ачкар в Сагмосаванке
khatchkar in Saghmosavank
Agios Stephanos
Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work
Cappella della maddalena, assisi
I, Sailko
Cappella della maddalena 02 Giotto
- Own work Created: 1307
Christ Church in Veria Crucifixion Fresco by Georgios Kalliergis, 1315
Georgios Kalliergis and disciples - 1315
Christ Church in Veria Dormition Fresco by Georgios Kalliergis, 1315
Georgios Kalliergis and disciples
Christ Church in Veria Resurrection Fresco on the Southern Wall by Georgios Kalliergis, 1315
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens. Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009. G.dallorto - Own work
Crucifixion of Jesus Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work Created: 14th century
..das geht auf keine Kuhhaut
See58 - Own work
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Created: 1305
Duccio di Buoninsegna — Der Abstieg Christi in den Limbus — 1308-1311
Kirche St. Johannis in Verden (Aller) im Landkreis Verden in
Niedersachsen/Deutschland, Wandmalerei um 1300, Kreuzigung ChristiGFreihalter - Own work
Frescoes by Ioannis
Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Baptism of Christ
(detail). Northern wall, to the east of the transverse arch, middle
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): Deesis with St
Nicholas in place of St John the Baptist - in the half-dome of the apse.
On the triumphal arch above, the Mandylion flanked by Virgin Mary and
Archangel Gabriel. Below, six bishops - including St Nicholas, St John
Chrysostom and St Gregory of Nazianzus. The apse window is closed with a
VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): St George and St
Demetrius on horseback (detail). Northern wall, to the west of the
transverse arch, bottom range. VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Empty
Sepulchre (detail). Southern wall, to the east of the transverse arch,
middle range. VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Entry into
Jerusalem (detail). Southern wall, to the west of the transverse arch,
top range. VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Entry into
Jerusalem (detail). Southern wall, to the west of the transverse arch,
top range.VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Entry into
Jerusalem (detail). Southern wall, to the west of the transverse arch,
top range. VampaVampa - Own work
by Ioannis Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Hospitality
of Abraham (detail). Northern wall, eastern end, middle range. VampaVampa - Own work
Frescoes by Ioannis
Pagomenos at St Nicholas of Maza (1325/6): The Resurrection (Anastasis).
Northern wall, western end, top range.
in the medieval church of Saint Nicholaus in Maza, Apokoronas, Crete.
According to the inscription visible here it was built in 1324. The
frescos are attributed to Ioannis Pagomenos.
C messier - Own work
Fresco of St. George in Anydroi church of St. George
Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work
Fresco "The Last Judgement" at the Scrovegni Chapel, Padua, Province of Padua, Region of Veneto, Italy
Giotto di Bondone - No. 14 Annunciation - The Angel Gabriel Sent by God - WGA09190.
Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 15 Annunciation - The Virgin Receiving the Message - WGA09191
Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 16 Scenes from the Life of the Virgin - 7. Visitation - WGA09192. Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 47 The Seven Vices - Desperation - WGA09274
Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 48 The Seven Vices - Envy - WGA09275
- Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 49 The Seven Vices - Infidelity - WGA09276 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 50 The Seven Vices - Injustice - WGA09277 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 52 The Seven Vices - Inconstancy - WGA09279 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 53 The Seven Vices - Foolishness - WGA09280 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 40 The Seven Virtues - Prudence - WGA09267 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 41 The Seven Virtues - Fortitude - WGA09268 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 42 The Seven Virtues - Temperance - WGA09269 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 43 The Seven Virtues - Justice - WGA09270 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - No. 45 The Seven Virtues - Charity - WGA09272 Giotto Created: 1306
Giotto di Bondone - Decorative bands - Created: between 1304 and 1306
Giotto di Bondone - Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene - Mary Magdalene and Cardinal Pontano - WGA09101
- Created: 1320s
Giotto di Bondone - Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene - Mary Magdalene Speaking to the Angels - WGA09108
- Created: 1320s
Giotto di Bondone - Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene - Noli me tangere - WGA09105 Giotto
- Created: 1320s
Giotto di Bondone - Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene - Raising of Lazarus
- Created: 1320s
Giotto di Bondone - Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalene - Raising of Lazarus (detail) - WGA09104 Giotto
- Created: 1320s
Giotto - Scrovegni - -13- - God Sends Gabriel to the Virgin Created: 1303
Grifo di Tancredi - Grande Maestà de Berlin
Created: Unknown date
Ira giotto
Giotto Created: 1306
Katholische Filialkirche St. Andreas in Thulbach (Wang) im oberbayerischen Landkreis Freising
(Bayern/Deutschland), gotische Fresken aus der Zeit um 1300 in der
Apsis; Darstellung: Majestas Domini und Evangelistensymbole (Tetramorph)
GFreihalter - Own work
Kreuzigungsfresco neben dem Gang zum Nordportal
Ulamm (talk) - Own work
lamentation of Christ
- Created: between 1304 and 1306
Le Jugement dernier Sena di Bonaventura Segna di Bonaventura
Madonna and Child
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Maestà, Altarretabel des Sieneser Doms, Vorderseite, Predella mit Szenen aus der Kindheit Jesu und Propheten Duccio di Buoninsegna
- Created: from 1308 until 1311
Момик, хачкар 1306 года
Momik - Own work
Noli me
- Created: 1320s
Oberzell Georg Fresko
Padova: Cristo morto, affresco di Giotto nella cappella dell’Annunziata (xilografia).
Giotto - Strafforello
Gustavo, La patria, geografia dell’Italia. Provincie di Verona, Vicenza
e Padova. Unione Tipografico-Editrice, Torino, 1903.
Pietro Cavallini - Crucifixion - WGA04596 Pietro Cavallini
- Created: circa 1308
Reproducción de alta calidad de la Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto de Giotto di Bondone de la Capilla Scrovegni
Gennadii Saus i Segura - Own work
Raising of Lazarus Giotto
Saint Demetrios
Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work
St.Martini-Kirche in Bremen. Fresko aus der Zeit um 1300
Jürgen Howaldt - Self-photographed
Saint Vlasius Church in Veria Apse Frescos, 1320 - 1330
Georgios Kalliergis and disciples
Saint Vlasius Church in Veria Dormition Fresco, 1320 - 1330
Georgios Kalliergis and disciples
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.)Sailko - Own work

San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.)
Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.)
Sailko - Own work

San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.)
Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
San Domenico Maggiore, Napoli - Cappella brancaccio, affreschi di pietro cavallini (1308-09 ca.) Sailko - Own work
from the Life of Mary Magdalene: The Hermit Zosimus Giving a Cloak to
Magdalene, fresco from Magdalene Chapel, Lower Church, San Francesco,
Assisi. (The subject, cloak and even the name of old hermet was taken to Magdalene's history from "Life of St. Mary of Egypt"
St. Mary Magdalene is not the same person as St. Mary of Egypt.
Magdalene was a contemporary of Jesus. Mary of Egypt was a desert hermit
who lived in Egypt 500 year later. This is a depiction of St. Mary of
Egypt and St. Zosimas, who met her while traveling in the desert. Giotto
- Created: 1320s
Signature Plaque
Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work Created: 14th century
14th century of Saint John the Theologian at Elos, Crete. The frescos
inside date from early 14th century and are attributed to Ioannis
Pagomenos. Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work
fresco of the Crucifix in the medieval church of Saint Nicholaus in
Maza, Apokoronas, Crete. According to its inscription it was built in
1324. The frescos are attributed to Ioannis Pagomenos. C messier - Own work
Ioannis Pagomenos
- Own work Created: 14th century
Virgin and Child Hodegetria
Georgios Kalliergis - 1315
de Marie Madeleine à Marseille" réalisée par Giotto di Bondone en 1320
dans l'Eglise du couvent St François (Chapelle Ste Madeleine) à Assise
- Created: 1320s
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