Iness Rychlik
Rychlik is a published photographer and filmmaker with a particular
interest in period drama. Her images depict sexuality and pain in an
evocative way, aiming to incite the viewer’s imagination, rather than satisfy it.
‘Ethereal’ by ImageNation: International Photography Exhibition in Paris, May 2018
The Vanishing Act / Zniknięcie
Paris - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
Greed / Chciwość
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
Greed / Chciwość
Skinwriting - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
A Scene of Silent Despair / Scena Niemej Rozpaczy
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
A Scene of Silent Despair / Scena Niemej Rozpaczy
In Mourning - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
Mannequin / Manekin
Dolly - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
The face behind the photos
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
The face behind the photos
Thorns - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
1863: H. Talbot, photographic impression on paper. 2018: A. Maslov, ink on human skin.
Photography, 18 H x 12 W x 0.1 in
Iness Rychlik
United Kingdom
1863: H. Talbot, photographic impression on paper. 2018: A. Maslov, ink on human skin.
Art imitates life; the electrodes and wires attached to my chest, a
man in green softly asks if I’ve ever been in an ambulance before.
There is always a first.
The Age of Innocence / Wiek Niewinności
He loves me, he loves me not / Kocha, nie kocha
Rapunzel: Dress Rehearsal / Roszpunka: Próba Generalna
Dressmaker / Krawcowa
The Age of Innocence / Wiek Niewinności
He loves me, he loves me not / Kocha, nie kocha
Rapunzel: Dress Rehearsal / Roszpunka: Próba Generalna
Dressmaker / Krawcowa
The Instruments of Torture / Narzędzia Tortur
My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
The Silence / Milczenie
‘One Day’ {throwback to student times}
My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
The Silence / Milczenie
‘One Day’ {throwback to student times}
Liberté / Wolność
Strike, dear Mistress
In our natural habitat
A Piano Lesson
Pornography of the 1860s
A solitary teacup
The Woman {self-portrait, assistant: @r.rychlik}
'LOST AT SEA' / Scotland, 19th century. Day after day, in a vast silent mansion, a young woman awaits her fiancé's return.
Silent Film Star (2010)
Notebook I
A beautiful foggy morning
Strike, dear Mistress
In our natural habitat
A Piano Lesson
Pornography of the 1860s
A solitary teacup
The Woman {self-portrait, assistant: @r.rychlik}
'LOST AT SEA' / Scotland, 19th century. Day after day, in a vast silent mansion, a young woman awaits her fiancé's return.
Silent Film Star (2010)
Notebook I
A beautiful foggy morning

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