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giovedì 29 giugno 2023



ART  5

14th-century painters - Page from the Très Belles Heures de Notre Dame de Jean de Berry - WGA16013 
Master of the Parement - Created: between circa 1380 and circa 1407

14th-century painters - Page from the Très Belles Heures de Notre Dame de Jean de Berry - WGA16013 Master of the Parement - Created: between circa 1380 and circa 1407

1435 Meister Francke Die klagenden Frauen am Kreuz anagoria

Abellon's painting of Saint Martha and the dragon, or Tarasque (c. 1430).

André Abellon Unknown 15 cent. artist of Provence -

St. Martha and the dragon, attributed to André Abellon, dominic painter. Painted on the of the Chapel of St. Elegius (Saint Eloi) at the Basilica of St. Marie Magdaleine church at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume (Var, France)

Maestà painted in 1349 by an anonymous follower of Giotto in the choir of the church of the former Abbey at Viboldone, (Milan, Italy). Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, October 31st 2009.

Abb. di Viboldone - Anonimo giottesco, Maestà (1349) - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto, 31-Oct-2009

Adoration of the Magi, manuscript illumination from the Très Belles Heures de Notre Dame (BnF), by the Master of the Parement or his circle  Created: between circa 1390 and circa 1407

Master of the Parement - The Yorck Project (2002) 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei
Altar 1320 im Kloster Cismar in Ostholstein
Altar of Kloster Cismar
Attributed to the Master of Saint Veronica, German, active c. 1395 - c. 1425 - Enthroned Virgin and Child, with Saints Paul, Peter, Clare of Assisi, Mary Magdalene, Barbara, Cathe...

Binding of Isaac  Flight into Egypt 

Master Bertram - Created: between 1379 and 1383

Binding of Isaac  Flight into Egypt Master Bertram - Created: between 1379 and 1383 
Babtistry of the Luebeck Cathedral
Barbara altar - National Museum of Finland - DSC04234 
Master Francke Created: 1410s

Binding of Isaac  Flight into Egypt 

Master Bertram -   Created: 1375-1383


Blanka z Valois

Mikuláš Wurmser - Created: 16th century date QS:P,+1550-00-00T00:00:00Z/7. According to an original from the 14th century. Originally in the destroyed Hall of Ancestors of Charles IV. at the Karlštejn Castle.
Charles IV

Christ in the Garden of Olives with Saint Agnes and Louis I d’Orleans as a Donor

La oración en el huerto con el donante Luis I de Orleans. Created: between 1405 and 1408

 Possibly Colart de Laon -

Agony in the Garden


Christ on the Cross with a Praying Carthusian Monk, ca. 1390–1395. Now at the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Jean de Beaumetz Created: between 1390 and 1395  
. Detail from the Gothic frescos, by the workshop of Giotto, in the Presbitery in the church of the former Abbey at Viboldone, (Milan, Italy). Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, October 31st 2009.

Crucifixion of Jesus 
 Master of Saint Veronica - Created: circa 1400
Detail of the Altar of Kloster Cismar
Egerton hours - Vierge et sainte Anne - BL Eg1070 f97 
Attributed to Master of the Parement - Created: circa 1410
Enluminure, miniature des Très belles Heures du duc de Berry
 Jacquemart de Hesdin - Created: circa 1400
Erschaffung der Pflanzen
 Master Bertram Created: 1375-1383
Gdańsk Pietas Patris 
Circle of Master Francke - Created: between 1420 and 1440
Grandes Heures de Jean de Berry - David pénitent (fol. 45) 
Jacquemart de Hesdin, Pseudo-Jacquemart, Maître de la Mazarine


Jacquemart de Hesdin - The Annunciation - Created: circa 1400

Jacquemart de Hesdin, Annunciation from Très Belles Heures de Jean de Berry

Jacquemart de Hesdin - The Fool - Created: circa 1386
Jacquemart de hesdin, via crucis, 1400-1410
Karlštejn Castle - church of the Virgin - southern wall - relic scenes 
Attributed to Nicholas Wurmser - Iva Rosario, Art and Propaganda: Charles IV of Bohemia, 1346-1378, Boydell Press, 2000, ISBN 978-0-85115-787-0, figure 8 via Prometheus Bildarchiv, imago-6c60b4a8f925ef890e79876e62f04457a5ef9aa4  Created: 1 January 1357
Le carnet de dessin de Jacquemart de Hesdin/ Charles VI avec Isabeau de Bavière et deux personnages de la cour Il s'agit d'un petit carnet conservé à la Bibliothèque Pierpont Morgan de New york cote M.346, composé de 7 folios. Son matériau est particulier, il s'agit de petites planches fines de buis recouverte d'un gesso crayeux blanc (12,9 x 7 cm) relié par de fines bandes de parchemin. ce support était beaucoup utilisé par les artistes car il permettait un effacement rapide du dessin ou du croquis antérieur ; excellent pour le dessin d'étude et les exercices. La preuve dans ce carnet qu'utilise Jacquemart de Hesdin Peintre enlumineur des années 1380-1400 car il a ajouté ou remplacé ces propres compostions à des dessins antérieur de 30 ans au moins; les premiers dessins de ce carnet sont attribué à l'atelier de Jean Pucelle ou au Maître du Remède de Fortune c'est a dire vers 1350-1360. Ce carnet sera d'ailleurs complété par un maitre allemand anonyme vers 1450. ce parcours est significatif de la transmission des précieux modèles au Moyen Age
Jacquemart de Hesdin Created: 14th century 
Les Très Belles Heures Notre-Dame, funérailles à l'église - f58v 
Master of the Parement - Created: circa 1390-1410
Madonna con Bambino tra i santi Agostino e Amico, affresco di Antonio da Atri sulla lunetta del portale della chiesa di Sant'Amico a L'Aquila (1381). 
Maestro della veronica, santa veronica col sudario, 1420 ca 
Man of Sorrows Vir Dolorum, by Master Francke.
 Master Francke - Hamburger Kunsthalle  Created: um 1435 (Quelle)
Master of Saint Veronica
 Created: circa 1400
Meister der Heiligen Veronika
Created: circa 1400
Master of St. Veronica (German, active about 1395 - 1415) - The Crucifixion - 
 Jesus hangs on the cross, his attenuated arms stretched far apart. He looks down at his grieving mother, whose flowing draperies emphasize her swooning posture. By depicting him with an elongated torso, uncomfortably crossed legs, and an elegantly drooping head, the artist emphasized Jesus' human suffering and frailty. The Roman soldier at the right recognizes the divine nature of Christ and turns to the Pharisee at his side. According to the Bible, he says, "Indeed, this was the Son of God." These words were intended to fill the empty speech scroll above his head. The gold geometric pattern of the background, the richly colored robes, and the elaborate Gothic arches framing the miniature all contribute to the scene's elegance. The illuminator, the Master of Saint Veronica, painted with richly saturated bright colors and linear arabesques, creating figures with tall proportions dressed in sumptuous courtly attire. The style he employed, known as the International style, was closely associated with the courts of Paris and Prague. Created: about 1400 - 1410

Master of St Veronica (active in Cologne c. 1395 – 1415): Madonna with the Pea-Blossom, c. 1410 - 1415, Walnut and Oak, 59 x 39 cm (central panel), 59 x 19.5 cm (wing). Collection of Ferdinand Franz Wallraf
Created: between circa 1410 and circa 1415
Master of St Veronica (active in Cologne c. 1395 – 1415): Madonna with the Pea-Blossom, c. 1410 - 1415, Walnut and Oak, 59 x 39 cm (central panel), 59 x 19.5 cm (wing). Collection of Ferdinand Franz Wallraf
Created: between 1410 and 1415

Master of St. Veronica (German, active about 1395 - 1415) - Saint Anthony Abbot Blessing the Animals, the Poor, and the Sick - Created: about 1400 - 1410

Master of Saint Veronica - St. Veronica with the Holy Kerchief -
Created: circa 1420
Master of Saint Veronica - The Man of Sorrow with the Virgin and St Catherine -  Created: between 1400 and 1420
Master of Saint Veronica - Triptych (closed) - Created: circa 1410
Master of Saint Veronica - Triptych (detail) - Created: circa 1410
Master of Saint Veronica - Triptych (open) - Created: circa 1410
Master of Saint Veronica - Triptych - Created: between 1400 and 1415

Mural paintings of the dressing room of Margaret of Bavaria, château de Germolles, realised by the workshop of Jean de Beaumetz, from 1389

C. Degrigny - E. de Lavergne

Garde-robe de Marguerite de Bavière

Meister Bertram von Minden

Master Bertram - Created: 1375-1383


Meister Bertram von Minden Master Bertram - Created: 1375-1383
Meister Bertram von Minden 012 
Master Bertram Created: circa 1390

Meister Bertram von Minden - Rest on the Flight to Egypt, panel from Grabow Altarpiece - Created: 1383
Meister Francke
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 00 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 01 controversia sulle tre finestre della torre 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 08 decapitazione 1 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 08 decapitazione 2
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 06 flagellazione 1
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 04 imprigionamento 1 

Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 04 imprigionamento 2Sailko
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 03 inseguimento e tradimento dei pastori 0 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 03 inseguimento e tradimento dei pastori 1
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 03 inseguimento e tradimento dei pastori 2
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 03 inseguimento e tradimento dei pastori 3
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 07 martirio col fuoco 1.

Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 02 miracolo del muro 1 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 02 miracolo del muro 2
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 02 miracolo del muro 3
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 02 miracolo del muro 4 

Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 05 processo 1
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, 05 processo 2
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, sculture 02 circoncisione di gesù 
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, sculture 04 funerali di maria
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, sculture 05 maria libera il cavaliere teofilo dal patto col diavolo

Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, sculture 03 morte
della vergine
Meister francke, altare di santa barbara, amburgo 1420 circa, dalla chiesa di kalanti, sculture 01 nascita di gesù 

Middle part (bottom row, second from the left picture), Massacre of the Innocents

Master Bertram Created: circa 1400-1410


Parement of Narbonne

Master of the Parement - 

Crucifixion of Jesus  Flagellation of Christ Christ carrying the cross


Pilate washing his hands  Pilate's court

Master Bertram Created: circa 1394


Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple

Jacquemart de Hesdin - Created: 1402 
Scheidung der Wasser
 Master Bertram Created: 1375-1383
The battle of Cannae, ca 1390–1400. Bibliothèque nationale de France 
follower of the Luçon Master, First Master of the Grande Bible Historiale Complétée of Jean, Duc de Berry (Paris, BNF, fr. 159) or Ravenelle Master (illuminators) - Livy, Histoire romaine. Translation from the Latin by Pierre Bersuire
Livy, Histoire romaine. Translation from the Latin by Pierre Bersuire: The battle of Cannae Place of origin, date: Paris, follower of the Luçon Master, First Master of the Grande Bible Historiale Complétée of Jean, Duc de Berry (Paris, BNF, fr. 159) or Ravenelle Master (illuminators); c. 1390-1400 Material: Vellum, ff. 228+196+160 (3 vols.), 415x303 (279x188) mm, 52 lines, littera textualis, Bindings: 18th-century brown leather; gilt Decoration: Vol. I: 1 two-column miniature (145x185 mm); 9 column miniatures (80/70x85/80 mm); 2 illustrations in the margin (emblems); decorated initials with border decoration (ff. 9r, 12v, 19r, 23v, 26v, etc.); penwork initials throughout. Vol. II: 1 two-column miniature(154x185 mm); 9 column miniatures (100/80x105/80 mm); 2 illustrations in the margin (emblems); decorated initials with border decoration (ff. 5r, 8r, 25r, 46r, 64r, etc.); penwork initials throughout. Vol. III: 1 two-column miniature (140x188 mm); 8 column miniatures (85/70x90/80mm); 2 illustrations in the margin (emblems); decorated initials with border decoration (ff. 5r, 10r, 22v, 36r, 55r, etc.); penwork initials throughout. Added: coats of arms, emblems and motto of Philip of Cleves on the opening pages of all three volumes Provenance: possibly made for Bertrando de Rossi, Count of San Secundo (emblem). Louis de Luxembourg, connétable de France (d. 1475; signature); by descent to his granddaughter Françoise de Luxembourg and her husband Philip of Cleves (d. 1528; coats of arms, emblems, motto;signature); purchased in 1531 from Philip's estate by Henry III, Count of Nassau (d. 1538); by descent to the Princes of Orange-Nassau, the later Stadholders, at The Hague; carried off in 1795 to Paris by the French and restituted to the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in 1816

The Flight into Egyp
tJacquemart de Hesdin Created: 1402 
The golden lioness in the cathedral of Luebeck, Germany
Très Belles Heures de Bruxelles -  Jacquemart de Hesdin - Created: before 1402


Très Belles Heures de Bruxelles -  Jacquemart de Hesdin - présentation au temple

 Created: before 1402 

Très Belles Heures Notre-Dame Annonciation BNF NAL3093 f1v

Master of the Parement - Created: between 1390 and 1407


Très Belles Heures Notre-Dame - Dieu le père - Louvre-RF2022

Attributed to Master of the Parement Created: between 1390 and 1407


Très Belles Heures de Notre-Dame - NAL3093, f2v-3r - Nativité

Master of the Parement - Created: between circa 1380 and circa 1407

Très Belles Heures Notre-Dame - Vierge et saint Jean - Louvre RF2024r

Attributed to Master of the Parement - Created: between 1390 and 1407
Trinità con 3 volti (1400)
Unknown - Holy trinity (Pieta Domini) - Śr.73 - National Museum in Warsaw
 Master Francke - National Museum in Warsaw   Created: from 1420

Zweifacher Wandelaltar

Master Bertram -   Created: 1375-1383

Zweifacher Wandelaltar

 Master Bertram -   Created: 1375-1383

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