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mercoledì 17 agosto 2016

Art Frahm (1907-1981)Art Frahm (1907–1981) American painter

Art Frahm

Art Frahm (1907–1981) was an American painter of campy pin-up girls and advertising. Frahm lived in Chicago, and was active from the 1940s to 1960s. He was commercially successful.
Frahm had adequate technical competence for his medium, with a style somewhat reminiscent of Norman Rockwell's, though more cartoony. He was mostly influenced by commercial artist Haddon Sundblom, with whom Frahm may have worked as an assistant early in his career. Frahm’s forte was depicting beautiful young white women, taking in rendering their legs and figures. Frahm’s depictions of the women's faces are less successful, often tending towards plastic doll-like expressions. Minor problems with perspective and unrealistic depiction of subsidiary figures and objects are common in Frahm’s work. Some of his artistic touches were deliberately unrealistic and artistically daring—for instance, his coloring of a city street lemon-yellow in an otherwise realist painting.
Today, Frahm is best known for his "ladies in distress" pictures involving beautiful young women whose panties mysteriously fall to the ground in a variety of public situations, causing maximum embarrassment to his pin-up girls and often causing them to spill their bag of groceries. In one of Frahm’s noted idiosyncratic touches, celery is often depicted. The falling-panties art has a small cult following as mid-20th century kitsch, or even as fetish art. The works have been described with irony by James Lileks and Frahm's art works are available on the Internet. The falling-panties paintings were imitated by other pin-up artists, such as Jay Scott Pike and Al Brulé.
In addition to pin-ups, Frahm created a series of humorous hobo-themed calendar illustrations. Another set of paintings celebrated traffic safety, complete with smiling, chubby crossing guards and schoolchildren (one such painting appears as a calendar print in the background of a bar scene in the movie Hud). His advertising art included works for Coca-Cola and Coppertone.[citation needed]

Title: Working Girl
Date: 1944
Notes: Publisher - Louis F. Dow & Co - See more at:
 Title: Working Girl
Date: 1944
Notes: Publisher - Louis F. Dow & Co 

   Art Frahm (1907-1981) visse a Chicago e fu particolarmente attivo negli anni 40-60 del secolo scorso. Lavorò per la pubblicità e per i calendari di pinup. Il suo stile ricorda quello di Rockwell e di Sundblom; le sue donne hanno bellissime gambe, ma visi un po' troppo  irrealistici, da bambola. Molti aspetti del suo lavoro sono però volutamente fuori dalla realtà, come per esempio i colori giallo limone delle strade.
Disegnò molti tipi di donne, a partire dalle bambine, passando per le ragazze fresche e sognanti, fino alle signorine sexy ed ammiccanti. E' però conosciuto principalmente per una serie di donne in situazione molto imbarazzante: perdono gli slip in ambienti pubblici, con testimoni e con l'impossibilità di frenare la caduta dell'indumento, avendo le mani diversamente occupate, quasi sempre che reggono grossi sacchi della spesa.
Questa sua particolarità è stata poi nel tempo imitata da altri artisti.
Un altra serie  famosa di suoi disegni è quella relativa alla sicurezza stradale, dove il vigile è sempre in aiuto dei bambini che vanno a scuola o che giocano.
Come pubblicitario lavorò per la Coca Cola, per la Coppertone e per i cereali Quaker Oats.

Title: Swinging Into Summer
Date: 1945

Title: O-OH
Date: 1950
Notes: Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: No Time To Loose
Date: 1951
Notes: Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: Spare
Date: 1952
 Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: A Fare Loser
Date: 1953
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: No Time To Go
Date: 1954
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: Hold Everything
Date: 1954

Title: The Shake Down
Date: 1955
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: In Need Of Help
Date: 1955
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons 

Title: Going Down
Date: 1956
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons 

Title: Number Please
Date: 1957
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons

Title: Mail Call
Date: 1958
Publisher - Joseph C. Hoover & Sons 

Title: Early Trouble
Date: 1959

 Title: A Grand Slam
Date: 1950s

Title: Oooh, is there a man in the House?

 Title: Ready For Love

Beach Pals

Art Frahm - YouTube

28 mar 2012 - Caricato da Magnu Conatu
Art Frahm ,(Chicago, 1907 - Fountain Inn, North Carolina, 1981), yet another Chicago area artist and a likel


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