José Guadalupe Posada
José Guadalupe Posada (Aguascalientes, 2 febbraio 1851 – Città del Messico, 20 gennaio 1913) è stato un incisore messicano.Molte delle sue opere furono pubblicate in stampe popolari sensazionalistiche che illustravano eventi di cronaca. Le opere più conosciute di Posada sono le sue calaveras (teschi), spesso abbigliate in modi diversi, come la Calavera de la Catrina (Il teschio della gran dama), il cui intento è satirizzare la vita della borghesia durante il regno di Porfirio Diaz. La maggior parte delle sue opere avevano significati religiosi o intenzioni satiriche. Fino alla sua morte, tuttavia, le immagini furono associate alla festa messicana del Día de los Muertos, (Il giorno dei morti). Esse infatti illustravano alcuni dei motivi tipici della cultura delle popolazioni indigene d'America.
Può essere considerato un precursore della fioritura artistica messicana dopo la rivoluzione del 1910. È infatti sulla base di una tradizione d'arte popolare, rappresentata da Posada e da molti altri incisori e grafici, che si sviluppa il grande filone narrativo della pittura murale di José Clemente Orozco, di Diego Rivera, di David Alfaro Siqueiros e di Rufino Tamayo.
C'è in tutta questa tradizione, uno stretto rapporto con la vita del popolo anche nei suoi aspetti torbidi; le immagini di questi grafici toccano di frequente i toni ironici o indugiano su elementi macabri o semplicemente grotteschi.
Gran calavera eléctrica (Grand electric skull) by José Guadalupe Posada, 1900–1913. Restored reproduction.
This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID ppmsc.04468.
"Gran calavera eléctrica" (Grand electric skull) "Print shows large skeleton hypnotizing a group of skulls and a sitting skeleton; an electric street car, with skeletons as passengers, is in the background." "1 print on white fabric : relief etching ; 21.4 × 34 cm. (sheet)." Created by José Guadalupe Posada
This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital ID ppmsc.04468.
"Gran calavera eléctrica" (Grand electric skull) "Print shows large skeleton hypnotizing a group of skulls and a sitting skeleton; an electric street car, with skeletons as passengers, is in the background." "1 print on white fabric : relief etching ; 21.4 × 34 cm. (sheet)." Created by José Guadalupe Posada
Don Chisciotte
José Guadalupe Posada (February 2, 1852 – January 20, 1913) was a Mexican political printmaker and engraver whose work has influenced many Latin American artists and cartoonists because of its satirical acuteness and social engagement. He used skulls, calaveras, and bones to make political and cultural critiques. Among his famous works was La Catrina.
Early life and education
Posada was born in Aguascalientes on February 2, 1852. His father was Germán Posada Serna and his mother Petra Aguilar Portillo. Posada was one of eight children, among them; José Maria de la Concepción, José Cirilo, José Barbara, José Guadalupe, Ciriaco, and Maria Porfirio. His education in his early years was drawn from his older brother Cirilo, a country school teacher, who taught him reading, writing and drawing. He then joined la Academia Municipal de Dibujo de Aguascalientes (the Municipal Drawing Academy of Aguascalientes). Later, in 1868, as a young teenager he went to work in the workshop of Trinidad Pedroso, who taught him lithography and engraving. Some of his first political cartoons were published in El Jicote, a newspaper that opposed Jesús Gómez Portugal. He began his career as an artist making drawings, copying religious images and assisting in a ceramic workshop in the Ucrain.In 1872, Posada and Pedroza dedicated themselves to commercial lithography in Leon, Guanajuato. While in Leon, Posada opened his own workshop and worked as a teacher of lithography at the School of Secondary education along with continuing his work with lithographs and wood engravings. In 1873, he returned to his home in Aguascalientes where married María de Jesús Vela in 1875. The following year he purchased the printing press from Trinidad Pedroza. From 1875 to 1888, he continued to collaborate with several newspapers in León, including La Gacetilla, el Pueblo Caótico and La education. He survived the great flood of León on June 18, 1888, of which he published several lithographs representing the tragedy in which more than two hundred and fifty corpses were found and more than 1,400 people were reported missing. At the end of 1888, he moved to Mexico City, where he learned the craft and technique of engraving in lead and zinc. He collaborated with the newspaper La Patria Ilustrada and the Revisita de Mexico until the early months of 1890.
He began to work with Antonio Vanegas Arroyo, until he was able to establish his own lithographic workshop. From then on Posada undertook work that earned him popular acceptance and admiration, for his sense of humor, and propensity concerning the quality of his work. In his broad and varied work, Posada portrayed beliefs, daily lifestyles of popular groups, the abuses of government and the exploitation of the common people. He illustrated the famous skulls, along with other illustrations that became popular as they were distributed to various newspapers and periodicals.
In spite of his varied and popular work, Posada was not as recognized as other contemporary artists. It wasn't until his death that his aesthetic as a true folk artist was recognized. This was largely thanks to Diego Rivera, who gave great publicity to his work.
Career as artist
In 1871, before he was out of his teens, his career began with a job as the political cartoonist for a local newspaper in Aguascalientes, El Jicote ("The Bumblebee"). The newspaper closed after 11 issues, reputedly because one of Posada's cartoons had offended a powerful local politician. He then moved to the nearby city of León, Guanajuato. There Posada was married to Maria de Jesús Vela on September 20, 1875. In Leon, a former associate of his from Aguascalientes assisted him in starting a printing and commercial illustration shop. They focused on commercial and advertising work, book illustrations, and the printing of posters and other representations of historical and religious figures. Included among these figures were the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Virgin, the Holy Child of Atocha and Saint Sebastian.In 1883, following his success, he was hired as a teacher of lithography at the local Preparatory School. The shop flourished until 1888 when a disastrous flood hit the city. He subsequently moved to Mexico City. His first regular employment in the capital was with La Patria Ilustrada, whose editor was Ireneo Paz, the grandfather of the later famed writer Octavio Paz. He later joined the staff of a publishing firm owned by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo and while at this firm he created a prolific number of book covers and illustrations. Much of his work was also published in sensationalistic broadsides depicting various current events.
From the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution in 1910 until his death in 1913, Posada worked tirelessly in the press. The works he completed in his press during this time allowed him to develop his artistic prowess as a draftsman, engraver and lithographer. At the time he continued to make satirical illustrations and cartoons featured in the magazine, El Jicote. He played a crucial role for the government during the presidency of Francisco I Madero and during the campaign of Emiliano Zapata.
Notable works
Posada's best known works are his calaveras, which often assume various costumes, such as the Calavera de la Catrina, the "Skull of the Female Dandy", which was meant to satirize the life of the upper classes during the reign of Porfirio Díaz. Most of his imagery was meant to make a religious or satirical point. Since his death, however, his images have become associated with the Mexican holiday Día de Muertos, the "Day of the Dead".Later life
Largely forgotten by the end of his life, Posada's engravings were brought to a wider audience in the 1920s by the French artist Jean Charlot, who encountered them while visiting Diego Rivera.While Posada died in poverty, his images are well known today as examples of folk art. The muralist José Clemente Orozco knew Posada when he was young, and would look at him work through a window on the way to school, and credited Posada's work as an influence on his own.
La Calavera Catrina
Calavera de la Catrina
(Skull of the Female Dandy), from the portfolio 36 Grabados: José
Guadalupe Posada, published by Arsacio Vanegas, Mexico City, c. 1910,
zinc etching, 34.5 x 23 cm
El entierro del muñeco de cartón en vez de un muerto de carne y hueso
Calavera oaxaqueña, 1903, one of his many broadsheets
Triste y divertido despedimento del reloj de Catedral de México
Corrido de la penitenciaría de México
Proximo fin del mundo. La horrible catástrofe del domingo 14 de abril de 1907 en Chilpancingo, Chilapa, Tixtla y Acapulco en el estado de Guerrero. Destrucción del colegio salesiano en la capital de Mexico
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El cadáver de Antonio Montes convertido en carbón en el epósito del panteón español de la capital de México 1907 |
Aquí la calavera está, señores, de toditos los buenos valedores
TitleCalavera de los patinadores
La calavera del cólera morbo
Ya llegó la calavera de su viaje extraordinario, Vino á ver muy placentera Las fiestas del Centenario
Corrido de la vida de Santanón
Calavera Tapatia
TitleRegalo de calaveras. Obsequio a las garbanceras
Una calavera chusca dedicada á las placeras, tortilleras, verduleras y toda gente de lucha. A barilleros de blusa, tenderos y carniceros, hay les va su calavera, con ellos voy á hacer chusa
Circa 1906-1915
La gran calavera del jorongo
Circa 1906-1915
La calavera del editor popular Antonio Vanegas Arroyo
Circa 1906-1915
Gran fandango y francachela de todas las calaveras
Circa 1906-1915
Diluvio de calaveras
Circa 1906-1915
Calaveras en montón. Al precio de un decimal como nunca se habrá visto en toda esta capital
Circa 1906-1915
Calaveras de la cucaracha, una fiesta en ultratumba
Circa 1906-1915
Calavera pachuqueña
Circa 1906-1915
La hambrienta calavera
Danza. El prisionero en San Juan de Ulúa
La tierra de los volcanes
El mantón de Manila, reputadisimo paso doble
Corrido de Petrita
Corrido jarocho
Corrido guanajuatense del horrible descarrilamiento de Silao
Mineros libres y mineros sujetos
Posada, José Guadalupe (1852-1913) Los 41 maricones
Coplas del fonografo
LEGO Stop Motion ...
Adelita canción tapatía
El corrido de Rosita
Jose Guadalupe Posada Broadside Mother Murdered in Cave
Jose Guadalupe Posada Broadside The Execution of Seven
Jose Guadalupe Posada Broadside Huelguistas de Orizaba
José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Dec 6, 2010 - Uploaded by otherwise1892
The work of José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913), important Mexican satirist during the Porfiriato. From the ...Jose Guadalupe Posada Documentary Trailer - YouTube
Nov 14, 2015 - Uploaded by ElCheJaimito56
"Searching for Posada-ART and Revolutions" is one of the best documentaries about Mexican artist Jose ...Cien años sin José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Jan 14, 2013 - Uploaded by NotimexTV
Posadas ilustró las famosas calaveras, donde criticó la desigualdad y la injusticia social del porfiriato.José Guadalupe Posada Gentleman Skeleton Hobo Nickel Carved ...
Apr 13, 2015 - Uploaded by Shaun Hughes Hand Engraving
José Guadalupe Posada Gentleman Skeleton Hobo Nickel Carved Coin by Shaun Hughes. Shaun Hughes ...José Gpe Posada English - YouTube
Jun 6, 2013 - Uploaded by Administración 2010-2016 Aguascalientes
José Gpe Posada English ... José Guadalupe Posada y La Calavera Catrina (Artworks of José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Apr 15, 2017 - Uploaded by Frederico Custodio
José Guadalupe Posada ītōcā cē Mēxihco tlatilanani auh tlahcuiloh. José Guadalupe Posada (February 2 ...JOSÉ GUADALUPE POSADA - HOMENAJE - YouTube
Nov 1, 2013 - Uploaded by Consuelo Larralde
José Guadalupe Posada, (Aguascalientes, 2 de febrero de 1852 - Ciudad de México, 20 de enero de 1913 ...José Guadalupe Posada y La Calavera Catrina (LEGO Stop Motion ...
Oct 28, 2015 - Uploaded by LegoK9
José Guadalupe Posada y La Calavera Catrina (LEGO Stop Motion). LegoK9. Loading... Unsubscribe from ...Video José Guadalupe Posada. Version Larga - YouTube
Jan 16, 2013 - Uploaded by Administración 2010-2016 Aguascalientes
Video José Guadalupe Posada. Version Larga. Administración 2010-2016 Aguascalientes. Loading ...José Guadalupe Posada: Transmisor - YouTube
Mar 8, 2013 - Uploaded by Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes
El Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA), y el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes a través ...José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
May 19, 2014 - Uploaded by ElGavilánTapatio
Musica de Fondo Mariachi San Francisco Dios Nunca Muere José Guadalupe Posada (Aguascalientes, 2 de ...José Guadalupe Posada Documental 1 de 2 - YouTube
Apr 30, 2009 - Uploaded by Luis Ramón Castañeda
Breve documental sobre la vida y obra de José Guadalupe Posada, estupendo Grabador mexicano cuya obra ...Sketching José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Mar 15, 2017 - Uploaded by UJATmx
Te presentamos al autor de "La Catrina", su vida y su legado que nos da identidad a nivel internacional.100 Años de Posada y su Catrina: Day of the Dead 2013 - YouTube
Oct 10, 2013 - Uploaded by CAN TV
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of José Guadalupe Posada, one of Mexico's most prolific ...Jose Guadalupe Posada Homage Art Exhibition Trailer - YouTube
Nov 2, 2013 - Uploaded by OfficialEdisonPro
Website: Facebook: Me Posada - YouTube
Jan 28, 2013 - Uploaded by ANIMIAMI Channel
Give Me Posada ... Up next. Un hombre llamado José Guadalupe Posada | Miguel Jairzhinio ...AM 20115 José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Jan 20, 2015 - Uploaded by AIEDMX
El 20 de enero de 1913 falleció en la Ciudad de México el grabador, ilustrador y dibujante José Guadalupe ...20/01/16 Muerte de José Guadalupe Posada - YouTube
Jan 20, 2016 - Uploaded by AIEDMX
José Guadalupe Posada fue un caricaturista, ilustrador y grabador, de escenas populares y de crítica socio ...José Guadalupe Posada - 100 años - YouTube
Jun 7, 2013 - Uploaded by Mauricio Berumen
Gobierno del Estado de Aguascalientes Audio en inglés 2013.José Guadalupe Posada Documental 2 de 2, y Dia de muertos en ...
Apr 30, 2009 - Uploaded by Luis Ramón Castañeda
José Guadalupe Posada Documental 2 de 2, y Dia de muertos en Tehuacán. Luis Ramón Castañeda. Loading ...
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