Barbarella è un personaggio dei fumetti femminile protagonista dell'omonimo fumetto di fantascienza ideato dal francese Jean-Claude Forest pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1962 sulla rivista V-Magazine , in cui è presente una sottile vena di erotismo per la personalità disinibita della protagonista i cui lineamenti ricordano quelli dell'attrice Brigitte Bardot. Il personaggio raggiunse presto il successo sia per i contenuti che per il disegno, vivace e curato, che proponeva un’eroina spaziale al centro di avventure al limite della morale dell'epoca.
Storia editoriale
In Francia, il mensile V-Magazine pubblicò la prima puntata il 2 Aprile 1962. La serie è stata in seguito raccolta in un volume edito da Eric Losfeld.[senza fonte]In Italia venne pubblicato per la prima volta nell'Ottobre del 1967 sulla rivista Linus.
- Linus dal n°31 al n°36 (1967/68)]
- Linus dal n°151 al n°157 (1977/78)
- “Ali Baba - Robinson” (n°0 - supplemento a Linus n°33 - 1967)
- “Speciale Barbarella” (1970)
- “Barbarella” (1975 - Milano Libri)
- “Barbarella - L’altra luna” (1979 - Milano Libri).
In occasione del suo 55º anniversario, la Dynamite Entertainment in un comunicato stampa ha annunciato che verrà realizzata una nuova serie di fumetti con protagonista Barbarella sotto la supervisione di Jean-Marc Lofficier, che già lavorò con Jean-Claude Forest nella metà degli anni novanta a un progetto di sequel a fumetti di Barbarella rimasto incompiuto. La figlia dell'autore, Julien Forest, ha segnerà un rilancio "multimediale" del personaggio di Barbarella.Biografia del personaggio
Il nome venne scelto dall'autore pensando "a una ragazza un po’ selvaggia, e quindi barbara, ma al tempo stesso gentile, da qui la scelta del diminuitivo, quasi un vezzeggiativo". Selvaggia ma anche molto sensuale, Barbarella è una ragazza curiosa e intraprendente del pianeta Lythion nell’anno 40.000 D.C. dove affronta, sempre con successo, criminali e mostri di ogni razza, riuscendo finanche a liberare pianeti oppressi dalle dittature.Barbarella fu precursore di una tendenza del mondo del fumetto del periodo nel quale i personaggi femminili - soprattutto italiani, come Valentina, Isabella, Satanik e altre - non più eterne fidanzate ma protagoniste. Forest del suo personaggio disse che "è una donna finalmente libera, padrona delle sue azioni e del suo corpo". Nel corso delle sue avventure amoreggerà anche con un robot ("I miei slanci hanno qualcosa di meccanico"), ma senza nulla di torbido o di proibito come altre eroine di quel periodo.
Altri media
Ispirato al personaggio, nel 1967 è stato prodotto un film di fantascienza di produzione italo-francese intitolato Barbarella, diretto da Roger Vadim con Jane Fonda nel ruolo principale e con Ugo Tognazzi, Véronique Vendell, Anita Pallenberg e Giancarlo Cobelli.
Nonostante Barbarella nascesse con le fattezze della Bardot, quando il regista riuscì a girare la pellicola era sposato con Jane Fonda alla quale darà la parte della protagonista. Nel film la rappresentazione dell mondo fantastico in cui si muove Barbarella non riesce a raggiungere i livelli presenti nel fumetto e fu un insuccesso sia di pubblico che di critica ma per essere riuscito a descrivere lo sprito del tempo e i cambiamenti in atto nella società degli anni sessanta è oggi ritenuto un cult movie.
Nel 2014 venne data la notizia che Amazon Studios era intenzionata a realizzare una Serie TV ispirata al personaggio di Barbarella prodotta per la casa francese Gaumont Television International. Amazon Studios aveva incominciato a sviluppare il pilot della cui sceneggiatura si erano occupati Neal Purvis e Robert Wade e sarebbe stata prodotta da Nicolas Winding Refn che si sarebbe dovuto occupare anche della regia, affiancato da Martha De Laurentiis alla produzione. Il progetto non si è concretizzato come comunicato da Refn nel 2016.
4ème trimestre 1979.
Réédition n°3.
1ère partie.
Barbarella is a fictional heroine in a French science fiction comic book created by Jean-Claude Forest.
Jean-Claude Forest created the character of Barbarella for serialization in the French V Magazine in spring 1962, and in 1964 Éric Losfeld published these strips as a stand-alone book, titled Barbarella. The book caused a scandal and became known as the first "adult" (pornographic) comic-book, though its eroticism was slight and the American erotic comic-books known as "Tijuana bibles" had long predated it. For her creator, the character embodied the modern, emancipated woman in the era of sexual liberation, and as a result, this literary work has come to be associated with the mid-twentieth-century sexual revolution.Barbarella was relaunched as an ongoing series by American publisher Dynamite Entertainment in December 2017.
- Barbarella: A young woman who travels from planet to planet and has numerous adventures, often involving sex. The aliens she meets often seduce her, and she also experiments with a "machine excessive" or "orgasmatron". Roger Vadim directed a 1968 film adaptation that starred Jane Fonda.
- Duran: A one-eyed old man who helps Barbarella.
- Pygar: A blind 'angel' guided by Barbarella, he is the last of the ornithanthropes (bird-men).
- La Reine noire (The Black Queen): A villainess who reigns in the town of Sogo, surrounded by a maze, on the planet Lythion.
- Lio: A brown-haired teenage girl saved by Barbarella who must save the town governed by her father in Les Colères du mange-minutes. (The chanteuse Lio drew her stage name from this character.)
- Mado: sex worker fembot whose "breakdown" Barbarella repairs.
- Narval: An "aiguiote" (aquatic man) who comes from Citerne IV to complete his scientific research in Les Colères du mange-minutes.
- L'artiste: A self-portrait of Jean-Claude Forest. Named Browningwell in Semble Lune, he and Barbarella have a child together.
- Barbarella (originally serialized in V Magazine, 1962; book by Eric Losfeld, 1964)
- Les Colères du Mange-Minutes [The Wrath of the Minute Eater] (Kesselring, 1974)
- Le Semble-Lune [The False Moon] (Horay, 1977, ISBN 2-7058-0045-X)
- Le Miroir aux Tempêtes [The Storm Mirror] (Albin Michel, 1982) (art by Daniel Billon, ISBN 2-226-01441-1)
Barbarella also guest-stars in Mystérieuse, Matin, Midi et Soir [Mysterious, Morning, Noon And Evening] (originally serialized in Pif, 1971; book edition by Serg, 1972)
Barbarella was translated into English by Richard Seaver and published in the Evergreen Review (#37-39, 1965–1966) and Heavy Metal (vol. 1 #11 through vol. 2 #3, 1978).
In popular culture
1980s pop band Duran Duran takes its name from a character in the 1968 film Barbarella: Barbarella's mission in the film is to find a scientist named Durand Durand (pronounced "Duran Duran").Adaptations
- A Barbarella film adaptation was made in 1968. Several remakes were considered with Bridget Fonda, Drew Barrymore, Sherilyn Fenn and Rose McGowan, the most recent of which was abandoned in 2009.
- A Barbarella musical based on the film was produced in 2004.
- A Barbarella TV series is in development with writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn, and Martha De Laurentiis, widow of the film's producer Dino De Laurentiis, are all involved. In May 2013, Refn said to Vulture that they're still writing and are going back to the original comics. As of May 2013, no one has been cast for the series yet.
- Written by Mike Carey with Art by Kenan Yarar, a new Barbarella Comic Series has been released by Dynamite Entertainment as of December 2017, in conjunction with Barbarella's 55th anniversary! Jean-Marc Lofficier - longtime custodian of the Barbarella brand - joins Carey as supervisor on the project.

Dépôt légal 2e trimestre 1981
Réédition n°2.
2ème partie.
Réédition n°2.
3ème partie.
C réée en 1964, Barbarella bouleverse le monde de la bande dessinée et scandalise dès sa parution. Fer de lance de la bande dessinée adulte et de genre, l’oeuvre est censurée. À l’heure de la libération sexuelle, les traits sensuels et l’érotisme que dégage l’héroïne éponyme ne laissent en effet aucun lecteur indifférent. L’image de la femme dans la bande dessinée, jusqu’alors le plus souvent cantonnée à des rôles de figurante asexuée, explose donc avec Barbarella, qui ouvre la voie vers une bande dessinée adulte et libérée. Rapidement devenu une référence, l’oeuvre était introuvable depuis de nombreuses années.

Barbarella #2 - Les Colères du Mange-Minutes released by Les Humanoïdes Associés on April 1, 1974.
Barbarella #3 - Le Semble-Lune released by Les Humanoïdes Associés on September 1, 1977.
Barbarella #4 - Le Miroir aux Tempêtes released by Les Humanoïdes Associés on January 1, 1982.
Barbarella: The Moon Child #1 released by Heavy Metal on January 1, 1978.
Barbarella #1 - TPB released by Grove Press on January 1, 1968
Barbarella #1 - Barbarella released by Grove Press on January 1, 1968.
Jean Claude Forest. Barbarella, ed. Milano Libri, 1975. Prefazione di G. Crepax
Barbarella Deluxe Edition #1 - HC released by Les Humanoïdes Associés on September 2014.
Jean-Claude Forest's timeless erotic sci-fi classic - from which the
cult-favorite movie of the same name stems from - is now available as a
deluxe limited and numbered Coffee Table edition. Featuring a brand
new, contemporary English-language adaptation by writer Kelly Sue
DeConnick (Marvel's Captain Marvel, Avengers Assemble, Dark Horse's
Ghost, Image's Pretty Deadly) and published in a beautiful duotone
edition, limited and numbered to 1200 copies only.
Barbarella #1 - Red Hot Gospel Part One: Spoils of War released by Dynamite Entertainment on December 2017.
List of covers and their creators:

Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Kenneth Rocafort | 1 |
B | Cover B | Joe Jusko | 2 |
C | Cover C | Joseph Michael Linsner | 3 |
D | Cover D | Robert Hack | 4 |
E | Cover E | Annie Wu | 5 |
F | Cover F | Kenan Yarar & Sadece Kaan | 6 |
G | Cover G | Valentine DeLandro | 7 |
H | Cover H | Veronica Fish | 8 |
I | Subscription Cover | Roberto Castro & Alex Guimaraes | 9 |
J/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Classic Risque" Edition Variant Cover | Jean-Claude Forest | 10 |
K/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Annie Wu | 11 |
L/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Joseph Michael Linsner | 12 |
M/RI | 1:40 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Kenneth Rocafort | 13 |
N/RI | 1:50 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Joe Jusko | 14 |
O/Auth | Blank Authentix Cover | None | 15 |
P/LE | Limited Edition "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Kenneth Rocafort | 16 |
Q/RE | Atlas Edition Variant Cover | Joe Jusko | 17 |
R/RE | Dynamic Forces Exclusive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Joseph Michael Linsner | 18 |
S/RE | Forbidden Planet/Jetpack Exclusive Variant Cover | Jim Balent | 19 |
T/RE | Forbidden Planet/Jetpack Exclusive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Jim Balent | 20 |
U/RE | Forbidden Planet/Jetpack Exclusive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Jim Balent | 21 |
Earth’s star-crossed daughter is back! When Barbarella wanders into a war zone, the theocratic rulers of Parosia arrest and imprison her. A prison break is brewing, but now that she knows what the Parosians do to their own citizens Barbarella decides to make this fight her own…

List of covers and their creators:

Fay Dalton cover

Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Marcos Martin | 1 |
B | Cover B | Paul Pope & Vincent Nappi | 2 |
C | Cover C | Stephen Segovia & Elmer Santos | 3 |
D | Cover D | Fay Dalton | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Stephen Segovia | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Paul Pope | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Marcos Martin | 8 |
Our spacefaring heroine may have been enlisted by Earth’s underground, but that doesn’t mean she trusts her new allies. On the run in an alien city, hunting for a doomsday device that might end a war, Barbarella has to choose a side and stick to it. But it might not be the one you expect…

List of covers and their creators:

Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Vicente Cifuentes & Triona Farrell | 1 |
B | Cover B | Jorge Fornes | 2 |
C | Cover C | Caspar Wijngaard | 3 |
D | Cover D | Tom Feister | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Vicente Cifuentes | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Jorge Fornes | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Caspar Wijngaard | 8 |
To stop a war a planet must fall. For Barbarella the ends don’t justify the terrible means, but if she acts to save billions of innocents it may spell defeat and disaster for Earth. Oh, if there were only another way…

List of covers and their creators:
Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Stéphane Roux | 1 |
B | Cover B | Vincent Aseo | 2 |
C | Cover C | Stephanie Hans | 3 |
D | Cover D | Goran Sudzuka & Fran Strukan | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Stéphane Roux | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Vincent Aseo | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Stephanie Hans | 8 |
Barbarella may have narrowly averted a galactic war—as only she
could—but she’s still in need of a null-d regulator. Hitching a ride on a
cargo transport seems like a no-brainer, but these great seas in the
final frontier are rife with pirates! Plus: someone’s about to learn
first-hand the dangers of emotional intimacy!
Barbarella #4 - Pest Control released by Dynamite Entertainment on March 2018.
Barbarella’s never ending quest to repair her ship’s regulator and
be on her way takes a detour to Falladim, where there’s a rush on for
R.U.S.T.—Radically Unstable Space-Time! The rarest and most valuable
stuff in the universe, even Barbarella can’t resist its mighty call. But
competition brings out the worst in humans and aliens alike, and the
Siren of Space is about to see what the worst really is!
List of covers and their creators:
Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Pete Woods | 1 |
B | Cover B | Marco D'Alfonso | 2 |
C | Cover C | Michael Wm Kaluta & Flavio Dispenza | 3 |
D | Cover D | Maria Sanapo & Ceci de la Cruz | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Pete Woods | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Marco D'Alfonso | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Michael Wm Kaluta | 8 |

Barbarella #5 - Hard Labor Part One: After the Gold Rush released by Dynamite Entertainment on April 2018.
The great R.U.S.T. rush has pitted Barbarella against fellow
prospectors, the Glain family as the old west meets the final frontier
(and please, no “Cowboys and Aliens jokes)! With an inconceivable
fortune at stake the fighting is getting dirty, and Barbarella finds
herself on the defensive in a maze where time and space have no meaning!
But the heart of the maze is stranger still…
List of covers and their creators:
Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Dave McCaig | 1 |
B | Cover B | Brent Schoonover | 2 |
C | Cover C | Marguerite Sauvage | 3 |
D | Cover D | Ricardo Jaime | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Marguerite Sauvage | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Dave McCaig | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Ricardo Jaime | 8 |

Ricardo Jaime cover
Barbarella #6 - Hard Labor Part Two: Rust Never Sleeps released by Dynamite Entertainment on May 2018.
Barbarella #7 - Hard Labor Part Three: Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere released by Dynamite Entertainment on June 2018.
Barbarella is lost in a maze of Radically Unstable Space-Time, with
Pulver Glain, his boys, and his smarter-than-smart gun Sally-Anne hot on
her trail. But what’s at the heart of the maze is a threat – and a
miracle – that none of them are ready for.
List of covers and their creators:
Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Butcher Billy | 1 |
B | Cover B | Hayden Sherman | 2 |
C | Cover C | Daniel HDR & Natalia Marques | 3 |
D | Cover D | Giovanni Timpano & Flavio Dispenza | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Butcher Billy | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Daniel HDR | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Giovanni Timpano & Flavio Dispenza | 8 |
Butcher Billy cover

Barbarella has a corporate target on her back, and only the arrival
of an old friend can save her bacon. But the mistress of the spaceways
whose heart belongs to no one is out of the frying pan and into the
fire-literally! For her latest adventure has her headed for the heart of
the sun!
List of covers and their creators:
Cover | Name | Creator(s) | Sidebar Location |
A | Cover A | Johnny Desjardins & Mohan | 1 |
B | Cover B | Christian Ward | 2 |
C | Cover C | Butch Guice & Fran Strukan | 3 |
D | Cover D | Natalie Sanders | 4 |
E | Subscription Cover | Kenan Yarar & Mohan | 5 |
F/RI | 1:10 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Johnny Desjardins | 6 |
G/RI | 1:20 Retailer Incentive "Black & White" Edition Variant Cover | Butch Guice | 7 |
H/RI | 1:30 Retailer Incentive "Virgin Art" Edition Variant Cover | Christian Ward | 8 |

Donny Hadiwidjaja artist

Johnny Desjardins cover

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