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domenica 7 luglio 2024

Contemporary Arts 76


 C o n t e m p o r a r y   A r t s

Paintings, 70 W x 95 H x 3 D cm
 Mahi Chafik-Idrissi                        Morocco

Aþenudagar / Μέρες Αθήνας / Days in Athens, N°1
Photography, 57 W x 42.5 H x 0.5 D cm
 Hlynur Helgason                                    Iceland 
Audrey - Scenic Artist. From the series In and On. Limited Edition, 1 of 10.
Photography, 28.5 W x 29.7 H x 0.1 D cm
 Ian Hoskin                                         United Kingdom 
Blue shadows
Paintings, 27 W x 38 H x 0.5 D cm
 Oleksandr Pavlenko                         Ukraine 
Born again
Paintings, 50 W x 59.9 H x 2 D cm
 Svetlozar Tenov                                        Bulgaria 
carcass # 12
Paintings, 50 W x 70 H x 0.1 D cm
 Pascal Marlin                                     France 
Cloud pink
Paintings, 39.9 W x 39.9 H x 1.5 D cm
 Марина Колесник                                 Ukraine 
'color line object 2020.007'
Sculpture, 35 W x 21 H x 24 D cm
 Ien Lucas                                       Netherlands
Empaquetamientos en Coscullano, Arte Casual.
 Arte Casual de carácter agrario, en su categoría: empaquetamientos. Alrededores de Coscullano (Huesca).
 Antonio Viñuales - Own work  Created: 3 June 2013

Empaquetamientos en Coscullano, Arte Casual.
 Arte Casual de carácter agrario, en su categoría: empaquetamientos. Alrededores de Coscullano (Huesca).
 Antonio Viñuales - Own work  Created: 3 June 2013
Empaquetamientos en Coscullano, Arte Casual.
 Arte Casual de carácter agrario, en su categoría: empaquetamientos. Alrededores de Coscullano (Huesca).
 Antonio Viñuales - Own work  Created: 3 June 2013

Empaquetamientos en Coscullano, Arte Casual.
 Arte Casual de carácter agrario, en su categoría: empaquetamientos. Alrededores de Coscullano (Huesca).
 Antonio Viñuales - Own work  Created: 3 June 2013
En voiture poupée 
Ferthewriter - Own work      Created: 13 September 2014
Encounter, Performance 2020.
 Kunstwerk von Patricia Jacomella Bonola 
Patricia.jaco - Own work     15 March 2020
End of de road
 acrílicos sobre papel 50 x 70 cm
 Martincho74 - Own work     11 February 2022
Endi Poskovic Lithographs
 Endi Poskovic exhibition of Crossing Series of lithographs at Rockefeller Art Center, SUNY-Fredonia, New York 
E1E2L3 - Own work   17 October 2014
Endi Poskovic, Primavera Hagar and the Angeles in the Wilderness, color woodcut print on kozo paper
 Hagar and the Angels in the Wilderness 
Lokvaedits - Own work   Created: 10 February 2022
Enrico Corte, "Eyes", promo picture from the Abstraction of the Void series, 1995-96. 
 A series of sculptures by Italian contemporary artist Enrico Corte. 
Enrico Corte -         Created: 24 May 2006
Enrico Corte, Dripping, 1995
 Photographic work by Italian artist Enrico Corte, from his "Art Brothel" series, 1995.
 Silloge - Own work    Created: 12 May 2020
 Horacio Cordero -   Created: 13 February 2013
Entrapped Fish (1997)
 Alexkyp - Own work   Created: 14 May 2008
Entrée du Spot 
Spotmediation - Own work          Created: 2008
Entry Södertälje konsthall
 Sept 3 - Oct 31 2020. Born of unveiled global racism and amid the turmoil of an ongoing pandemic, an exhibition takes its name from Durban-born singer-songwriter Chris Letcher: “Frail Liberation. It makes no more sound than a closing eye.” Nkuli Mlangeni Berg is invited to develop a work that addresses current conditions. Jani Ruscica made the video installation “Batbox/Beatbox” in 2007, yet there is no artwork that can be more current in a reading on our current times and conditions. The first part of the video follows bats, the second part roams the streets of New York as musicians and poets mimic the sound of these animals. Bats, wrapped in saga and superstition, are also known to be the animals most likely to have transferred the Covid-19 virus from the animal kingdom to humans. Rami Khoury´s installation of pots made of clay are open and accessible to anyone that would like to use them. Ingela Johansson, is invited with a prologue to her upcoming exhibition. 
Södertälje konsthall - Own work     Created: 5 October 2020
Epifanias 01
 Work in photo-assemblage.
 Eduardo Mariz -     Created: 2011
Equilibrium Painting
 Sarah McKenzie, Equilibrium (Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum with Piet Mondrian, 2019), 2019, oil and acrylic on canvas, 36" x 54" 
Painter80302 - Own work
Erosión venado cuarto
 Registro fotográfico de instalación en la que aparece un venado disecado viéndose en un espejo colgado en un árbol. Obra realizada en el ex Museo de Antropología de la ciudad de Puebla.
 César López y López - Own work  Created: 16 April 2009
Es Capdella 1
 Special tree in Mallorca from my Movement Serie 
JacobGils - Own work             Created: 3 January 2018
Esfera de piedra en Valdesol Costa Rica
 Parque escultórico con figuras precolombinas en una interpretación de su cosmogonía, ubicada en Valdesol, Heredia, Costa Rica, obra de Rafa Víquez
 Axxis10 - Own work    Created: 3 February 2010
Esmeralda Pérez González Tamiz
 Esmeralda Pérez González Tamiz Artista Visual y performer artist Curadora en Biosfera Experimental Arte de Acción 
Esmerarte1 - Own work    Created: 5 March 2016
 Obra representativa del expresionismo pictórico, de la pintora Graciela González Duque
 Ferthewriter - Own work   Created: 19 September 2022
"Espermatofeminis", tapís, 200x300 cm., Carles Delclaux, 2009
 Carles Delclaux - Arxiu del propi autor, Carles Delclaux

Establishing 'Fungal Dot Painting' on black acrylic glass. From Grunwald et al 2021, JoF
 In 'Fungal Dot Painting,' conidia from the fungus Aspergillus nidulans are inoculated into agar droplets, deposited on a black (acrylic glass) surface, and incubated to allow fungal growth. From Grunwald et al (2021), Journal of Fungi, 7(12), 1018. 
Grunwald et al. - Grunwald et al. Development of Novel Forms of Fungal Art Using Aspergillus nidulans J. Fungi 2021, 7(12), 1018
“Exorcismo”. Obra Eólica de gran formato. Parque Gomez Rojas. Barrio Bellavista. Recoleta, Santiago. Fondart año 2000. 
Rodrigo Piracés González - Own work    
femme au fauteuil blanc
Collage, 100 W x 150 H x 2 D cm
 Pascal Marlin                                    France

First Flowers
Paintings, 91 W x 61 H x 0.1 D cm
 Dmitry Kozins                                    United Kingdom

Grand Palais. Paris. Septembre 2068.
Paintings, 50 W x 70 H x 2 D cm
 FX VAUDELEAU                 France
Gravitational Forces - Limited Edition 1 of 5
Photography, 100 W x 100 H x 2 D cm
 ilker canikligil                                             Turkey 
homme impression
Collage, 21 W x 30 H x 0.1 D cm
 Pascal Marlin                              France 
Landscape imprints 7
Paintings, 40 W x 50 H x 4.5 D cm
 Olia Blagov                                  Austria 
Large modern abstract landscape The luminous lake
Paintings, 90 W x 50 H x 2 D cm
 Fabienne Monestier                            France 
masque # 1
Collage, 38 W x 46 H x 2 D cm
 Pascal Marlin                                France 
Mindstream #18
Paintings, 42 W x 42 H x 1.5 D cm
 A S P                                                Indonesia 
Our Home 15
Paintings, 100 W x 100 H x 2 D cm
 Mercedes Lagunas                           Spain 
Paintings, 120 W x 100 H x 3 D cm
 Marilina Marchica                             Italy 
Pink Sapphire Dreams
Paintings, 152.4 W x 101.6 H x 3.8 D cm
 Irina Gretchanaia                                       Canada
portrait of woman
Collage, 65 W x 81 H x 2 D cm
 Pascal Marlin                              France 
Paintings, 59.9 W x 59.9 H x 2.8 D cm
 Olga Ivanenko                                      Ukraine 
Study in Red.mono 24
Printmaking, 25 W x 32 H x 0.1 D cm
 Lawrence Douglas Davis                United Kingdom 
such a simple thing
Paintings, 120 W x 150 H x 2.5 D cm
 Ines Klich                                            Germany 
Untitled 8-19-15
Paintings, 76.2 W x 76.2 H x 4.3 D cm
 Gabriela Horikawa                                  United States




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