Facundo Cabral
Facundo Cabral (La Plata, 22 maggio 1937 – Città del Guatemala, 9 luglio 2011) è stato un cantautore argentino.Biografia
Cabral citerà così il suo inizio nel mondo musicale: "Empecé a cantar con los paisanos, con la familia Techeiro, en Tandil. El 24 de febrero de 1954, un vagabundo me recitó el sermón de la montaña y descubrí que estaba naciendo. Corrí a escribir una canción de cuna, Vuele bajo, y empezó todo." Nel 1959, gia suonava la chitarra e cantava musica folcloristica, ammirava Atahualpa Yupanqui e José Larralde, si trasferì a Mar del Plata, città balneare argentina, e iniziò a lavorare in un hotel.Il gestore dell'albergo lo vide suonare con la sua chitarra e li diede l'opportunità di cantare. Così cominciò la sua carriera dedicata alla musica. El Indio Gasparino fu il suo primo nome d'arte, successivamente si presentò con il suo vero cognome. Le sue prime registrazione non ebbero molto successo. Durante la Dittatura Argentina tra il 1976-1983 già era considerato un cantautore di protesta questo lo obbligò ad abbandonare l'Argentina nel 1976 trasferendosi in Messico. Qui continuerà a comporre e fare presentazioni. Si stima che in tour raggiunse 165 paesi Nel 1984, tornò in Argentina con il suo nome già consacrato nel mondo della musica. Fece un concerto nello Stadio Luna Park. Continuò per Mar del Plata. Nel 1987, fece un concerto nello stadio di calcio di Ferrocarril Oeste, a Buenos Aires, con trentacinquemila spettatori. Il 5 di maggio del 1994, cominciò una tournée internazionale. Si presentó in concerto con Alberto Cortez nello spettacolo “Lo Cortez no quita lo Cabral” unendo humor e poesia con le canzoni che fecero diventare famosi entrambi gli artisti.La vita
Il giorno prima della sua nascita suo padre se ne andò di casa. Sua madre e i suoi sette fratelli vivevano in casa del nonno paterno di Facundo Cabral, che cacciò il resto della famiglia. I suoi primi anni di vita li passò a Berisso, località adiacente a La Plata. Successivamente, la madre di Cabral e dei suoi fratelli emigrarono alla Terra del Fuoco, in Argentina meridionale. All'età di 9, scappò di casa e scomparve quattro mesi. Il suo scopo iniziale era quello di arrivare a Buenos Aires per incontrare l'allora presidente argentino Juan Domingo Perón, il presidente che "ha dato lavoro ai poveri". Dopo un lungo viaggio, arrivato nella capitale un venditore di "Fiera Franca" gli diede l'indirizzo della Casa Rosada; e successivamente gli disse "E 'molto difficile che ti riceva, perché i presidenti sono persone di solito occupate, ma ho letto sul giornale che la mattina del 19 novembre andrà a La Plata, perché è l'anniversario della città. Vai lì ". Così andò a La Plata, e il giorno dopo Facundo Cabral,essendo solo un bambino riusci a eludere il cordone di polizia attorno al presidente e sua moglie, Eva Duarte. Quando un agente di polizia lo afferrò, il presidente, che stava salutando verso quel lato, gli disse: -"Lascialo venire"-, fece fermare la sua auto, Facundo converso con i coniugi. -Voleva dirmi qualcosa?-, gli domandò il presidente. -Sí, c'è lavoro?-, rispose Facundo.In un reportage degli anni 90, confesso che Eva Perón, in questo momento disse la prima "frase ética" che ascoltò nella sua vita, e che lo avrebbe accompagnato per sempre: "finalmente, qualcuno che chiede lavoro e non elemosina". Grazie a questa conversazione sua madre ottenne un lavoro e il resto della famiglia si trasferì nella città di Tandil.
Facundo Cabral ebbe un'infanzia dura; finì in riformatorio e divenne alcolista dall'età di nove anni. Scappa e viene ripreso all'età di 14 anni per il suo carattere violento. In carcere, un sacerdote gesuita di nome Simón gli insegnò a leggere e scrivere, lo mise in contatto con la letteratura universale e gli fece portare a termine i suoi studi di educazione primaria e secondaria, che terminò in tre anni invece di dodici, periodo normale in Argentina. Un anno prima di uscire dal carcere Cabral scappò dalla prigione, con l'aiuto del parroco. Grazie a un vagabondo Cabral conosce la religione, anche se si dichiarerà liberopensatore e non appartenente a nessuna chiesa. Poco dopo, iniziera il suo percorso di musicista e cantante.
Fu assassinato il 9 luglio 2011 alle 5:20 am, a Città del Guatemala, vittima di un attentato apparentemente diretto all'impresario Henry Fariña che conduceva il cantautore e i suoi rappresentanti all'Aeroporto Internazionale La Aurora. L'attentato fu perpetrato da vari sicari a bordo di tre veicoli e armati con fucili d'assalto nella Boulevard Liberación. Lasciarono solamente ferito l'impresario e uccisero il cantautore.Discografia
- Gracias a la vida
- Facundo Cabral 2
- Sentires
- Reflexiones
- La puerta abierta (con Alberto Cortez)
- Este es un nuevo dia
- Recuerdos de oro
- Lo Cortez no quita lo Cabral (con Alberto Cortez)
- El oficio de cantor
- Secreto
- Época de oro (RCA Victor/Sony-BMG Music)
- Cortezías y Cabralidades
- El Carnaval Del Mundo
- Mi Vida (con Waldo de los Ríos)
- Pateando Tachos
- Entre Dios y El Diablo
- Ferrocabral (1984, Universal Music)
- El Mundo Estaba Tranquilo Cuando Yo Nací
- No estas deprimido, estás distraído (2005)
- Cantar sólo cantar / Cabral sólo Cabral 1 (2006)
- Cantar sólo cantar / Cabral sólo Cabral 2 (2006)
- El Mundo estaba bastante tranquilo cuando yo nací
- Cabralgando
- Hombre de siempre...
- Mi Vida
- Con Waldo de los Ríos
- Pateando tachos
- Entre Dios y el Diablo
Facundo Cabral (May 22, 1937 – July 9, 2011) was an Argentine singer, songwriter and philosopher.
He was best known as the composer of "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá" ("I'm not from here nor there"), which he improvised during one of his concerts. His songs have been covered by Spanish language interpreters such as Alberto Cortez, who was also a friend of his, Juan Luis Guerra and Joan Manuel Serrat.After touring the world, Cabral enjoyed popularity in his home country during the early 1980s, when Argentine radio demanded local content after the Malvinas War. He was enormously popular in all Latin American countries[citation needed]; when he performed in Peru or Mexico, which he called his second home,[citation needed] tickets were sold out long before the performance date(s). Facundo Cabral was named a UNESCO Messenger of Peace in 1996.
He was best known as the composer of "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá" ("I'm not from here nor there"), which he improvised during one of his concerts. His songs have been covered by Spanish language interpreters such as Alberto Cortez, who was also a friend of his, Juan Luis Guerra and Joan Manuel Serrat.
After touring the world, Cabral enjoyed popularity in his home country during the early 1980s, when Argentine radio demanded local content after the Malvinas War. He was enormously popular in all Latin American countries[citation needed]; when he performed in Peru or Mexico, which he called his second home,[citation needed] tickets were sold out long before the performance date(s). Facundo Cabral was named a UNESCO Messenger of Peace in 1996.
Religious and political views
Facundo expressed that his spiritual views were influenced by a variety of figures, including Jesus, Laozi, Zhuang Zhou, Rajneesh, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Gautama Buddha, Schopenhauer, John the Baptist, Francis of Assisi, Gandhi and Mother Teresa. He preached quantum mysticism and the subjugation of the ego.He had admiration for the writings of Jorge Luis Borges (with whom he engaged in philosophical discussions) and of Walt Whitman.
It is generally thought that Cabral never adhered to a specific political movement, although for years he advocated pacifism as a way of resolving conflicts. He used to describe himself as "violently pacifist", and as a "first-class homeless person". During his later years he partly identified himself with the ideas of philosophical anarchism.
Cabral was shot and killed during a tour in Guatemala City while on route to La Aurora International Airport on July 9, 2011.He had left a hotel in the west of Guatemala City, after giving a concert the previous evening in Quetzaltenango, and was headed to the airport when gunmen attacked his vehicle, a white Range Rover Sport, hitting him with at least eight bullets. He died in the car. The incident occurred at around 05.20 (local time) and took place on Liberation Boulevard, a busy road that connects with the airport, but at the time of the attack was practically empty. Cabral initially planned to take a hotel shuttle to the airport, but accepted a ride from Nicaraguan concert promoter/night club owner Henry Fariñas.
Cabral was with his agent David Llanos and Henry Fariñas, who were wounded. He was accompanied by a second vehicle carrying bodyguards, but they couldn't protect the singer's vehicle from the bullets. Cabral was riding in a SUV that tried to flee the attackers by driving into a fire station. At least 20 bullet holes were seen in the Range Rover car he was in. The gunmen were in three late-model vehicles, one in front of Cabral's car and two to the right and left. One of the attackers' vehicles was later found abandoned on the road to El Salvador. It was a brown Hyundai Santa Fe with bullet holes and containing bullet-proof vests and an AK-47 magazine. The Argentine consul in Guatemala, Enrique Vaca Narvaja, confirmed the report of the attack. Guatemalan authorities confirmed that the target of the attack was the concert promoter — possibly because of troubles with organized crime. Three suspects have been arrested.
The Guatemalan government reported to Argentine authorities that it had been "a planned attack". The president of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom, called Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to express his condolences, also saying there was evidence that it was an ambush. Mr Colom said Guatemala had to be painstaking in its investigation. Early investigations indicated the bullets were meant for the driver, Cabral's Nicaraguan promoter Henry Fariñas, because the trajectory of the bullets were from right to left, toward the driver's seat. Three specialized investigative teams from Guatemala were assigned to the case. Henry Fariñas is also the owner of the Central American chain of adult night clubs called "Elite".
President Colom decreed three days of national mourning. Hundreds of Guatemalans (most of them wearing black) sang songs written by the artist in the capital's Plaza de la Constitucion. Some of the signs carried by Guatemalans grieving the death of the beloved singer said “Argentina, we apologize,” "We ask forgiveness of the world for the assassination of Facundo;" "We are here not only for the death of Maestro Cabral, but also for every boy, girl, old man and woman, who becomes, day after day, victim of violence. Not only for Facundo Cabral, but also for the future of our children."
Presidents, performers and other personalities from the Americas have united in condemning the singer’s murder and demanded justice from the Guatemalan authorities.
Argentina's foreign minister, Héctor Timerman, tweeted "Adios amigo!".
Guatemala's 1992 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Rigoberta Menchú, went to the scene of the killing and wept. "For me, Facundo Cabral is a master," she said. "He loved Guatemala greatly."[citation needed]She believes the ambush may have been related to Cabral’s beliefs.
Social networks were filled with expressions of outrage. "I feel an immeasurable shame, a profound anger for my country," said Ronalth Ochaeta, former director of a Catholic church human rights office Guatemala, on his Facebook account.[citation needed] Rodolfo Ajquejay, President of the Association of Artists in Guatemala, said "this is mourning at a global level because [he] left only positive messages in his songs." This incident "was regrettable" and was "one more manifestation of the violence in Guatemala," said Francisco Dall'Anese, the head of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), an organization created in conjunction with the United Nations. Guatemala's human rights ombudsman, Sergio Morales, expressed his condolences to Argentina."I ask authorities of this country that this crime not be left unsolved, to investigate," he said.
Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said "Facundo Cabral will be immortalized with his songs."
Bolivian authorities expressed their dismay at the death of the Argentine troubadour. Bolivian Minister of Culture Elizabeth Salguero said Cabral's death saddened her because "you can not understand that there are people who want to do much damage to a man who gave so much as a singer, composer, and poet." "He was a philosopher, a fighter for social justice, and to die that way is very painful."
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez followed suit: "We are weeping with Argentina."
The Mayor of Lima, Peru and former presidential candidate, Susana Villaran, tweeted: "So ironic. A man who preached about peace and sang for life, dies in such a violent way" and shared one of his most famous quotes: "If you love the money at most you'll get to a bank, but if you love life, God will surely come."
The Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, also mourned his death. "Many of you must be fans of Facundo Cabral, and throughout Latin America and us here in Colombia. I personally regret this vile murder," Santos said at the start of a public speech in Bogota.
The UN said in a statement: "The United Nations System in Guatemala strongly condemns the assassination of Argentine singer-songwriter Facundo Cabral and adds to the feeling of dismay and frustration of a Guatemalan society that looks beset by intolerable acts of violence. It is painfully ironic that the one who toured Latin America with a message of justice, peace and fraternity lost his life in the hands of a group of assassins. The UN expresses its solidarity with the families and loved ones of the troubadour, as well as the people of Argentina and Latin American that had Facundo as a reference for inspiration."
Eduardo Suger, the presidential candidate for the "Commitment, Renewal and Order" party, during his tour in San Manuel Chaparron and San Luis Jilotepeque, Jalapa, described as "vile and shameful" for the country the attack to Cabral. "I felt so much pain, I felt sad for Guatemala, because we are a people capable and honest, but now we paint as a people of thugs, it's embarrassing," he explained.
The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza, condemned the murder as an "irrational crime."
René Pérez, leader of the Puerto Rican hip-hop group Calle 13, wrote, “Latin America is in mourning,” and other leading pop-music figures, among them Ricky Martin, Alejandro Sanz and Ricardo Montaner, also sent Twitter messages lamenting his loss.
Guatemalan artists paid tribute to Facundo Cabral on Sunday, July 10, 2011. The Guatemalan artist guild called on all citizens to go Constitution Square to pay tribute to him. Armando Pineda, Alvaro Aguilar Alux Nahual and Rony Hernandez, Alejandro Arriaza, Gaby Andrade, and Manuel Rony were some of the artists who participated in this concert. In a letter to the Guatemalan newspaper Prensa Libre the singer Ricardo Arjona wrote: "As a Guatemalan, I deeply regret the impact this news will generate among international opinion. As a friend and colleague, I will lament the absence of Facundo forever."
Vicente Serrano, host of a local Spanish-language radio show, brought Cabral to the Chicago area for that last performance. Serrano, who described Cabral as “irreverent,” remembers how the singer fell in love with the Chicago skyline and the Art Institute of Chicago. “Facundo cried when we went to visit the Art Institute because he said he was moved by its beauty,” Serrano said
Argentine singer and poet Alberto Cortez, who lives in Madrid, was devastated by the assassination of Cabral, who shared a "great friendship" with Cabral. "I remember him as a good friend, who suddenly became a mystic. That mysticism transmitted to people, and people accepted it with much pleasure,"he said.
Argentine television stations interrupted their broadcasts with news of the 74-year-old singer's death. The National Government decreed three days of mourning for the death of Cabral. Recalling that "devoted his life to singing, with their letters transmitting the spirit of peace inspired by the teachings of Jesus, Gandhi and Mother Teresa of Calcutta."
The Argentine embassy in Guatemala said it would take the lead on repatriating Cabral's body, with the ambassador Ernesto Lopez saying the family was "devastated" by the events and would not be traveling to Guatemala to claim his remains.
Cabral, at the time of his murder, had been married for seven months to Silvia Pousa, a Venezuelan psychologist who had been his partner for the last ten years.
His body was flown to Argentina from Guatemala on July 12, 2011 on a Mexican Air Force jet. His widow, Silvia Pousa, and nephew joined foreign minister Hector Timerman and a small group of Guatemalan and Mexican diplomats on the tarmac in Buenos Aires to receive his remains. One official brought from the plane a guitar and a small bag. Cabral had said that was all he needed for his nearly constant singing tours.
His coffin was displayed for the public in the Ateneo theater, the same Buenos Aires theater where he last performed in his native Argentina. The widow and family of Cabral gave a statement to reporters at the Ateneo theater, which expressed "thanks to the huge amount of media around the world by the respectful coverage" of his death. His body was taken to a cemetery 32 kilometers (20 mi) north of Buenos Aires for cremation at an intimate private ceremony with just family and close friends in attendance.
On March 13, 2012, Colombian authorities announced the arrest of Alejandro Jiménez (a.k.a. El Palidejo), who is believed to have ordered Cabral's murder.
Other quotes
- "Every morning is good news, every child that is born is good news, every just man is good news, every singer is good news, because every singer is one less soldier."
- "I like the sun, Alice, and doves, a good cigar, a Spanish guitar, jumping walls, and opening windows, and when a woman cries. I like wine as much as flowers, and rabbits, but not tractors, homemade bread and Dolores' voice, and the sea wetting my feet. I like to always be lying on the sand, or chasing Manuela on a bicycle, or all the time to see the stars with Maria in the hayfield. I'm not from here, I'm not from there, I have no age, nor future, and being happy is my color of identity."
- "Once I asked my uncle what was the difference between a white woman's breasts and a black woman's breasts, and he said: there is only one difference: a white woman's breasts comes out in Playboy magazine, and a black woman's breast comes out in National Geographic -- From 'Lo Cortés No Quita Lo Valiente'"
- "I'm amazed to form part of this amazing universe and I'm proud of the hunger that keeps me awake. Because when man is full he falls asleep."
- "May God want for man to be able to be a child again to understand that he is mistaken if he thinks he can find happiness with a checkbook."
- "I don't waste time taking care of myself. Life is beautiful danger. From the danger of love, my mother had seven kids. If she had guarded herself against my father and his fervor, a singer would be missing from tonight's meeting."
- "My poor boss thinks that I'm the poor one."
- "This is a new day to begin again, to look for the angel that appears in our dreams, to sing, to laugh, to be happy again. In this new day I will leave the mirror, and try to finally be a good man. I will walk with my face to the sun, and I will fly with the moon."
- "Forgive me Lord but sometimes I get tired of being a citizen. The city tires me, the offices, my family and the economy. Forgive me Lord, I am tired of this hell, this mediocre market where everyone has a price. Forgive me Lord but I will go with you through your mountains, your seas, and your rivers. Forgive me Lord but sometimes I think you have something better than this for me. Forgive me Lord, I don't want to be a citizen, I want to be a man, Lord, like you created me."
- "I am my own inventor because that is the task with which God has trusted me. God, or the Devil because they are the same thing. The Devil is a pseudonym that God uses when he has to create something of morally doubtful character, in order to not tarnish his good name, he uses the pseudonym."
- "The poor man that walks through this borrowed life without a song, in addition to being poor is a ghost, and in addition to being a ghost, is nothing."
- "We are crossing through life on the train of death seeing how progress is putting an end to people."
- "And God created woman and she said 'My Lord, if Mary conceived without sin, couldn't I sin without conceiving?'"
- "I stop in San Francisco where there's always something to hear, at least when Krishnamurti is nearby, he who knows that the fundamental revolution is to revolutionize one's self. I stop in Crete where there is always something to love."
- I raise my voice in Italy and I am silent in India, because I am and I live in the present, because I am made of dreams, of emptiness, of wine, and of wheat, they call me MAN. It's true that I am dust, but sacred dust I am, even though you know that when I say I am, I am saying you are, invincible, unnameable. Highest Lord, don't worry about our daily bread because that is up to us, that's why we are men, but don't leave us without our nightly dream because without it we are nothing, we who are perhaps only a dream that you dream."
- "If I am a thief, it's because of private property."
Facundo Cabral - No soy de aqui, ni soy de alla - YouTube
07 apr 2008 - Caricato da Miguel Falla
excelente cancion del maestro Facundo Cabral con su mejor cancion (para mi) No hay que guardar ningun ...Non sei depresso, sei distratto
Il testo che segue fu scritto da Facundo Cabral:
Non sei depresso, sei distratto, ignaro della
vita che ti popola. Inavveduto della vita che ti circonda: delfini,
boschi, mari, montagne, fiumi. Non cadere dove cadde tuo fratello, che
soffre per un essere umano quando al mondo ce ne sono 5.600 milioni.
Non cadere dove è caduto tuo padre, che si sente vecchio perché ha 70 anni, dimenticando che Mosè guidava l’esodo a 80 anni e Rubinstein interpretava come nessuno Chopin ai 90. Solo per citare due casi noti.
Non sei depresso, sei distratto, per questo credi d’aver perso qualcosa, ma è impossibile, perché tutto ti fu dato. Non hai creato nemmeno un capello della tua testa quindi non puoi essere padrone di nulla. Inoltre la vita non ti priva di cose ma ti libera, di cose. Ti alleggerisce affinché tu possa volare più in alto, affinché tu raggiunga la pienezza. Dalla culla alla tomba è una scuola, per questo quelli che chiamiamo problemi sono lezioni.
Non hai perso nessuno, chi è morto semplicemente ci ha anticipati, perché è lí che andiamo tutti. Inoltre il meglio di questa persona, l’amore, si perpetua nel tuo cuore. Chi potrebbe dire che Gesù è morto? Non c’é morte: c’é trasloco. E dall’altra parte ti attende gente meravigliosa: Gandhi, Michelangelo, Whitman, Sant’Agostino, Madre Teresa, tua nonna e mia madre che credeva che la povertà è piú vicina all’amore, perché il denaro ci distrae con troppe cose e ci allontana perché ci fa essere diffidenti.
Fai solo ciò che ami e sarai felice, colui che fa ciò che ama è benedettamente condannato al successo il quale arriverà quando deve arrivare, perché ciò che deve essere sarà, e arriverà naturalmente. Non fare nulla per obbligo né per compromesso, bensì per amore. Allora ci sarà pienezza e in questa pienezza tutto è possibile. Non ci sarà sforzo perché è la forza naturale della vita a muoverti, quella che mi ha sostenuto quando cadde l’aereo con mia moglie e mia figlia; quella che mi mantenne vivo quando i medici mi diagnosticarono 3 o 4 mesi di vita.
Dio ti mise a carico un essere umano, sei tu stesso. Devi farti libero e felice, poi potrai condividere la vera vita con gli altri.
Ricorda Gesù: “Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso”. Riconciliati con te stesso, mettiti davanti allo specchio e pensa che questa creatura che stai vivendo è opera di Dio; decidi ora stesso di essere felice perché la felicità si impara. Inoltre, la felicità non è un diritto ma un dovere, perché se non sei felice, amareggi tutti quelli che ti amano. Un solo uomo che non ebbe né talento né coraggio per vivere, fece ammazzare sei milioni di fratelli ebrei.
Ci sono tante cose per le quali gioire e il nostro passaggio sulla terra è cosí breve che soffrire è una perdita di tempo. Possiamo gioire della neve dell’inverno e dei fiori della primavera, del cioccolato di Perugia, della baguette francese, dei tacos messicani, del vino cileno, dei mari e dei fiumi, del calcio dei brasiliani, delle Mille e una Notte, della Divina Commedia, del Don Chisciotte, di Pedro Páramo, dei boleros di Manzanero e delle poesie di Whitman, di Mahler, di Mozart, Chopin, Bethoven, Caravaggio, Rembrant, Velásquez, Picasso e Tamayo fra le tante meraviglie.
E se hai il cancro o l’AIDS, possono succederti due cose ed entrame sono buone; se vieni vinto, ti liberi del corpo che è così fastidioso: ho fame, ho freddo, ho sonno, ho voglia, ho ragione, ho dubbi…E se vinci tu, sarai umile, più riconoscente, per questo facilmente felice. Libero dal tremendo peso della colpa, della responsabilità, della vanità, disposto a vivere ogni istante profondamente, come deve essere.
Ama fino a diventare l’amato, e ancor più fino a diventare l’amore stesso. Che non ti confondano assassini e suicidi, il bene è in maggioranza ma non si nota perché è silenzioso, una bomba fa più rumore che una carezza, ma per ogni bomba ci sono milioni di carezze che alimentano la vita.
Facundo Cabral - No estas deprimido, estas distraido - YouTube
11 apr 2015 - Caricato da Patricia Zelaya Icaza
Facundo Cabral - No estas deprimido, estas distraido ... Enhorabuena señor Facundo Cabral, por tan hermoso ...LEVANTATE Y ANDA. FACUNDO CABRAL
22 lug 2013 - Caricato da Diego Alberto Navarro
En "Levántate y Anda", Facundo Cabral se muestra como tu hermano, y va directo a tu corazón y a tu mente .
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