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martedì 26 marzo 2019



Teia, “la luce che splende da lontano”

Teia (Theia, Tea o Tia) era il nome che la civiltà pre-ellenica ha dato a una dea che rappresentava “la luce che splende da lontano”. Il nome, da solo, significa semplicemente dea; spesso era chiamata con l'appellativo Eurifessa per accentuarne la magnificenza e lo splendore. Teia è stata associata con la luce ed il cielo ed era la dea della vista, gli antichi greci hanno pensato che la vista fosse un fascio o un raggio emesso dagli occhi simili ai raggi del sole e della luna. La mitologia la vuole, figlia di Urano (il cielo) e di Gaia (la terra), coniuge e sorella di Iperione, forma contratta d'Iperionide (quello di sopra.)
Dall'unione di Teia con Iperione nacquero: Elios (dio del sole), Selene (dea della luna) ed Eos (dea dell'aurora).

E Teia ad Elios grande die' vita, e a Selene lucente, ed all'Aurora, che brilla per quelli che stan su la terra, e pei Beati, ch'àn vita perenne, signori del cielo, poscia che ad Iperïóne, domata in amore soggiacque (Esiodo, Teogonia)

La Titanide Theia appartiene alla prima generazione divina, precedente agli olimpici e non deve essere confusa con l'Oceanide dello stesso nome che fu madre dei Cercopi, di Passalos ed Acmon

Altra Tea fu la profetessa figlia di Chirone che sedotta da Eolo, fu mutata da Poseidone nella cavalla Euippe per sottrarla alle ire del padre; nelle spoglie di cavalla partorì la puledra Melanippe.

Nota di astronomia

Tra le teorie attualmente più accreditate sulla formazione della luna vi è quella dell'"impatto gigante". Circa 4,5 miliardi di anni fa quando il nostro pianeta aveva appena preso forma. Quasi sulla sua stessa orbita si doveva trovare un altro corpo celeste della taglia analoga a Marte e che gli astronomi hanno battezzato Theia dal nome della madre della Luna nella mitologia greca.

Questo corpo cadde sulla Terra disintegrandosi in parte ma sollevando prima una grande quantità di materiale che andò a formare un anello come lo possiamo vedere intorno a Saturno. Con il tempo esso si coagulò in un corpo sferico ma data la sua vicinanza finì con il precipitare sulla Terra generando un effetto analogo al primo. Ma in tal caso le conclusioni furono migliori. Dal nuovo anello, infatti, che si era riformato, si genera una massa più stabile che diventerà la Luna come la vediamo oggi. «Ma in quelle lontane epoche la "nostra compagna cosmica" - precisa Canup - era quindici volte più vicina e quindi appariva altrettante volte più grande della Luna piena come ora la osserviamo». Gli impatti furono preziosi per «sistemare» il nostro pianeta. Il micidiale colpo impresse la rotazione di 24 ore (che è il giorno attuale) e l'inclinazione del suo asse a 23 gradi da cui traggono origini le stagioni mentre la Terra compie il suo annuale viaggio intorno al Sole.



In Greek mythology, Theia (/ˈθə/; Ancient Greek: Θεία, translit. Theía, also rendered Thea or Thia), also called Euryphaessa "wide-shining", is a Titaness. Her brother/consort is Hyperion, a Titan and god of the sun, and together they are the parents of Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon), and Eos (the Dawn). She may be the same with Aethra, the consort of Hyperion and mother of his children in some accounts.


The name Theia alone means simply "goddess" or "divine"; Theia Euryphaessa (Θεία Εὐρυφάεσσα) brings overtones of extent (εὐρύς, eurys, "wide", root: εὐρυ-/εὐρε-) and brightness (φάος, phaos, "light", root: φαεσ-).


Earliest account

The usual accounts gave her an equally primal origin, said to be the eldest daughter of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). Robert Graves also relates that later Theia is referred to as the cow-eyed Euryphaessa who gave birth to Helios in myths dating to Classical Antiquity.

Later myths

Once paired in later myths with her Titan brother Hyperion as her husband, "mild-eyed Euryphaessa, the far-shining one" of the Homeric Hymn to Helios, was said to be the mother of Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon), and Eos (the Dawn).
Pindar praises Theia in his Fifth Isthmian ode:
"Mother of the Sun, Theia of many names, for your sake men honor gold as more powerful than anything else; and through the value you bestow on them, o queen, ships contending on the sea and yoked teams of horses in swift-whirling contests become marvels."
She seems here a goddess of glittering in particular and of glory in general, but Pindar's allusion to her as "Theia of many names" is telling, since it suggests assimilation, referring not only to similar mother-of-the-sun goddesses such as Phoebe and Leto, but perhaps also to more universalizing mother-figures such as Rhea and Cybele.

Diodorus account

An unorthodox version of the myth presented by Diodorus identified Theia as basileia ("royal palace") with the following account:
"To Uranus were also born daughters, the two eldest of whom were by far the most renowned above all the others and were called Basileia and Rhea, whom some also named Pandora. Of these daughters Basileia, who was the eldest and far excelled the others in both prudence and understanding, reared all her brothers, showing them collectively a mother's kindness; consequently she was given the appellation of 'Great Mother'; and after her father had been translated from among men into the circle of the gods, with the approval of the masses and of her brothers she succeeded to the royal dignity, though she was still a maiden and because of her exceedingly great chastity had been unwilling to unite in marriage with any man. But later, because of her desire to leave sons who should succeed to the throne, she united in marriage with Hyperion, one of her brothers, for whom she had the greatest affection. And when there were born to her two children, Helius and Selene, who were greatly admired for both their beauty and their chastity, the brothers of Basileia, they say, being envious of her because of her happy issue of children and fearing that Hyperion would divert the royal power to himself, committed an utterly impious deed; for entering into a conspiracy among themselves they put Hyperion to the sword, and casting Helius, who was still in years a child, into the Eridanus river, drowned him. When this crime came to light, Selene, who loved her brother very greatly, threw herself down from the roof, but as for his mother, while seeking his body along the river, her strength left her and falling into a swoon she beheld a vision in which she thought that Helius stood over her and urged her not to mourn the death of her children; for, he said, the Titans would meet the punishment which they deserve, while he and his sister would be transformed, by some divine providence, into immortal natures, since that which had formerly been called the 'holy fire' in the heavens would be called by men Helius ('the sun') and that addressed as 'mene' would be called Selene ('the moon'). When she was aroused from the swoon she recounted to the common crowd both the dream and the misfortunes which had befallen her, asking that they render to the dead honours like those accorded to the gods and asserting that no man should thereafter touch her body. And after this she became frenzied, and seizing such of her daughter's playthings as could make a noise, she began to wander over the land, with her hair hanging free, inspired by the noise of the kettledrums and cymbals, so that those who saw her were struck with astonishment. And all men were filled with pity at her misfortune and some were clinging to her body, when there came a mighty storm and continuous crashes of thunder and lightning; and in the midst of this Basileia passed from sight, whereupon the crowds of people, amazed at this reversal of fortune, transferred the names and the honours of Helius and Selene to the stars of the sky, and as for their mother, they considered her to be a goddess and erected altars to her, and imitating the incidents of her life by the pounding of the kettledrums and the clash of the cymbals they rendered unto her in this way sacrifices and all other honours."

Theia in the sciences

Theia's mythological role as the mother of the Moon goddess Selene is alluded to in the application of the name to a hypothetical planet which, according to the giant impact hypothesis, collided with the Earth, resulting in the Moon's creation.
Theia's alternate name Euryphaessa has been adopted for a species of Australian leafhoppers Dayus euryphaessa (Kirkaldy, 1907).
A Theia figure has been found at the Necropolis of Cyrene.

:iconmorganavasconcelos:THEIA :: Goddess of Light and Vision by MorganaVasconcelos  Digital Art / Photomanipulation / People©2015-2019 MorganaVasconcelos

 :iconjennyle88:Theia - Goddess of Light by JennyLe88  Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2015-2019 JennyLe88

 :iconbriannaangelakis:OC: Sailor Theia by BriannaAngelakis Traditional Art / Mixed Media / Fantasy©2011-2019 BriannaAngelakis

 :iconshoutsandwhispers:Theia - Mother of the Moon by shoutsandwhispers Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy
:iconkuldi:Theia by Kuldi Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2015-2019 Kuldi

:iconanako-kitsune:Theia by Anako-Kitsune  Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / People / Portraits©2013-2019 Anako-Kitsune

 :iconpernastudios:Theia - Elfie Lebouleux by Pernastudios  Traditional Art / Drawings / Fantasy©2018-2019 Pernastudios

 :iconkallaria:Theia by Kallaria  Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2015-2019 Kallaria

 :iconunicornreality:Theia by UnicornReality  Resources & Stock Images / Stock Images / Model / Female / Portrait©2009-2019 UnicornReality

 :iconalecyl:Theia by alecyl  Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Illustrations / Conceptual©2012-2019 alecyl

 :iconscionjeshua:Goddess Theia by Scionjeshua  Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Illustrations / Conceptual©2018-2019 Scionjeshua

 :iconits-kaira:+ THEIA + by its-kaira  Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Fantasy©2016-2019 its-kaira

 :iconcallme-ismael:... The Birth of Theia Euryphaessa by Callme-Ismael Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2018-2019 Callme-Ismael

 :iconlunalove2:Theia by lunalove2 Traditional Art / Drawings / Fantasy©2013-2019 lunalove2

 :iconcallme-ismael:... Theia Euryphaessa, II by Callme-Ismael   Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2018-2019 Callme-Ismael

 Theia, Titan Goddess of Sight and All That GlimmersChris Steiger Illustrator, Concept Artist,

 :iconresenzhu:Theia Impact by ResenZhu Digital Art / 3-Dimensional Art / Scenes / Spacescapes

 :iconkingairsoftsniper:Theia by KingAirsoftSniper  Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Space Art©2016-2019 KingAirsoftSniper

:iconrufohg:Theia by rufohg Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Sci-Fi

NASA Study: Moon Is Made of Material From Earth, Not Theia



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