Marcel Chatelain
CHATELAIN (known as Eugène)
Active from 1898 to 1920, photographer and painter
Chatelain arrived in Tunis in about 1898 and went to work in the
Photo-Garrigues studios, which were being run at the time by A.
(Preface by Mégnin in the catalogue Chatelain retrouvé, Editions Nicole
Canet, 2006)
By 1903 he was pursuing his photographic work in the small Moorish
palace at 13 rue El Gamathou, in Tunis, where he exhibited his
photographs and sold to the public. His second set of premises were at
19 rue Es Souli, and later he moved to 21 rue Sidi-Bou Krissan (in the
market area of the city).
In 1913 he was awarded a grand module silver medal, one of the highest
Tunisian honours at the time.
Often he uses in the same models in his photographs as we see in the
work of Lehnert, who also appears in photographs taken on Chatelain’s
Chatelain’s nudes are natural, spontaneous.
He made intense copper-toned prints, often using marbled paper or
handmade paper.
In 1914, Chatelain left for Algeria where he worked alongside a number
of other photographers.
In about 1915,
some of his stock was purchased by the publishers Léon
et Lévy, although Chatelain’s copyright in his work was never indicated.
Chatelain Nu au jasmin, vers 1904
Eugene Chatelain - Enfants Tunisiens 1900's
Eugène Chatelain - Adda et le vieillard, vers 1910
Eugène Chatelain - Femmes nues, dans un riad 1900's
Eugène Chatelain - Nu couché, vers 1904-1905
Eugène Chatelain - Nus orientalistes 1900's
Jeune femme à la cigarette, vers 1904. Marcel Chatelain
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - between 1903 and 1914
Marcel Chatelain - Adda fleurs dans les cheveux, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Beauté à la calebasse, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Beauté, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Couple amoureux, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Femme au miroir, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Jeune mauresque, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Jeux dans le patio, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Le baiser, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Les musiciennes - Tunis, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Plein soleil, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Plein soleil 2, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Regard dans le miroir, vers 1904
Marcel Chatelain - Tendre baiser, vers 1904
Marcel Châtelain (Known as Eugène, active from 1898 to 1930) Postcard, Tunis, between 1903 and 1914
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