Falling Cat is an 1894 short film produced and directed by Étienne-Jules Marey, a French scientist. It was the third film that came out in the 19th century filmed in a public park, Bois de Boulogne, and released in France.[1] It is believed to be the first motion picture in history to show a live cat. The film consists solely of the feline falling down and landing on its feet.[1
Marey had assembled a camera that was capable of taking twelve consecutive frames a second. It resembled a short barrelled shotgun with a magazine. With this, he studied various animals in action. His most famous study was his ‘animated zoo’, in which this cat was dropped from a height of a few feet in order to see if it always landed on its feet.
Falling Cat (1894) - World's 1st Cat Video - Etienne-Jules Marey
https://www.youtube.com › watch
Étienne-Jules Marey gets credit for creating the first film starring a cat. His intent was to see whether cats really landed on all four ...
YouTube · Change Before Going Productions · Jul 22, 2012
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