My name is Kati Verebics. I would like to tell you something about myself and my artistic work.
I finished my studies in the University of Fine Arts in Budapest.
I graduated as a painter and graphic artist.
I have to mention here that I have a very talented painter sister, Agi Verebics. My last exhibition was together with her as Verebics sisters show in a very nice gallery in Budapest.
The story of how I became a painter began in my childhood. My mother was a drawing teacher in an elementary school, my father was a major who organized a lot of exhibitions in a little, surrealistic village in the Hungarian countryside. He invited many very talented and famous artists to exhibit on the magical little island on which stands a Dutch style house surrounded by a pond. Artists always liked to exhibit there. So finally I had to become an artist as the magic entered me !
Why was it important to speak about this? Because some of my works was inspired by this unique, magic and surrealistic place where I grew up.
Mainly I live and work in Budapest but quite often abroad.
I Received a two month scholarship to Rome, in Italy two years ago and I lived and a worked in this beautiful ancient city. It was a great experience to explore the great and famous buildings and visit to Sistina Chapel and see Michelangelo's frescos in person. After Rome I had the chance to exhibit in a grand and well respected salon in Budapest.
In 2007- I received the Gundel prize for contemporary art
In 2008-2009 - I received the Prize of Kogart
In 2010 - I got a Rome residency prize.
I paint mainly oil on canvas but I like to mix serious techniqes on the panels. Example one of my favorite technic is the collage. I like to find old newspapers and books and then cut out and arrange what interest me.
Basically my main theme is figurative and analyzed..I like to choose people who are able to inspire me. Many of them have been my models. I am used to taking lots of photos before I paint. Its not rare that my model is myself, or one of my family members and friends. Ocassionally unknown people who inspire me. Sometimes I also paint landscapes but usually there are figures in the landscape. I painted some landscapes of my home village and English countryside landscapes as well.
I hope you all enjoy my works and find inspiration in them !
Rebel and shungas 1
dj Corp 1
djCorp 2
EleKtroda 1
Panther 1
EleKtroda 2
After Utamaro 8
After Utamaro 2
still life
Harry will live
yoti 45
Open Brain
before the last red moment
Fuzioban 2
heart gate
Paris memories 4
with Zsofi 2
Selfpaint 1
K 4
Verebics Katalin (Enying, 1980. október 30.) magyar festő. Verebics Ágnes festőnő nővére.
...a suivre...
K 4
Verebics Katalin (Enying, 1980. október 30.) magyar festő. Verebics Ágnes festőnő nővére.
- 1999-2005 – Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem, grafika, később festő szak (mestere: Klimó Károly)
- 1995-1999 – Tóparti Gimnázium és Művészeti Szakközépiskola, Székesfehérvár
Csoportos és egyéni kiállítások:- 2009 – Octogonart Galéria Budapest
- Hitelgarantiqa zrt. Budapest
- Artfair Budapest
- 2008 – OctogonArt Galéria Budapest
- Kogart Re:Friss Budapest
- Holdudvar Galéria Budapest
- 2007 – Erlin Galéria
- Boulevard&Brezsnyev Galéria /Verebics Ágival/
- Inda Galéria, Budapest
- 2006 – MissionArt Galéria Budapest
- MissionArt Galéria Miskolc
- Európafríz: Róma
- 2005 – Mucius Kortárs Galéria, Budapest
- Európafríz, Berlin
- Friss Európa, Kogart Ház, Budapest
- Neofoton, Szentendre
- Erlin Galéria, Budapest
- Barcsai Terem, Budapest
- 2004 – Energia és ellenérték, Szentendre
- 2003 – Újlipótvárosi Klub Galéria /Verebics Ágival/ Budapest
- Chiesa S. Marta, Ivrea, Olaszország
- Benczúr Klub, Budapest
- 2002 – Rádai Galéria, Budapest
Live body performance "Desire" / Kati Verebics with Rebel at Léna ...
10 dic 2012 - Caricato da Lena & Roselli Gallery
Live body performance "Desire" / Kati Verebics with Rebel at Léna & Roselli Gallery. Lena & Roselli Gallery ......a suivre...
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