11th century unknown painters - The Martyrdom of St Vincent - WGA19742Created: circa 1007
11th century unknown painters - The Miraculous Rescue of a Child - WGA19756
Created: between 1000 and 1001
Created: between 1000 and 1001
Détail des bas reliefs en
marbre du déambulatoire: le christ en majesté au centre, un séraphin, un
chérubin, deux anges et deux apôtres (l'ordre représenté ici ne
correspond pas forcement à l'ordre réel, un bas relief est aussi absent)
Basilique Saint-Sernin, bas reliefs.
Basilique Saint-Sernin, bas reliefs.
"Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy"
Created: Tang dynasty
Folio from the Ibn al-Bawwab Qur'an. Baghdad 1000-01 (AH 391) Chester Beatty Library Is 1431, f.285b
Folio from the Ibn al-Bawwab Qur'an. Decorative illumination. Baghdad, 1000-01 (AH 391). Chester Beatty Library Is 1431, f.286a
Folios 278v-279r of Ibn al-Bawwab’s Qurʾan
France. Occitanie, Haute-Garonne. Toulouse. Basilique Saint-Sernin. Basilical church (Basilique Saint-Sernin de Toulouse). Interior. The ambulatory. Bas-relief. Bernardus Gelduinus (?). A cherub. Romanesque. Ca 1096. . Cultural heritage; Cultural heritage|Monuments; Cultural heritage|Styles; Cultural heritage|Styles|Romanesque; Cultural heritage|Techniques; Cultural heritage|Techniques|Bas-relief; Cultural heritage|Techniques|Sculpture; Europe|France; Europe|France|Occitanie; Europe|France|Occitanie|Haute-Garonne; Europe|France|Occitanie|Haute-Garonne|Toulouse. Ref: PM_051282_F_Toulouse. Bernardus Gelduinus (?).
Headings for Chapter 1, al-Fatiha, and for Chapter 2, al-Baqara. The Ibn al-Bawwab Qur'an. Chester Beatty Library Is 1431, f.9b
Created: AH 391 / 1001 AD
Homilies of James Kokkinobaphos (Paris Bibliothèque nationale de France Grec 1208, fol. 3v), 12th century, Byzantine.
Created: 12th century C.E.
Bischof Otto II. von Konstanz (Bischof 1165-1174), Kolorierte
Federezeichnung, Mitte 13. Jh. Codex traditionum Weißenaugiensis.
Kantonsbibliothek St. Gallen. Kopie des Freiherrn
Joseph von Laßberg, um
Created: AH 391 / 1001 AD
Initiale D mit einem Selbstportrait des Schreibers Rufillus (eventuell tätig im Weißenauer Skriptorium) Created: between 1170 and 1200
Limestone relief of Saluzi ("Autumn Dew"), one of the en:Six Steeds of Zhao Mausoleum,
along with an unknown human general. The general switched horses with
the emperor and cared for Saluzi; he is seen here pulling an arrow out
of Saluzi's chest. On display at the en:Penn Museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Luohan Laundering - Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, 118 x 53.1 cm. This is part of the 500 Luohan collection.
Created: 1178
Maestro del giudizio universale, frammento di affresco con i santi giacomo e filippo, catalogna 1125 ca
"Man with naked feet holding a closed book in Basilique Saint-Sernin"
Meister der Predigten des Mönchs Johannes Kokkinobaphos
Created: 12th century
Created: 12th century
Meister der Predigten des Mönchs Johannes Kokkinobaphos
Created: 12th century
Meister der Predigten des Mönchs Johannes Kokkinobaphos
Created: 12th century
Meister der Predigten des Mönchs Johannes Kokkinobaphos
Created: 12th century
Created: 12th century
Miniature 1 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Tsar Ivan Alexander, Jesus Christ and the chronicler Constantine Manasses
reated: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 4 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Creation of Eve from the Adam's rib.
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 5 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Lured by the snake, Adam and Eve taste the Forbidden fruit.
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 6 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Adam and Eve get expelled from the Garden of Eden.
Created: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 8 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Construction and destruction of the Tower of Babel
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 9 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Celebration of the Egyptian king Senusret I
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 10 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: The dissipated life and death of Sardanapalus
Created: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 13 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Alexander the Great and Ptolemy I Soter attacking
Miniature 15 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Moses' miracle to bring forth water from the rock and inauguration of Joshua for King of the Jews.
Miniature 16 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Paris and Helen break from Menelaus' palace.
Northern Qi scholars collating classic textsCreated: Original: 14 century
Miniature 14 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Literary studies of Ptolemy Philadelphus and queen CleopatraCreated: Original: 14 century

Created: Original: 14 century

Created: Original: 14 century
Created: Original: 14 century
Miniature 19 from the Constantine Manasses Chronicle, 14 century: Escape of Paris and Helen and the beginning of the Trojan War.
Created: 11 century, Song Dynasty.
Philipp von Schwaben 1200
Portrait of Yan Liben.
Yan Liben (c. 600-673), formally Baron Wenzhen of Boling (博陵文貞男), was a Chinese painter and government official of the early Tang Dynasty. His most renowned work is the Thirteen Emperors Scroll. He also painted the Portraits at Lingyan Pavilion, under Emperor Taizong of Tang,
commissioned in 643 to commemorate 24 of the greatest contributors to
Emperor Taizong's reign, as well as 18 portraits commemorating the 18
great scholars who served Emperor Taizong when he was the Prince of Qin.
Yan's paintings included painted portraits of various Chinese emperors
from the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD) up until the Sui Dynasty (581-618) period. His works were highly regarded by the Tang writers Zhu Jingxuan and Zhang Yanyuan, who noted his paintings were "works among the glories of all times".
Rock Bridge at Tiantai Mountain - Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk, 109.4 x 52.4 cm. This is part of the 500 Luohan collection.
Created: 1178
Sex hästar från Zhaoling mausoleum på Xi'an Beilin Museum
Emperor Taizong Horse Relief, Quanmaogua limestone 636-649 CE Tang Dynasty Shaanxi Province China Penn Museum
Emperor Taizong Horse Relief, Quanmaogua limestone 636-649 CE Tang Dynasty Shaanxi Province China Penn Museum
Created: 7th century
Toulouse, Basilique Saint-Sernin
Toulouse - Basilique Saint-Sernin - Chérubin - Bernard Gilduin

Created: Song Dynasty (960–1279) copy of original by Yan Liben from 631
Yan Liben. Section of the Twenty Four Meritorious Officials in the Lingiang Palace. Ink rubbing of a line engraving. 1090
Yan Liben
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