Frescos from the Church of San Baudelio de Berlanga, Soria, Spain
12th century
Absis de Sant Climent de Taüll, el Crist en majestat.
Alberto sotio, crocifisso del duomo di spoleto, 1187
Alberto Sotio. Crucifix. detail. 1187. Spoleto, Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta.
Created: 1187
Alberto Sotio. Crucifix. detail. 1187. Spoleto, Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta.
Created: 1187
Created: 1187
Alberto Sotio (?), Martirio dei santi Giovanni e Paolo, xii secolo, fine
dalla chiesa dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo a Spoleto. Museum, Spoleto
This beautiful panel, one
of the oldest Italian paintings in America, is a fragment from the left
side, or apron, of a large painted crucifix. With one hand touching her
cheek in a tender expression of sorrow, the Virgin points to her left
(towards to the now-missing central panel) with her other hand. Her
gesture was originally directed towards Christ's wound, the source of
her grief. The rippling drapery and elegant contours of the Virgin's
body are derived from Byzantine icons. Created before painting on wooden
panels was widely practiced, this is a rare example of an early Italian
painting executed on parchment (prepared animal skin, generally used
for manuscripts) applied to a wooden panel. This fact, together with the
artist's remarkable control of line and expressive gesture, suggest
that he also worked as a manuscript illuminator.
For more information on this piece, please see Zeri catalogue number 1,
pp. 3-4.
Alejandro Pérez Lugín con tres actores de La Casa de la Troya, Plaza de Platerías, 1924.
Алимпий Печерский, пишущий образ Богоматери и искушаемый дьяволом.
Фреска. Церковь Рождества Христова в Ярославле. 1683 год
Alipy of the Caves - Vasilij Raev.
Created: 1 January 1848
Created: 1 January 1848
Alipiy Pecherskiy ikonopisets.
Created: 11-12 век
(s. XI) del ábside central de la cripta de la Iglesia de San Esteban,
Sos del Rey Católico. Magníficamente tallado por el Maestro Esteban.
Catedral de Santiago de Compostela
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens.
Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens.
Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens.
Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens.
Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.
Constantine Manasses - Dormition of the Holy Virgin, fresco painted in 1305, from Vasaras. Exhibited in the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens.
Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.

Picture by Giovanni Dall'Orto, November 12, 2009.
Creación de Adán, actualmente no contraforte esquerdo da fachada do Paraíso na Catedral de Santiago de Compostela.
Creta, Madonna della Salute o Mesopanditissa, xv sec ca.
Croce della chiesa del santo sepolcro, pisa, 1150-1200 ca., museo di s. matteo
Croce delle stimmate di s. caterina, 1150-1200 ca
Created: 1 January 1187
Detail of Fresco
Created: 1183
abendliche Stimmung der Plaza Platerias....
die Tore der Kathedrale sind geschlossen..der Touristenrummel ebbt
ab....vereinzelne Passanten flanieren stellt sich Ruhe ein auf dem
sonst belebten Platz...
Santiago de Compostella - Galicien / Spanien

Gemälde in der Kirche Panagia tou Arakou, Lagoudera, Zypern. Typus: Maria Nikopoia- ("die Siegbringende") frontal stehend, das Kind vor ihrer Brust sitzend.
Hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga, Casillas de Berlanga, Soria, Spain
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
India (West Bengal) or Bangladesh; Folio; Paintings Created: early 12th century
Mahakala standing in a temple sanctuary, Colophon folio. Attributed to Mahavihara Master. Tibet Museum, Lhasa
Created: Early 12th-century
Created: Early 12th-century
Majestas Domini with Evangelists and Saints (detail)
Master of San Baudelio - Falconer - Created: 1125/1150
Miniatura que apareix a la Carta fundacional de la confraria de sant Martí de Canigó (1195).
El front d'altar del baldaquí va ser pintat amb aquests mateixos motius per Magister Alexander. Actualment desaparegut.
apóstolo Santiago na fachada das pratarías da Catedral de Compostela.
Apreciase á súa esquerda a inscrición "ANFUS REX", realizada para
sinalar a coroación no 1111 de Afonso VII, fillo de Raimundo de Borgoña,
como rei de Galiza
Created: 12th century
Painting of a bodhisattva
benefiting sentient beings. Sanskrit Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra
manuscript written in the Ranjana script. India, early 12th century.
Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Bodhisattva Helping Created: between 1100 and 1133
Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Bodhisattva Helping Created: between 1100 and 1133
Pintura mozárabe de un animal exótico (h. 1134) en la Ermita de San Baudelio de Berlanga.
Referencia, Collections of The Cloisters
Romanesque ceiling fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria
Romanesque Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria. The frescos date from the 12th century, probably around 1160, the crucifix from the 11th century.
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: Holy King (King David? Charlemagne?)
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: The Annunciation
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: The Miracle of the Five Loaves
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: The Nativity
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: St. John the Baptist
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: St. John the Evangelist
Romanesque fresco from the 12th century (probably around 1160) in the Chapel of St. John in Pürgg, Styria, Austria: The War between Cats and Mice
Created: 2 January 1288 

The beginning of the
Chronicle of Constantine Manasses with a portrait of the author in the
manuscript Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Cod. Hist. gr.
91, fol. 1r.
Created: 15th century (date of the manuscript)
The painting from St
Walburga Church in Soest is the oldest surviving painted panel north of
the Alps. Format and iconography suggest that it actuelly stood above
the main altar.
Museum Kunst und Kultur-Soester Antependium
Museum Kunst und Kultur-Soester Antependium
Created: 1183
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