
Title Designer: Suah Cho

Written and Performed by Nina Simone
Courtesy of Universal Music Canada and Warner Chappell Music Publishing

Shot on Kodak 65mm Film.

Macgray - Haunted
 Macgray - Haunted

Aline MAGREZ369 views

“Haunted” – Macgray ℗ 2024 Macgray © 2024 Macgray

Composition, Piano, Synths, Production: Macgray

Mastering: Incidence Studio

Video :

Written and Directed by Aline Magrez

Produced by Atopos and Miles Tv

With Malou Mullier, Ivan Gajnok and Samuel Malerbe Deram

Line Producer : Bertrand Conard

Production Assistant : Joachim Wéry

1st Assistant Director : Yann Wauters

Director of Photography : Julien Ramirez Hernan

1st AC : Léo Maleck

2nd AC : Céline Sanz

Gaffer : Jérémy Bourgois

Electricians : Thomas Von Buxhoeveden, Johan Boucher, Thaïs Play David, Nathaniel

Dahan, Angel Paredes

Chief Machinist : Bastien Quitté

Costume Designer : Sybille Langh

Costume Assistant : Violette Rodrigues

Production Designer : Justine Dely

Art Assistant : Léo Rolland

Make up Artist : Grégory Joncret

Location manager : Hugo Giangiulio

Editing : Aline Magrez

Colorist : Julien Ramirez Hernan

Extras : Sonia Tchoubaev, Florentin Mullier, Martin Paque, Romain Cassiers, Matisse Benedetto, Benoit Mullier, Bénédicte Mullier, Vincent Mathieu, Nasser Sabil, Rose Dubois, Theo Lanau, Anna Bogdanova, Maëlle Paternotte, Nela Siatidis, Morgana Fung

Special Thanks to La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles et le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel, François Bertholet for his church, la commune de Sombreffe, Bowling Delva and Lillo Miraglia, Snack Amarena and Vanessa Diolosa, Florent Kirkpatrick, Frédéric Goffaut, TSF, Citizen Ciné, Wrong Men, BCOH, Françoise Vanneste, Milo Conard, Paul Magrez et Brigitte Cantinieaux.


georgia fu
georgia fu56.7K views 
Una giovane festaiola taiwanese torna a casa dall'estero per cercare di dire addio al padre poco comunicativo prima che inizi a scontare una pena in prigione.

A young Taiwanese party girl comes home from living abroad, to try to say goodbye to her uncommunicative father before he has to start serving time in prison.

Ambrose Liao 廖雅珺 as "Jane"
Kuo-Chu Chang 張國柱 as "Dad"

written + directed by | Georgia Fu
producer | Yi-Lan Ma
director of photography | Anand Kishore
editors | Imran J Khan + Georgia Fu

music |
"goth girls"
"space raider"
"california goths"
"mickey mouse"
"intro goth"

"heart of chambers"

special thanks to our music supervisor TINA CHEN

New Orleans Film Festival | Jury Award for "Best Narrative Short"
Whistler International Film Festival | “Best International Short Film”
Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival | "Linda Mabalot New Directors/New Visions Award"
Hollyshorts | "Best Editing" Award
Athens International Film Festival
New Filmmakers Film Festival
Taiwanese American Film Festival | "The Cultural Spotlight Award”
Los Angeles Chinese Film Festival | “Up and Coming Award”
North American Chinese Directors Short Film Tour

MTL PINBALL - flipper 
OELHAN - Jordan Coelho
OELHAN - Jordan Coelho

MTL PINBALL is a collaboration project from Montréal based talents. Each artist was asked to design and animate a PINBALL with his style and universe. We had the desire to play together instead of just working together. 

 MTL PINBALL è un progetto di collaborazione di talenti con sede a Montréal. Ad ogni artista è stato chiesto di progettare e animare un PINBALL con il suo stile e il suo universo. Avevamo il desiderio di suonare insieme invece di limitarci a lavorare insieme.

Jordan Coelho - Josselin Bey

Montell Fish "Is It A Crime?" (Official Music Video)

jared hogan
jared hogan


Carol Nguyen 
Carol Nguyen
Carol Nguyen3,725 views 
na·nit·ic / aggettivo: "La prima covata di formiche operaie prodotta da una formica regina utilizzando solo la nutrizione riservata nel suo corpo. I nanitici si assumono il destino iniziale della colonia e sono spesso denutriti a causa delle condizioni di costruzione della colonia. Quindi , i nanitici possono essere di dimensioni più piccole rispetto alle formiche operaie successive per ottimizzare la sopravvivenza del gruppo..." — Ma cosa succede alla colonia quando la regina muore? Trang, 9 anni, inizia a uscire dall'oblio mentre sua zia Ut si prende cura della nonna, che giace sul letto di morte nel soggiorno. Come può un solo corpo occupare così tanto spazio? Cosa succederà quando la nonna se ne sarà andata?

na·nit·ic / adjective: "The first brood of worker ants produced by a queen ant using only the reserved nutrition in her body. Nanitics shoulder the initial fate of the colony and are often underfed due to the conditions in colony building. Thus, nanitics may be smaller in size from later workers ants to optimize the survival of the group..." — But what happens to the colony when the queen dies? 9 year-old Trang starts to shift out of oblivion as her aunt Ut tends to Grandma, who lies in her deathbed in the living room. How can a single body occupy so much space? What will happen when Grandma is gone?

Starring : Kylie Le, Ly Pham & Van Pham
Written & directed by : Carol Nguyen
Produced by : Marie Lytwynuk & Carol Nguyen
Line Producer : Louis-Emmanuel Gangé-Brochu
Cinematographer : Alexandre Nour-Desjardins
Art Director : Estelle Tang
Sound Designer : Giulio Trejo-Martinez
Music : Arie Van de Ven
Editor : Carol Nguyen
Colourist : William Albu

50+ Festivals and awards including:
Toronto International Film Festival — Official Selection 2022 *IMDbPro Share Her Journey Short Cuts Award
Berlinale Generation Kplus, Germany — Official Selection 2022
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen — Official Selection 2023
Aspen Shortfest — Official Selection 2023
TIFF Canada's Top Ten — Official Selection 2023
(Learn more :


Carol Nguyen is a Vietnamese Canadian filmmaker, born and raised in Toronto, now based in Montreal. Her films often explore the subjects of cultural identity, silence and memory. Her newest film "Nanitic" (2022) premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and was selected for Berlinale Generation Kplus 2023. Her previous film “No Crying at the Dinner Table” (2019) also screened at TIFF alongside IDFA, where she was additionally invited as the Opening Night speaker. In 2020, “No Crying” received the Jury Prize for Short Documentary at South by Southwest (SXSW). Carol is a 2018 Sundance Ignite fellow and a TIFF Share Her Journey ambassador. Recently, her project “The Visitors” was selected for the IDFA Project Space 2022, a development lab for first and second-time directors. Today, Carol is writing and directing several projects, including two feature films.

Follow Carol Nguyen:


Distribution & International Sales : Travelling, les films qui voyagent / Attn : Tam Dan Vu /

NBA Top Shot “Superfans”
Conor Byrne 
NBA Top Shot "Superfans"

Conor Byrne
Conor Byrne27.4K views

Directed by Conor Byrne
Produced by Tyler Byrne
Director of Photography: Andrij Parekh
Production Designer: Mark Newell
Costumes: Miyako Bellizzi
Editor: Craig Deardorff
Agency: Party Land

Norm Li, csc 
Nike “Awaken Your Madness”
Norm Li, csc
Norm Li, csc

Odezenne - Bébé (Official Music Video)

Laura Jayne 
Odezenne - Bébé (Official Music Video)
Laura Jayne
Laura Jayne39.8K views

Official music video for 'Bébé' by Odezenne.

A girl can't stop taking advantage of the free wine at her boyfs exhibition.


Animation: Laura Jayne Hodkin
Colouring: Gary Hercus
Production: Alix Caillet


Outdoor Seating

 Non è un'avventura se non ti affezioni.

It's not an adventure if you don't get attached.

Director's Notes Premiere

// Credits //
CHLOE TROAST - @chloe_troast
RYAN LEADER - @ryantheleader
COURTNEY O’DONNELL - @courtneyodennell
SCOTT FISH - @scottfishscottfish
Written and Directed by William Kenton - @wilfer.pilfer
Produced by Sam Blumenfeld - @samblumenfeld15
Cullen McMillian @qqqwwwee
Edited by Steven Raia - @stevenraia
Director of Photography Alex Wohlin - @alexwohlin
Composer Ali Helnwein - @alihelnwein
Production Design Emeline Platt
Drummer - Zach Pockrose
Bass - Will Braithwaite
Assistant Director - Christopher San Pedro
Production Assistant - Jake Gershenson
B Cam Operator - Russell Katz
1st Assistant Camera - Lily Mars, Kaya Tone
Title Design Ian Wooster - @ian.wooster
Production Sound Pete Christmann @jetpackpete
Boom Operator - Rhea Li
Post Sound Brandon Jiaconia
Color Alissa Yong
Credit Song "All Skaters Go To Heaven" by IAN SWEET
Executive Produced by Jon Kenton, William Kenton

The Perfect Lap

The Perfect Lap
Sabertooth.co49.9K views 
Cosa succede quando assapori la perfezione? È l'anno 2063, il leggendario mountain biker Matty Miles è rimasto in isolamento per 43 anni dopo aver completato "The Perfect Lap". Uno sguardo rievocativo all'anno 2020 e all'età d'oro della mountain bike.

What happens when you taste perfection? It’s the year 2063, legendary mountain biker Matty Miles has been in self isolation for 43 years after completing “The Perfect Lap.” A reminiscent look back at the year 2020 and the Golden Age of mountain biking.

Client: Specialized

Agency: Sabertooth Pictures

Production: Sabertooth and Boldly

Creative Directors: Ian Schiller, Dustin Cook

Producers: Geoff Manton, Ian Schiller, Dustin Cook

Directors: Robjn Taylor and Sabertooth

Director of Photography: Harrison Mendel
Cinematography/Drone: Liam Mullany
Writers: Ian Schiller, Dustin Cook

Production Manager: Mack Stannard

Harookz - Himself
Matthew Miles - Himself
Matty Hunter - Himself
Jaleese Green - Director

Acting Coach: Chris Marquette

Special Effects & Prosthetics: Vancouver FX, Dallas Harvey FX

Makeup Artists: Alisha Schmitt, Jordane Vrba

Production Designer: Matt Prior

Still Photographer: Harookz
Additional Drone Photography: Lucas Stemler

Trail Builders: Landmark Trailworks, Ron Penny, Eric Rico Simmons, Brad Stuart

Post Production: Cycle Media
Editor: Matthew Griffiths
Visual Effects: Peter Debay
Additional Visual Effects: Olek Lyzwanski

Colourist: Sam Gilling

Title Design: Luke Beemer

Original Score: Harald Boyesen
Sound Design & Mix: Will Storkson

Special Thank You
Ross Thompson
Brad Plowe
Riley Dayne

La Pista

La Pista

The Pulse Within

The Pulse Within

Vallée Duhamel
Vallée Duhamel3,230 views
 Cortometraggio, 2024 Presentato in anteprima al Tribeca Festival come parte del “programma AI Shorts” Sarah si libera dai confini della sua esistenza mondana, scavando nelle profondità della sua immaginazione. Attraverso esperienze surreali e momenti introspettivi, la sua realtà trascende in un regno dove la creatività non conosce limiti. Utilizzando la danza come mezzo, intraprende un viaggio permettendo alla sua immaginazione di modellare la sua realtà.

Short film, 2024
Premiered at Tribeca Festival as part of the “AI Shorts program”

Sarah breaks free from the confines of her mundane existence, delving into the depths of her imagination. Through surreal experiences and introspective moments, her reality transcends into a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Utilizing dance as a medium, she embarks on a journey allowing her imagination to shape her reality.

Directed by Vallée Duhamel
Featuring: Lauri-Ann Lauzon
D.O.P. Antoine Ryan
Camera operator: Austin Grass
1st AC: Mathilde Lytwynuk

Styling: Tinashe Musara
H&M: Miles Petrella

Produced by Sailor Productions
Produced by Runway Studio
Commissioner: Héctor Ayuso

Executive producer: Mathieu Dumont
Head of production: Joelle Raymond
Production manager: Martin Couture
Gaffer: Mathieu LeFrancois
Key grip: Maxime Latraverse

Edit & AI operator: Julien Vallée
CGI & VFX (space & explosion scene): Mr. & Pipe Camara
CGI (Fred characters floating scene): Vincent Ghiotti
Color grading: Simon BoisX @ Arketype
Music: Nick Chotkowski Parallel People Collective
Sound: Daniele Devirgilio Parallel People Collective

Special thanks Christian Bach, Mathieu Arivisais, Frederick Ross, Psyop, Mels Studios

Alex Bliss 
A Real, Sexual Relationship
Alex Bliss
Alex Bliss57.1K views

On their anniversary, a spontaneous sex-tape forces a 30-something couple to confront dormant issues in their relationship.

 On their anniversary, a spontaneous sex-tape forces a 30-something couple to confront dormant issues in their relationship.

Directed by Alex Bliss
Written by Alex Bliss, Edy Modica, and Eric Rahill
Starring Edy Modica, Eric Rahill and Eric Yates
Produced by Sarah Wilson and Rory Pfotenhauer
Edited by Rory Pfotenhauer
Original Score by Simon Hanes
Color by Luca Balser
Costume Design by Yafi Hoch
Sound by Jinho Myung and Boris Krichevsky
Assistant Camera by Ben Gordon
Music Supervision by Nargis Sheerazie
Post Mix and Foley by R. Hollis Smith
Additional Music by Emma Frank

Right Place Wrong Tim by Eros Vlahos

Right Place Wrong Tim by Eros Vlahos

RANDOM ACTS51.8K views 
Right Place, Wrong Tim segue la famiglia Bell, una dinastia di orologiai che gestisce il famigerato negozio di orologi "Hells Bells" di Dagenham, nella commedia di maggior successo di Channel 4 ambientata nell'Essex dai tempi di Jamie's School Lunchs. Durante una registrazione dal vivo di routine, il cast degli attori viene improvvisamente deragliato dall'ingresso di un clone di Tim.
 Right Place, Wrong Tim follows the Bell family, a dynasty of clockmakers who run Dagenham’s infamous ‘Hells Bells’ clock shop, in Channel 4’s most successful Essex-set comedy since Jamie’s School Dinners. During a routine live taping, the cast of thespians are suddenly derailed by the entrance of a clone of Tim.


Bee Grandinetti
[AVVERTIMENTO ATTIVO: aborto] Romina racconta la storia vera di una ragazza di 14 anni che affronta una gravidanza non pianificata in uno stato degli USA dove l'aborto è vietato. Nonostante le barriere legali, una comunità si stringe intorno a lei, assicurandole di poter accedere all’aborto che desiderava.


Written & Directed By
Paola Mendoza

Produced By
Becky Morrison
Paola Mendoza
Katie Maguire

Director of Animation
Bee Grandinetti

Executive Producer
Jess Jacobs
Monika Parekh

Alexandra Lund
Mélanie Gohin
Bee Grandinetti
Daria Skripka
Hilda Motion
Gabriela C Diniz
Magali Garcia
Salla Lehmus
Maria Eugênia Cruz
Ryan Bird
Angie Phillips
Ilse Meijer
Jasper Hilgers
Kyle Martinez
Julia Krummenacher
Nicola Jane Francis
Giulia Martinelli
Falko Gentrup
Jamie Kendall
Karolin Chen
Peter Cobo
Usiel Bautista Gonzalez
Line Hagsand
Kruthi Hindupur
Lalita Lupina
Lena Zagora


Storyboard and animatic
Bee Grandinetti

Bee Grandinetti

Design Assistance
Daria Skripka
Rodrigo Ramos
Sonya Filimonova

Bee Grandinetti

Compositing Assistance
Collin Leix
Jasper Hilgers
Mathijs Luijten
Tyler Morgan


Sound Design & Sound Mix
Brian Langman

Mila Agulles Castro

Paola Mendoza

SCOTLAND in motion

SCOTLAND in motion
Casper Rolsted
Casper Rolsted33.7K views 
Vivi un bellissimo viaggio in timelapse attraverso i meravigliosi paesaggi della Scozia. In questo film sulle Highlands scozzesi vivrai luoghi come Glencoe, The Storr, Quiraing, Fairy Pools e molti altri luoghi sull'isola di Skye. Gli scatti sono realizzati a maggio 2019 dove ho avuto il piacere di viaggiare per due settimane in giro per le Highlands scozzesi. Ho avuto il piacere di vivere la spettacolare Isola di Skye con l'alba allo Storr, una lunga camminata e tanta nebbia al Quiraing e le bellissime Fairy Pools. A Glencoe ho sperimentato i laghi Glencoe Lochan e Lochan Urr, Glen Etive con l'incredibile acqua ferma, ho fatto un'interessante e impegnativa scalata sulla cima del Ben Nevis, che è la montagna più alta del Regno Unito e infine ho fatto un timelapse sul viadotto Glenfinnan con il vapore treno conosciuto da Harry Potter. Grazie per aver guardato. Non esitate a mettere mi piace, commentare, condividere e ovviamente iscrivervi al mio canale.

Experience a beautiful timelapse journey through the amazing landscapes of Scotland.

In this film about the Scottish Highlands you will experience places like Glencoe, The Storr, Quiraing, Fairy Pools and many other places on the Isle of Skye.

The shots are made in May 2019 where I had the pleasure to travel around the Scottish Highlands for two weeks. I had the pleasure to experience the spectacular Isle of Skye with a sunrise at the Storr, a long hike and lot of mist at the Quiraing and the beautiful Fairy Pools. In Glencoe I experienced the lakes Glencoe Lochan and Lochan Urr, Glen Etive with amazing still water, had an interesting and demanding climb to the top of Ben Nevis which is the highest mountain in UK and finally made a timelapse at the Glenfinnan Viaduct with the steam train known from Harry Potter.

Thank you for watching. Don’t hesitate to like, comment, share and of course subscribe to my channel.

Photographer, Editor and Sound Designer: Casper Rolsted

WEBSITES - Business Website - Timelapse, VFX and Film Production - Business Website (Danish) - Construction and Long Term Timelapse - Learn about natural silence


Music: Peter Nanasi

0:00 Eilean Donan Castle. Shot at sunrise. The rising and falling tide reveals that the water here is connected to the sea.
0:14 The Storr. View over the Isle of Skye.
0:18 Elgol. View to the mountains from the harbour.
0:23 Quiraing. The wind-blasted tree is a particular favourite of photographers.
0:28 Quiraing. The walk is a 7 km circuit with an ascent of 374 meters. Allow approximately 3 - 4 hours for this hike.
0:32 The Fairy Glen. The Fairy Glen is one of the Isle of Skye's most enchanting attractions. It is a delightful miniature landscape of grassy, cone-shaped hills.
0:37 Ben Nevis. The view from half way to the top. The trip to the top and back is 17 km and takes 7 to 9 hours. There is 1352 metres of ascent. Be very careful in misty weather and bring a map since the route is not very clearly marked.
0:42 Quiraing. Misty weather is not unusually in the Highlands.
1:05 Fairy Pools. Beautiful rock pools of crystal clear spring water fed by a series of waterfalls from the Cuillin Mountains.
1:15 The Storr. Sunrise from the top with view over the Isle of Skye and to the Old Man of Storr.
1:28 The Storr. The view after a short walk towards the top. The round trip is about 4.5km and 288 metres of ascent. It takes about 2 hours to walk.
1:37 Buachaille Etive Mòr. Pyramidal formed mountain at the head of Glen Etive. Shot in the morning from the Buachaille Etive Mòr Waterfalls.
1:41 Glencoe Lochan. Beautiful waymarked trails through ornamental woodland. The picturesque and serene woods contrasts with the wild and dramatic mountains.
1:45 Kilchurn Castle. The castle which today is a ruined structure was constructed in the mid-15th century. It is open to the public in summer.
1:50 Lochan Urr, Glen Etive. Beautiful small loch. The two mountains in the background are Buachaille Etive Mor and Buachaille Etive Beag.
1:58 Skyfall scene. This location is know from the James Bond movie Skyfall (2012). But instead of shooting towards Loch Etive I have made this timelapse towards south.
2:07 Mountains at Loch Lochy
2:12 Mountains at Lochan na h-Achlaise
2:16 Glenfinnan Viaduct. The viaduct is features in several of the Harry Potter movies.
2:25 Portree. The capital town on the Isle of Skye. I have here shot the rising tide which is over 3 meters.
2:33 Eilean Donan Castle. The same castle as the first shot in the film. Here it is shot at sunset from the hill.

Sony A6300 Mirrorless Digital Camera Body
Samyang 12mm f/2.0 NCS CS lens
Samyang 21mm F1.4 ED AS UMC CS lens
Samyang 50mm F1.2 AS UMC CS lens
Samyang 100mm F2.8 ED UMC MACRO lens
Carl-Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* E 16-70mm f/4 ZA OSS
Edelkrone SliderPLUS Medium with Action & Target Module
Digislider 2 Axis Auto-Pan Video, Time Lapse & Stop Motion Camera Slider


Sex Sells


I.ACTION.U 블록프로모

TAKT - Thank You

TAKT - Thank You
Bacon62.1K views

Director: Bine Bach

Production Company: Bacon

Executive Producer: Mette Jermiin

Producer: Oliver Kornberg Sand

DOP: Jonas Blond

Production Manager: Nana Rothenborg

Focus Puller: Asger Borberg

Gaffer: Jens Lund @ Gaffers

Electrician: Martin Dahl Andersen

Set Designer: Rikke Tvilum

Props Master: Frederikke Jermiin

Stylist: Melissa Orndorff

Runner: Felix Bjerre

Post Producer: Louise Ryge

Editor: Jasmin Falk-Jensen

Composer: Mads Bergland

Sound Designer: Mads Bergland

Colorist: Hannibal Lang / BaconX

Composite: Kai Hauswirth / BaconX

Creative Concept: Bacon & Reklamelinjen

PR: Lasse Cato


Blue Road Surf Film 
Blue Road Surf Film
Blue Road Surf Film44.2K views

production / Verein Blue Road @blueroadsurffilm

director & script / Alena Ehrenbold @alenaehrenbold

camera & editing / Yohann Strullu

surfer / Robin Goffinet @robsurfboards

music / Tom Frager @tomfrager, Vincent Le Faou @lf.vincent & Tudi Le Nedic @jeantudi

mixing / Henry Puizillout

sound design / Tudi Le Nedic @jeantudi

graphic design / Félix Compère

translation / Anna Unternährer @annaunt

all rights reserved by Verein Blue Road

supported by Corona & Swisscom

Terra Incognita

Terra Incognita
IKKI FILMS105K view 
Terra Incognita segue la vita su un'isola misteriosa, abitata da esseri immortali. Questi esseri conducono una vita pre-civilizzata dimenticata dal tempo, trascorrendo i loro interminabili giorni in un letargo edonistico. Attraverso vignette aneddotiche, il film racconta la storia di ciò che accade quando questi esseri vengono visitati dal mondo esterno e se c'è o meno un significato più grande in tutto ciò.
Terra Incognita follows life on a mysterious island, inhabited by immortal beings. These beings lead a pre-civilized life forgotten by time, spending their endless days in hedonistic lethargy. Through anecdotal vignettes, the film tells the story of what happens when these beings are visited by the outside world, and whether or not there is a greater meaning to it all.
The Tesla World Light - animated documentary 
The Tesla World Light
National Film Board of Canada
National Film Board of Canada132K view

Winner of over 10 International Awards, THE TESLA WORLD LIGHT is an animated film by Matthew Rankin.

New York, 1905. L'inventore visionario Nikola Tesla fa un ultimo appello a J.P. Morgan, il suo ex benefattore. Ispirato da eventi reali, questo elettrizzante cortometraggio è una spettacolare esplosione di immagini e suoni che attinge tanto dalla tradizione del cinema d'avanguardia quanto dal documentario d'animazione.

New York, 1905. Visionary inventor Nikola Tesla makes one final appeal to J.P. Morgan, his erstwhile benefactor. Inspired by real events, this electrifying short is a spectacular burst of image and sound that draws as much from the tradition of avant-garde cinema as it does from animated documentary.

Directed by Matthew Rankin - 2017 | 8 min 18 s

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Lukas Tielke 
Lukas Tielke


Director. Lukas Tielke
DOP. Martijn Melis

client. BMW / Claudia Müller 
client. BMW / Judith Hebele 
client. BMW M / Melanie Degel 

Agency. media monks
Executive Creative Director. / Christof Deutscher 
Senior Art Director. Dongik Tomic Lee / Moe Qubia
Senior Copywriter. Oliver Schnitzer 
Account Director. Lukasz Walerowski / Johannes Messmann 
Project Manager. Gianna Ponzo 

Production Company. MediaMonks
Head of Production. Patrick Cahill
Executive Producer. Daniel Thiele
Producer. Alireza Davatgar
Head of Post. Norton Mamusha
Senior Post Producer. Siebout van Leeuwen
VFX Producer. Luana Guareschi 

U - crane. Norwin Richter
U - crane. Hamid Elghoul
U-Crane DP. Lukas Tielke 
1st AC. Sabina Smodej
2nd AC. Nejc Zamernik
2nd 2nd AC. Žiga Zdešar
VTR. Lenart Kranjc
VTR  Assistant. Darko Zupan
DIT. Simon Sedmak

Service Production Company. SNDKT
Line Producer. Miha Čeak, Mitja Šenčur
Production Manager. Miha Kraševec
Production Coordinator. Tina Pungartnik, Matea Lajtner
Production Assistant. Žarko Petaković, Aleš Pajnić
1st AD. Davor Tatić
Photo AD. Lana Bregar
Location Manager. Matic Košorok
Location Manager Assistant. Andraž Košir
Styling Assistant. Eva Jakopic
Make Up Artist. Špela Ema Veble
Photo Assistant. Igor Perić
Head of SFX. Aleš Šmuc
SFX. Primož Trkov
SFX. Gašper Zelenko
SFX. Gašper Gorza
Car Care Coordinator. Peter Mlakar
Car Care. Jaka Zupanc
Car Care. Žiga Lozej
Precision Driver. Asja Zupanc
Car tinting team. Matej Kompare
Car tinting team. Uroš Jeras

Drone. kopterworx
Drone Pilot. Fran Kaić
Drone Camera. Matija Škalić 

Key Grip. Rok Grdin
Grip. Aleš Rojc
Grip. Ivan Radeljak

Gaffer. Sebastjan Skvarča
Best Boy. Sergej Udovč 

Production Designer. Katja Šoltes
Assistant Art Director. Tina Vojnič
Props Stby. Klemen Stare
Set Dresser. Gal Weixter
Prop Buyer. Tea Blaganje
Construction Manager. Milorad Šiljeg
Construction Manager Assistant. Nenad Živković
Helping Hand. Rej Ban
Helping Hand. Nik Zajc
Helping Hand. Žiga Jančar
Production Driver 1. Marko Trlep
Client Agency Driver 2. Miha Mole
Driver 3. Miha Ravnik
Driver 4. Blaž Vrtovec

Offline Edit. Marvin Kühner
Offline & Online Edit. Ann-Kathrin Matthes 
Online Edit. Robert van Spanje
VFX Producer. Luana Guareschi
VFX Supervisor. Patrick Mere
VFX Creative Director. Declan Byrne 
Music, SFX and Mix. Staub Studios, Moritz Staub
2D Animators. Bruna Sanchez, Floris van Raak, Francisca Mejía, Patrick Brem, Vincent Mei
Concept Art. Eduardo Marzionna, Felipe De Barros, Ines Martins
3D Technical Director. Flip Buttinger
3D Artist. Ivo Diependaal, Tom Hodes 
3D Animator. Fran Krenn
Compositors. Emilio Aranguren, Ewoud Visser, Remco Consten, Patrick Mere
Stylist. Jana Kapounova
Videographer. Kris Declan Spurr
Casting. Matheis

[adult swim] 
Uncanny Alley | Adult Swim SMALLS
[adult swim]
 Una strana maledizione si diffonde in una piccola città. creato da Rodrigo Goulão de Sousa musica e sound design di Jeremy Ben Ammar Modelli di teste 3D di Mila Monaghan un ringraziamento speciale a Mila Monaghan e Martin Robic creato per Adult Swim SMALLS, 2024


WAND | JJ - oil paintings 
lilfuchs4,645 view
 Directed by Vernon Chatman & lilfuchs
Written by Vernon Chatman
Art / Animation Direction lilfuchs
Character Design Vernon Chatman
Additional Animation Julia Fernandez

The Year of Staring at Noses
 Un film di Knox e Eastie. Selezione ufficiale a Slamdance, Atlanta Film Festival, Calgary Underground Film Festival (vincitore - Premio del pubblico, miglior cortometraggio) e Mammoth Lakes Film Festival. (Guardato dall'ex fidanzato del capo programmatore a Cannes.)
Rafa Zub 
Zabala - URTU
Rafa Zub
 URTU è la mia ultima collaborazione con il compositore Zabala di Bilbao. Esploro l'affascinante mondo delle compagnie d'opera cinesi a Bangkok e i paesaggi urbani della città, compresi i filmati raccolti da brevi viaggi a Penang e Phnom Penh. Presentato in precedenza su Nowness Asia: Filmato e montato da Rafa Zub / @rafazub Musica di Zabala / Mille grazie alle compagnie d'opera, Lai Heng Giah Tuang, Sai Yong Hong e Poh Teck Tung Foundation, che mi hanno gentilmente invitato nel backstage per ritrarre il loro mondo. Un ringraziamento speciale a Charlie Lew, Dream, Claire e Pin! Modificato in Premiere e After Effects. Colore classificato in Premiere con Dehancer.

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