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venerdì 22 aprile 2022

Angry Christ Comix / stories written & illustrated by Joseph Michael Linser

Angry Christ Comix: Queste sono favole terrificanti, nate a cavallo fra gli anni Ottanta e i Novanta. Mentre l'oscuro regno di Reagan si estendeva sugli States, coinvolti in guerre combattute per avidità e non per la giustizia o la libertà. Quando l'AIDS era una nuova e terribile peste di cui quasi nulla si sapeva, se non che ci avrebbe uccisi tutti, a cominciare dai "peccatori". "Angry Christ Comics" è figlio di quei tempi bui, in cui i cattivi dominavano la scena con le lo facce, le loro bugie e i loro sorrisi seducenti. 

Italian Edition 
 Now, this work is presented in paperback! Before "Dawn or Claws", there was "Cry for Dawn", Joseph Michael Linsner's short story anthology of dark modern nightmares. "Angry Christ Comics" collects these essential tales. First published in the early '90s, many fans consider these often feature-length horror stories to be Linsner's best work.

Angry Christ Comix #1 released by Sirius Entertainment on September 1, 1994. 
A Dawn anthology written and illustrated by Joseph Michael Linsner based upon his chosen work completed between fall 1988 and summer 1994. They are meant to reflect his growth as a person and artist as specifically applied to his stories.





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