“ | Still today, masters lend their slaves' labor to other individuals, female slaves are sexually exploited and children are made to work and rarely receive an education. Slavery particularly affects women and children, who are the most vulnerable among the vulnerable. Women of child-bearing age have a harder time emancipating because they are producers of slave labor and perceived as extremely valuable. | ” | |
— From U.S. Dept. of State report on Slavery in Mauritania, 2009
Mauritania. Due uomini marrone scuro, un copricapo che indossa, cavalli
da sella con criniere e le code di fantasia separati da uomo a piedi
Mauritania. Linea di cavalli marrone scuro e cavalieri. 'Bastone'
cavalli e cavalieri bianchi. Bianco uomo armato sovrapposizione
cavaliere rosso.
Obstacles to ending slavery in Mauritania include:
The difficulty of enforcing any laws in the country's vast desert
Poverty that limits opportunities for slaves to support themselves if freed
Belief that slavery is part of the natural order of this society.
In November 2016, an appeals court in Mauritania overturned the jail convictions of three anti-slavery activists and reduced the sentences of 10 others for their alleged role in a riot in June, Amnesty International said. Another court had originally sentenced the 15 human rights activists and members of the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA) to 15 years in prison.
Mauritania. Linea di cavalieri.
Human rights
The Abdallahi government was widely perceived as corrupt and restricted access to government information. Sexism, racism, female genital mutilation, child labour, human trafficking, and the political marginalization of largely southern-based ethnic groups continued to be problems. Homosexuality is illegal and is a capital offense in Mauritania.
Following the 2008 coup, the military government of Mauritania faced severe international sanctions and internal unrest. Amnesty International accused it of practicing coordinated torture against criminal and political detainees. Amnesty has accused the Mauritanian legal system, both before and after the 2008 coup, of functioning with complete disregard for legal procedure, fair trial, or humane imprisonment. The organization has said that the Mauritanian government has practiced institutionalized and continuous use of torture throughout its post-independence history, under all its leaders.
Mauritania. Centrale pannello principale dipinta sopra sporgenza sulla
scogliera. Da sinistra, Quattro uomini trasportano casella bichrome
orizzontale. (cavalli e cavalieri?).
Mauritania. Pendenza roccia sulla scogliera a sud superiore con dipinti prevalentemente rossi.
Mauritania. Viste oblique di seconda scena raffiguranti cavalieri rossi.
Grande rosso animale mitico (prima descritto come 'dinosauro' ma
probabilmente giraffa) con due uomini rossi con le braccia estese
montati su cavalli.
Mauritania. Uomo Maroon vestita indossa corse di cavalli a sinistra.
Cavallo ha due redini corte. L'uomo tiene il bastone con la testa
dell'animale alla fine sopra la testa del cavallo
Mauritania. Su rigonfiamento tra la parete posteriore e il tetto di
riparo, tarchiato uomo rosso rivolta in avanti, vacche rosse, mucca
rossa con le gambe allungate, forma rosso (predatore?), tridenti in
rosso a barre incrociate verticali.
Mauritania. Su rigonfiamento tra la parete posteriore e il tetto di
riparo, tarchiato uomo rosso rivolta in avanti, vacche rosse, mucca
rossa con le gambe allungate, forma rosso (predatore?), tridenti in
rosso a barre incrociate verticali.
MAURITANIA, Land of Nomads and Art - YouTube
08 giu 2009 - Caricato da Thomas Stricker
The Nomadic Women of Mauritania create some of the world's most beautiful beads. One type, the Kiffa bead ...
Tichit, Mauritania
Chinguetti est une ville sainte de Mauritanie. Célèbre pour son
architecture et sa mosquée, cette cité caravanière en plein désert se
situe dans le massif de l'Adrar. A proximité, palmeraies et jardins
verts et fleuris...Cette ville mythique a su conserver ses bibliothèques
de manuscrits anciens, qui font la fierté de son peuple. Découvrez
Chinguetti avec La Balaguère, voyage aventure spécialiste de la
Mauritania Chandelier
Ancient door Mauritania
A handmade Prayer Carpet (Zarbiya) from Mauritania, by the Artisan Taslem Tahmane / Courtesy of IRCICA
This prominent circular feature, known as the Richat Structure, in
the Sahara desert of Mauritania is often noted by astronauts because it
forms a conspicuous bull's-eye on the otherwise rather featureless
expanse of the desert.
MAURETANIA. HODH ECH CHARGUI. Oualata. Decorated door
Terjit oasis, Mauritania, Africa
I colori del deserto
Reportage Mauritania: la tradizione dell’arte al femminile.
Così, davanti a infinite tazze di tè, Mohammed ci racconta di quando questo territorio della Repubblica Islamica della Mauritania, che si protende verso il fiume Senegal, non era un pezzo d'Africa dimenticata. Qui, intorno all'VIII secolo, si sviluppò il primo impero nero storicamente conosciuto. I suoi abitanti, di etnia Soninké, lo chiamavano Wagadou (terra della mandrie” in lingua mande), ma in Europa divenne famoso con il temine di regno del Ghana (il “Re Guerriero”). L’impero basava la sua ricchezza sullo sfruttamento di misteriose miniere d’oro, la cui ubicazione era tenuta nascosta, e la sua capitale, Kombui Saleh, venne rasa al suolo nel 1076 dalla furia distruttrice degli Almoravidi, monaci guerrieri di fede islamica. Oggi dell’antica capitale rimangono poche rovine, ma i Soninké sono ancora lì e hanno sviluppato un’arte decorativa molto originale all’interno delle loro case. È un’arte al femminile, che le donne si passano di madre in figlia da infinite generazioni. Si tratta di motivi geometrici dai colori pastello che riempiono cucine, camere da letto e corridoi.
Art warning the world - Mauritania
Video by the visual artist sabel Fiadeiro for Mauritania.
"Art warning the world" is a global artwork for freedom defense created by the french visual artist
Klaus Guingand in collaboration with 201 visual artists living in 200 different countries.
"Art warning the world" it's 202 artists, 200 countries, 202 flags, 202 videos, 202 photos and a warning
translates into 135 National languages.
Together these 202 artworks are a masterpiece of art engaged which is for every human.
Look Klaus Guingand's prophetic warning.
Web site: http://www.art-warning-the-world.net
"Art warning the world" is a global artwork for freedom defense created by the french visual artist
Klaus Guingand in collaboration with 201 visual artists living in 200 different countries.
"Art warning the world" it's 202 artists, 200 countries, 202 flags, 202 videos, 202 photos and a warning
translates into 135 National languages.
Together these 202 artworks are a masterpiece of art engaged which is for every human.
Look Klaus Guingand's prophetic warning.
Web site: http://www.art-warning-the-world.net
Souvenirs in Chinguetti Mauritania
Ancient Walata
Lives and draws in Mauritania and other places.
Runs a gallery in Nouakchott that promotes the work of local artistes and artisans.
...a suivre...
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