Belinda Bussotti Artist - Monaco
Beli was born in the Principality of Monaco (South of France) where she lives. She always loved drawing and painting... As a kid, she won the first price in the Walt Disney Mickey mouse drawing contest. After her studies and a Master in Business Administration, she came back to her passion : painting and drawing. Since 2009, she developed a real passion for photography (and won the first price in the PHOTOMENTON contest in portrait category - november 2010). Then she started learning sculpture with the famous sculptor Matéo Mornar in 2012.Education: She had the opportunity to improve herself in several American art schools for drawing and painting; 1991: Corcoran Art School in Washington DC (USA) - 1994: Glassel Art School in Houston Texas (USA) - 1995: North Light Art School, Cincinnati (USA).
2009 to 2011: Art school for photography in Monaco (ESAP)
Since 2012: Mateo Mornar’s “atelier” for sculpture.
Painting style: contemporary and figurative painting, mainly acrylic and mixed techniques. Colours impact is essential, together with contrasts, lights and shadows... Paintings and mostly colours involved are connected with the artist’s emotions and vital energy.
Preferences: Nudes with erotic touch, but also yachting, animals, portraits, cars, Africa, environment, mermaid fantasy, everything connected to her passions and emotions ...
After drawing and figurative oil painting, a new style started in 2004 with acrylic paintings and photography, with a different approach of mixed technique which evolved again with numeric art in 2010.
Since 2010 she oriented a lot of her work to environmental causes, mainly regarding oceans, sharks and sea life.
After 2012 she mainly dedicated her work to sculpture. It is a wonderful way to deliver messages, to raise awareness on different causes she is supporting.
Her passion for sharks pushed her to use art for sharks’ awareness in the world in all kind of ways: artwork on an electrical submarine, racing in USA in june 2011, the scubster, showing a mermaid riding a shark. A giant fin is painted on a wall in Villefranche sur Mer bay in 2014, a special bronze collection is dedicated to sharks and a large fin in bronze has been part of the annual itinerant exhibition “On Sharks & Humanity” which started in Monaco in 2013, then Moscow (2015) and Beijing until January 2016.
The shark’s fin with the “cut”, representing the wound we inflict to oceans, started to be her symbol.
Since 2008, she successfully exhibited in famous places as PARIS (Grand Palais), MONACO, KIEV, LONDON, FIRENZE (Italy), St Petersbourg, MOSCOW (Ekatarina Foundation 2015), BEIJING (National Museum of China 2015).
Nu bleu - 4 toiles sur contreplaqué 90x70cm
Braise et feu - Collection privée de S.A.S. le prince Albert II
Dans l’escalier
Carré de nus - 56 x 56cm
“Fusion 1” thème fusion des arts
Original en platre
Début à l’argile
La serviette - 40 x 40cm
Shark angel
Femme Turkana - 50 x 50 cm
Bout de mer - 81x65cm
Gufo - 116x89cm
Proue noire
Raffinerie” thème pétrole
Femme hamar d’Ethiopie - 120 x 60 cm
Reflet d’argent
“Don Quichotte”
Buste d’homme
Jeune fille Hamar
Dreaming stones - 81x65cm
Blonde rouge
Femme aux poules - 92 x 73 cm
Monaco mauve - 81x65cm
Descente sur épave (Ecole Bleue)
Yang - 40 x 40cm
Premiere femme - 92 x 73 cm
Lion - 100x81cm
Le mur
Tuer la mer … c’est exactement ce que l’homme est en train de faire,
avec acharnement, de façon systématique et sans discernement. Ces 30
dernières années, il a fait disparaitre 90% des grands poissons
(requins, thons etc…). Un vrai massacre qui a de lourdes conséquences.
Cette toile se veut un cri d’alarme même s’il est minuscule, une
sensibilisation à la destruction massive des requins. Il faut sauver ce
grand prédateur dont dépend toute la chaine alimentaire. Sa disparition
affecterait tout l’écosystème marin, jusqu’aux coraux.
Belinda BUSSOTTI "Beli" Artiste Peintre - Sculpteur à Monaco - YouTube
23 gen 2015 - Caricato da kel expo
Kelexpo vous présente l'artiste peintre - sculpteur Belinda BUSSOTTI, Beli dans son atelier à Monaco.View Belinda Bussotti • BELI • @beliartmonaco photos on Instagram ...
Find out latest photos and videos taken by Belinda Bussotti • BELI • @How to Wear Art with Beli - YouTube
03 mag 2017 - Caricato da Belinda Bussotti
"Paintings are not only for walls" ... Discover original ways to tie art printed scarfs made by the artist BELI ...
...a suivre...
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