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lunedì 3 giugno 2024

Cinema 3

    C I N E M A

Die Serpentintänzerin0:31

Directed by   Max Skladanowsky
Produced by Max Skladanowsky
 Cinematography Max Skladanowsky
 Release date November 1, 1895
 Country   German Empire


La Mer

Baignade en mer (The Sea) 1895

Directed by   Louis Lumière
Produced by Louis Lumière
 Cinematography   Louis Lumière
 Release date 1895
Country France
La Pêche aux poissons rouges
Directed by   Louis Lumière
Produced by Louis Lumière
 Cinematography   Louis Lumière
 Release date 1895 July 1896 (Finland)
Country France

Le Saut à la couverture

Directed by   Louis Lumière
Produced by Louis Lumière
 Cinematography   Louis Lumière
 Release date 1895 July 1896 (Finland)
Country France

Opening of the Kiel Canal
Directed by  Birt Acres 
Produced by Birt Acres, Robert W. Paul 
Cinematography  Birt Acres
Release date 1895
Country  United Kingdom
 Place des Cordeliers à Lyon

Repas de bébé

Rough Sea at Dover


The Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Racea


Directed by   Louis Lumière
Produced by Louis Lumière
Starring Antoine Féraud
Cinematography   Louis Lumière
 Release date  1895   July 1896 (Finland)
Country France

The Photographical Congress Arrives in Lyon

Directed by   Louis Lumière
Produced by Louis Lumière
Starring  P.J.C. Janssen
Cinematography   Louis Lumière
Distributed by Kino Video (DVD)
Release date  12 June 1895
Country France



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