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venerdì 13 ottobre 2017



Since the delightful graphic art of the primitive and anonymous artists of the eighteenth century, Lithuanian art has exhibited such pure and candid interpretation of its national spirit, as in the early drawings of Viktoras Petravičius.

Petravičius is the central figure of the Lithuanian graphic art of the 20th century. Isolated and born rebel, Petravičius has radiated his influence over his contemporaries and the whole generation of young artists in Lithuania and abroad. His influence is particularly acute in post-war Soviet Lithuanian print makers.

Ever since he started, in the late twenties, he had two major obsessions: nature and love. It is not coincidental that both his main oeuvre as a young artist were an illustration of a folk tale called "Marti iš jaujos" (1938), and the latest monumental graphics (mostly monoprints) were erotic. Eroticism, at least in the early period, was deeply rooted in nature - man and woman in a very expressionist characterization becoming one with trees, animals, the sky and the earth.

Using the illustration technique of books of Rouault and Bracque, Petravičius created rather than illustrated his books and albums, completely deviated from any direct literary connotation. He neglected the literary text of a fairy tale by integrating parts of it between the drawing with complete disregard for spelling and marks of punctuation.

Even though he studied in Paris, lived in Germany and the United States, his art has the charm of naiveté and primitivism.

His work, since 1938, has evolved and changed many times. He now uses a different medium, his prints are large, and one of a kind. His early prints, reminiscent of African carving, such as the album printed in post war Germany, have given way to even greater emphasis on the naked innocence of the figure and the elimination of the decorative elements.

While in Germany, Petravičius drew the best expressionistic style, the tragedies of war, its aftermath, including the naked reality of hunger, sorrow, and devastation. In a spiritual simplicity he expressed the anguish that proved to be creative.

Stasys Goštautas
Boston University

Illustration from Marti iš jaujos.


Born 1906 in Lithuania. He is a graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Kaunas, Lithuania, 1935; also L'Ecole Nationals of Arts and Metier and L'Ecole Nationals Superieurdes Beaux Arts, Paris, 19 38. In 1937 he received the Grand Prix and the. Graduated from the jury of the International Art Exhibition in Paris. Teaching at the Kaunas Applied Arts Institute, Lithuania, 1940-1941; at the Vilnius Fine Arts Academy, Lithuania, 1941-1944. Since 1949 he lives in Chicago, where he teaches at his own Art Studio-Gallery.

He exhibited his work in Paris, France, 1937; Goetting, Germany, 1946; Amsterdam, Holland, 1949; Paris, France, 1949; Rome, Italy, 1949; the 55th Annual Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago, 1951, and received a prize for woodcut; the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, 1953; Wilistead Gallery, Windsor, Canada, 1956; University of Colorado, Buolder, 1957; University of Illinois, Urbana, 1958; Riverside Museum, New York, 1958; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, 1958; International Institute, Milwaukee, 1958; 10th Annual Exhibit Sarasota Art Association at John and Ringling Museum of Art, 1960; Ravena, Italy, 1961; Gallery International, Cleveland, Ohio, 1966 (One-Man Show); "69" Art Gallery, Chicago, 1966 (One-Man Show). 

 Illustration from the book Marti iš jaujos, 
1937. 'Reproduced in Viktoras Petravičius:
Gravures sur Bois Conte Populaire Lituanien. Kaunas, Lithuania:
Edition de ['Association Lituanienne d' Art et D'Action, E. Norkienė, 1940.

 Dvi lietuvių liaudies pasakos „Marti iš jaujos” iliustracijos

Viktoras Petravičius
1906 - 1989
Gimė 1906 m. gegužės 12 d. Bedaliuose (Šakių r). Mirė 1989 m. Union Pier, Mičigane, JAV. 1935 m. baigė Kauno meno mokyklą (mokytojas Mstislavas Dobužinskis), 1938 m. – Paryžiaus Valstybinę meno ir amatų mokyklą (Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Matiers) ir Valstybinę aukštąją meno mokyklą (Ecole Nationale Souperieure des Beaux-Arts). Priklausė „Formos“ dailininkų kolektyvui. 1937 m. Paryžiaus pasaulinėje parodoje už iliustracijas lietuvių liaudies pasakai „Gulbė karaliaus pati“ (LDM) apdovanotas Didžiuoju prizu. 1939 m. Kaune surengė personalinę tapybos ir grafikos darbų parodą. 1940–1941 m. dėstė Kauno taikomosios ir dekoratyvinės dailės institute. 1944 m. pasitraukė į Vakarus.

Vitražas „Figūra“
XX a. 6–7 d–metis, stiklas, 61 x 36
Sign. AK: V. P.

Title page of Gulbė karaliaus pati: liaudies pasaka 
(The Swan, King's Wife, 1937). For this work Petravičius
was awarded the Grand Prix for graphic art at the
International Exhibit of Art and Technology in Paris, 1937

Viktoras Petravičius. Gulbė karaliaus pati, 1937, pasakos viršelis 

Portrait of My Wife. 1940. Oil.

 Mano gimtinėje. In my native Country, AD: V.A.Petravičius
 1945–1947, pop., linoraiž., 28 x 38,5

  Mano gimtinėje. In my native Country, AD: V.A.Petravičius
 1945–1947, pop., linoraiž., 28 x 38,5

Audroje Stormbound. Linoleum Cut. Germany, 1948.
Viktoras Petravičius: Lino raižiniai. Muenchen, Germany:
T. J. Vizgirda, 1949. A Collection of 28 linoleum cuts.

Viktoras Petravicius
Lithuanian Exhibition, 1948
Original proof print for poster on paper
29 x 17 in (73.66 x 43.18 cm)

Svetimoje šalyje — In a Foreign Country. Linoleum Cut. Germany, 1948.

Dainos — Songs, 1948. Black/White Wood Cut.
Photographs of works reproduced on p.39 through p. 50 were made by A'exas Urba.

Laisvės kovotojai— Fighters for Freedom. Linoleum Cut. Germany, 1948.

 Lino raižiniai Viktoro A. Petravičiaus 1949
Lapai 47 x 76 cm (8 vnt.), lapai 48 x 37,5 cm (20 vnt.)

Lapų skaičius: 28, lino raižinių skaičius: 37 28 iš 37 lino raižinių signuoti Leidėjas ir sudarytojas architektas T. J. Vizgirda, išleista Miunchene, Vokietijoje Knyga Nr. 173 (tiražas - 300), signuota: 16.2.49. V. A. Petravičius

Golgota (Nukryžiavimas)
Viktoras Petravičius, 1952
Gipsas, stiklas, mozaika, 62.00 x 47.50 cm
AD: Viktor

Metai/Year:  1954
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 25.5″ x 24″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Vargo mokykla”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

Be pavadinimo
Viktoras Petravičius, 1957
Drobė, aliejus, 60.50 x 58.50 cm
AD: V. Petravičius / 57.

 V. PETRAVIČIUS 1965 m. spalvotas raižinys 60x35 cm

Motina — Mother, 1970. Colored Print. Chicago.

  V. PETRAVIČIUS 1970 m. autorinis spaudas 83 x52 cm

Metai/Year: 1970
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 32″ x 30″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Tik mes keturi”
Technika/Media: litografija/litografy

Jurgis — George, 1973. Stone,

Taikos karalius - King of Peace, 1973. Stone. 

Saulės patekėjimas - Sun Rise, 1974 Black/White Wood Cut. Chicago.

Aras — Eagle, 1975. Black/While Wood Cut. Chicago.

Skulptūra - Sculpture. 1975. Stone

Sužadėtiniai — Engaged, 1975. Black/While Wood Cut. Chicago.

Nukryžiuota* - Crucified, 1975. Colored Wood Cut. Chicago.

Karys audroje - Warrior in Storm, 1975. Chicago.

  Pranašas — Prophet, I976 Black/While Wood Cut. Chicago.

Aras — Eagle, I977. Stone.

Viktoras Petravičius
Gipsas, reljefas, 21.50 x 14.50 cm
AD: victor

Viktoras Petravičius
Gipsas, stiklas, mozaika, 53.00 x 17.50 cm
AD: victor

Viktoras Petravičius
Gipsas, stiklas, mozaika, 53.00 x 17.50 cm
AD: victor

  V. PETRAVIČIUS Plakatas raižinys 63x48 cm

Metai/Year:  1982
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 37″ x 22″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Du tūkstančiai metų”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

 „Telvelik“, iš „Dievaičių“ serijos, pagal to paties pavadinimo 1978 m. estampą
1982, pop., sp. poligraf., 56,7 x 32,2, tir. 32/75
Sign.: AK: 32/75, AD: V. Petravičius

Metai/Year:  1982
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 23″ x 20″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Les nuits de Paris”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

Metai/Year:  1983
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 23″ x 16″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Aarono palaiminimas”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

Metai/Year:  1983
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 32″ x 23″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Trys kunigaikščiai”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

 Be pavadinimo (Stirnos)

Metai/Year:  1984
Vaizdo dydis/Image size: 25.5″ x 23″
Pavadinimas/Title: “Šokis”
Technika/Media: grafika/graphics

 Pavasaris. Merginos pievoje

  V. PETRAVIČIUS Plakatas 45x34 cm


Ciplijausko darbas Viktoras Petravičius



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