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martedì 30 gennaio 2018

Caicedo (with Pole) (USA1894) by William K.L. Dickson

Caicedo (with Pole) (1894)

"Il re del filo molle: le sue audaci imprese di bilanciamento mentre compie le sue prodezze da brivido a mezz'aria dimostrano che è perfettamente a suo agio". (da Edison Films)

"King of the slack wire. His daring feats of balancing as he performs his thrilling feats in midair show that he is perfectly at home." (from Edison Films)


William K.L. Dickson (uncredited)


Juan A. Caicedo

Caicedo with pole (1894) - YouTube
30 mag 2016 - Caricato da Vintage Films Channel
King of the slack wire. His daring feats of balancing as he performs his thrilling feats in midair show that he is ...

Caicedo (with Pole) - YouTube
26 mar 2009 - Caricato da LibraryOfCongress
SUMMARY According to Edison film historian C. Musser, Venezuelan rope and slack wire walker Juan ...


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