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martedì 24 settembre 2024

A R T E 1

 A R T E

Alexandre-Denis Abel de Pujol, La colère d'Achille, 1810, Notre Dame (Indiana), Snite Museum of Art 
VladoubidoOo - Own work  

Angelika Kauffmann Selbstbildnis mit Büste der Minerva 1780 
Angelica Kauffmann - 1780


Apotheosis of Nelson 
Pierre-Nicolas Legrand de Lérant - The National Maritime Museum
Created: circa 1805-1818
Athena appearing to Odysseus to reveal the Island of Ithaca by Giuseppe Bottani 
Giuseppe Bottani - Sotheby's Lot.153

Athena punishes Daedalus 
Livioandronico2013 - Own work
Azulejos in Nogueira da Silva Museum, Braga, Portugal
.Joseolgon - Own work 
Bartholomeus Spranger - Hermes and Athena - WGA21691 
Bartholomeus Spranger - Web Gallery of Art:   Image  Info about artwork   Created: 1585
Bartholomäus Spranger - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Bilddatenbank. 
Beydeman Gomeopatiya vzir
 Alexander Beydeman Created: 1857
Constantin Hansen - Athene followed by Nike Disputing with Poseidon for Possession of Attica - KMS4063 - Statens Museum for Kunst 
Constantin Hansen -   Created: 1850
Constantin Hansen - Prometheus Moulding Man from Clay - KMS3665 - Statens Museum for Kunst
Created: 1845
Constantin Hansen - The Birth of Pallas Athene - KMS4062 - Statens Museum for Kunst 
Constantin Hansen -  
 Created: 1850 
DeathOfAchilles Rumpf ChalkidischeVasen colorized in the manner of the inscriptions painterAjax (Aias) fights Glaukos over the dead body of Achilles, while Paris and Aeneas look on. Helping Ajax is Athena with a snaky aegis. A Chalcidian Amphora from 540-530 BCE, formerly in the Pembroke-Hope Collection in Deepdene, England, now lost. Drawing is based on A. Rumpf, Chalkidische Vasen (Berlin/Leipzig 1927), pl. 12. The source of the original image is a drawing based on a lost Greek Vase from 540 BCE. A. Rumpf, Chalkidische Vasen (Berlin/Leipzig 1927), pl. 12 The vase was formerly in the Pembroke-Hope collection in Deepdene, England. See LIMC (Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae) “Achilleus” no. 850. See Kemp-Lindemann 220. (J. D.BEAZLEY ATTESTED LONG AGO THAT ONCE THIS AMPHORA WAS PEMBROKE, BUT NEVER HOPE!! -- M. Iozzo). The original image of the black and white drawing was uploaded and released to the public domain to by user Kenmayer on 9 Nov 2015. This version of the image has been digitally resized and fully colorized by Kathleen Vail (user:AishaAbdel) in an attempt to recreate the colors used by the Inscriptions Painter as faithfully as possible.
 Inscription Painter - File:DeathOfAchilles_Rumpf_ChalkidischeVasen.jpg
  Created: circa 540 BCE
Die junge Athene
 Werk, bei einem Kurs von Michael Maschka entstanden
 Düstermaler - Own work 
Diosa Atenea
 De la colección dioses de la Metapareidolia: Diosa Atenea. Autor:Lav. Juan Carlos Pérez Martínez (Celides). 1.35 X 81cm 2019. Acrílico. Esta pintura contiene la técnica Metapareidoliapictórica. 
Celides - Own work   Created: 24 June 2020
Domenico De Angelis Paride che nega la mela a Minerva Gabinetto delle Maschere Museo Pio-Clementino
Parys odmawia jabłka Minerwie", Domenico De Angelis (1735-1804), Gabinetto delle Maschere, Museo Pio-Clementino
Domenico De Angelis -    Created: 1792
Fontainebleau School - Pallas Athena 
Unknown author (School of Fontainebleau) - Unknown source
Francesco del Cossa 008
 Francesco del Cossa - The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei (DVD-ROM), distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. ISBN: 3936122202
 Created: around 1468 – 1470
Francesco del Cossa 008 a
Created: around 1468 – 1470

Francesco salviati, pallade atena tra la fortuna e la virtù
 Giuseppe Porta - Web Gallery of Art  Created: 1556
Giuseppe Bottani - Athena revealing Ithaca to Ulysses
 Giuseppe Bottani - Bridgeman Art Library: Object 557603 
Created: 1750
Giuseppe Bottani - Ulysses transformed by Athena into beggar, 1775
 Giuseppe Bottani - Bridgeman Art Library: Object 557606  Created: 1775
Glorification of Minerva 
Urbanus Leyniers (1674-1747); Daniel Leyniers de Jonge (1669-1728); and Hendrik Reydams (1650-1719), after Jan van Orley (1665-1735) and Augustin Coppens (1668-1740) - Own work, photo by Szilas inthe Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent
 Created: 1717
Greek Art - Fight over the Body of Achille
 Painting excerpted from an ancient Chalcidian vase, which represents the conflict over the dead body of Achilles. The corpse of the hero lies in the midst, the arrow in his heel. The Trojan Glaucus tries to draw away the body by means of a rope tied round the ankle, but in doing so is transfixed by the spear of Ajax, who charges under the protection of the goddess Athena. Paris on the Trojan side shoots an arrow at Ajax. 
ancient Greek artist - Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.), v. 12, 1911, p. 477, Fig. 12.
 Created: between circa 800 and circa 480 B.C.; drawing published 1911
Griepenkerl, Beseelung der menschlichen Tonfigur durch Athena.
 After Prometheus has created man out of mud, Athena breathes life into him, imparting reason and understanding. Part of a cycle on the myth of Prometheus by Christian Griepenkerl. Ceiling painting (oil on canvas) above the grand staircase in the Augusteum, Oldenburg.
 Christian Griepenkerl - found online, James Steakley
 Created: 1877/78 

Hans von Aachen - Pallas Athena, Venus and Juno
 Hans von Aachen -
Created: 1593 
Hector Leroux (1829-1900), "Minerve Poliade sur l'Acropole d'Athènes" (version 1), oil on canvas, 89 by 136 cm., signed and dated "Hector LeROUX 1878" (lower left) and inscribed "AOHNH" on the pedestal underneath the statue. Auctioned at MacDougalls, London, July 7, 2011, under the title "Adoration of the Goddess Pallas Athena." This painting differs significantly from a second version by Leroux that can be seen in an official Paris Salon photo from 1878.
 Hector Leroux -
Created: 1878
Hector Leroux--two versions of Minerve Poliade sur lAcropole d'Athène
 Louis Hector Leroux, two versions of "Minerve Poliade sur lAcropole d'Athènes"; left, the first version (now in a private collection), and right, the second and final version that was shown at the Paris Salon of 1878, not at the Musée d'Abbeville. The Paris Salon program entry for the painting cites a passage from Pausanias (1.26.6): "Both the city and the whole of the land are alike sacred to Athena; for even those who in their parishes have an established worship of other gods nevertheless hold Athena in honor. But the most holy symbol, that was so considered by all many years before the unification of the parishes, is the image of Athena which is on what is now called the Acropolis, but in early days the Polis (City). A legend concerning it says that it fell from heaven; whether this is true or not I shall not discuss." As of 1902, Leroux's "Minerve Poliade sur l'Acropole d'Athènes" was in the Musée d'Abbeville et du Ponthieu (now the Musée Boucher-de-Perthes), as listed on p. 56 of the museum catalogue published that year, where the dimensions are given as .85 x 1.25 m, and the painting is described: "The goddess, her head covered with her helmet, wearing the coat of mail, the spear in her hand and holding her shield in the other, appears on the left, of supernatural size and surrounded by a cloud, above the citadel. . Lower down, in the middle of the composition, a little to the right, a standing woman in antique costume stands out in white against a clump of trees; she raises her arms to the sky as a sign of terror or surprise. A little further on, two other women, at the sight of the prodigy, prostrated themselves; another flees to the right. In the background, on the same side, you can see the sea; on the left, in the distance, a column." The earlier version was auctioned in London in 2011. "The Foreshadowings of the Salon" by Lucy H. Hooper in The Art Journal, 1878, pp. 60-61, explains the two different versions, first describing the final version at the Paris Salon: "He [Leroux] has chosen to represent the fall of the miraculous image of Minerva from heaven. The scene occurs upon the summit of a hill near Athens. In the background lies the city beyond the shining waters of the gulf, a view painted from Nature with great accuracy of detail. In the foreground the miraculous image, the gift of the gods, upborne by a floating cloud, is descending to the ground. It is of colossal size, and stands revealed in dusky magnitude against the pale gold of the sky. In front of a group of pines towards the centre of the picture are three young girls, the sole witnesses of the miracle. One stands in wild amazement with uplifted arms, another hides her face in terror, a third crouches on the ground. As originally designed, the canvas was crowded with figures in various attitudes of adoration or of dismay. 'But,' said M. Leroux, 'on mature consideration, it seemed to me best that this ancient miracle, like more modern ones, should have but few witnesses, therefore I laid my first canvas aside and reproduced the whole scene anew.'" 
Louis Hector Leroux - composite made from two sources: and the book Louis-Hector Leroux, Peintures et Esquisses, exhibition catalogue, Musées de Bar-le-Duc et de Verdun, 1988, p. 64.
Created: 1878
Heinrich Mann: Die Göttinnen oder die drei Romane der Herzogin von Assy. Band I: Diana. Band II: Minerva. Band III: Venus. München: A. Langen 1903; Erstdruck |first print; Wilpert/Gühring²7
 Wikimedia: Foto H.-P.Haack Created: 26 January 2008

Hendrick van Balen (I) - Apollo vanquishes Pan
 Hendrick van Balen the Elder - Bilbao Fine Arts MuseumCreated: 1650   
Hera, Athena and Iris in the Trojan War (Attributed to Jacques Réattu)
 Jacques Réattu - Created: 1750
Houbraken, Arnold - Pallas Athene Visiting Apollo on the Parnassus - 1703 
Arnold Houbraken - first upload: second upload:
Created: 1703
Hubert Maurer - Kaiser Joseph II
 in the background Pallas Athene 
Hubert Maurer -    Created: 1750
Internationale Kunstausstellung Muenchen 1897
 Poster of the 7th International Art Exhibition in Munich, Germany, in summer 1898
  Franz von Stuck (1863-1928) - Westermanns Monatshefte 1898
Jean Mosnier (1600-1656) Sacrifice de bœufs pour Zeus, Héraclès et Athéna, 1630-1640 Château de Cheverny Toile - 175 x 136 cm Photo : Rouillac
 Jean Mosnier (1600-1656) -
Created: 1640 

Johann George Böhm the elder (1673-1746) - Minerva Chastising Cupid for Disturbing the Arts and Sciences in Their Studies - 207813 - National Trus
tJohann George - Art UK   Created: 1750
Johann Heiss Minerva als Göttin der Künste
 Minerva als Göttin der Künste. Öl auf Leinwand 74 x 58 cm. (kleinformatige Variante des Gemäleds im Historischen Museum Bamberg) 
Johann Heiss - Images from Neumeister Kunstauktionen
Created: 1704
John Singer Sargent - Perseus on Pegasus Slaying Medusa - 25.642 - Museum of Fine Arts 
John Singer Sargent -
Created: 1921 
Lairesse, Gérard de - Die Rückkehr des Odysseus nach Ithaka
 Gerard de Lairesse - book: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen: Malerei des Spätbarock, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2007, ISBN 978-3-7757-1936-0 (vergriffen), S. 111    
 Created: 1719 or earlier
Louis Hector Leroux, "Minerve Poliade sur lAcropole d'Athènes" (second and final version), shown at the Paris Salon of 1878, now at Musée d'Abbeville; reproduction from the book Louis-Hector Leroux, Peintures et Esquisses, exhibition catalogue, Musées de Bar-le-Duc et de Verdun, 1988, p. 64. The Paris Salon program entry for the painting cites a passage from Pausanias (1.26.6): "Both the city and the whole of the land are alike sacred to Athena; for even those who in their parishes have an established worship of other gods nevertheless hold Athena in honor. But the most holy symbol, that was so considered by all many years before the unification of the parishes, is the image of Athena which is on what is now called the Acropolis, but in early days the Polis (City). A legend concerning it says that it fell from heaven; whether this is true or not I shall not discuss." As of 1902, Leroux's "Minerve Poliade sur l'Acropole d'Athènes" was in the Musée d'Abbeville et du Ponthieu (now the Musée Boucher-de-Perthes), as listed on p. 56 of the museum catalogue published that year, where the dimensions are given as .85 x 1.25 m, and the painting is described: "The goddess, her head covered with her helmet, wearing the coat of mail, the spear in her hand and holding her shield in the other, appears on the left, of supernatural size and surrounded by a cloud, above the citadel. . Lower down, in the middle of the composition, a little to the right, a standing woman in antique costume stands out in white against a clump of trees; she raises her arms to the sky as a sign of terror or surprise. A little further on, two other women, at the sight of the prodigy, prostrated themselves; another flees to the right. In the background, on the same side, you can see the sea; on the left, in the distance, a column." This painting by Leroux is very similar to an earlier version, also dated 1878, that was auctioned in London in 2011. "The Foreshadowings of the Salon" by Lucy H. Hooper in The Art Journal, 1878, pp. 60-61, explains the two different versions, first describing the final version at the Paris Salon: "He [Leroux] has chosen to represent the fall of the miraculous image of Minerva from heaven. The scene occurs upon the summit of a hill near Athens. In the background lies the city beyond the shining waters of the gulf, a view painted from Nature with great accuracy of detail. In the foreground the miraculous image, the gift of the gods, upborne by a floating cloud, is descending to the ground. It is of colossal size, and stands revealed in dusky magnitude against the pale gold of the sky. In front of a group of pines towards the centre of the picture are three young girls, the sole witnesses of the miracle. One stands in wild amazement with uplifted arms, another hides her face in terror, a third crouches on the ground. As originally designed, the canvas was crowded with figures in various attitudes of adoration or of dismay. 'But,' said M. Leroux, 'on mature consideration, it seemed to me best that this ancient miracle, like more modern ones, should have but few witnesses, therefore I laid my first canvas aside and reproduced the whole scene anew.'" 
Louis Hector Leroux - Louis-Hector Leroux, Peintures et Esquisses, exhibition catalogue, Musées de Bar-le-Duc et de Verdun, 1988, p. 64 
Created: 1878. 
"Marie von Miller", Aquarell auf braunem Papier ca. 33 × 25 cm. In der Darstellung monogrammiert und datiert "20.11.1895"; auf der Rückseite ein handschriftlicher Text "Vivat Academicus!". Blatt aus dem Gästebuch der Münchner Mittwochsgesellschaft.
 Ludwig Scheuermann (1859–1911) - Quelle
 Created: 20 November 1895
Marie von Miller als Pallas Athene, Aquarell von Gustav Seitz auf braunem Papier ca. 33 × 25 cm. In der Darstellung monogrammiert. 20. November 1895. Nebst zwei Fotographien der Mitglieder der Mittwochsgesellschaft und Marie von Miller.
 Otto Seitz (1846–1912) - Quelle 
 Created: 20 November 1895
Michel Martin Drolling - The Law Descends to the Earth, 1827 
Michel Martin Drolling - Unknown source 
Minerva (Tecto do Gabinete Sul, Palácio Quintela).
 A depiction of Roman goddess Minerva on the ceiling of the South Cabinet, Quintela Palace, Lisbon, Portugal. 
RickMorais - Own work
Minerva, by workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn 
Circle of Rembrandt - : Home : Info 
 Created: 1630
Noel Halle, Спор Афины и Посейдона, 1748 
Noël Hallé - 2012-08-06

Palazzo schifanoia, salone dei mesi, 03 marzo (f. del cossa), trionfo di minerva 02.
Sailko - Own work

Pallas Athena (Tommaso Conca) - Nationalmuseum - 157920 
Tommaso Conca - NM 7148 Erik Cornelius / Nationalmuseum  Created: Unknown date
Peter Paul Rubens - Achille vainqueur d'Hector 01
 Achille vainqueur d'Hector par Peter Paul Rubens, 1630 
Peter Paul Rubens - Own work, Tylwyth Eldar, 2018-10-29 15:35:47
Pieter Faes - Medallion with Minerva surrounded by fruits and flowers 
Pieter Faes -  Created: 1782


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