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martedì 26 giugno 2018

John Bellingham (1769 – 18 May 1812) Criminal Mind

John Bellingham

John Bellingham (1769 – 18 May 1812) was the assassin of British Prime Minister Spencer Perceval.


Early life

Bellingham's early life is largely unknown, and most post-assassination biographies included speculation as fact. Recollections of family and friends show that Bellingham was born in St Neots, Huntingdonshire, and brought up in London, where he was apprenticed to a jeweller, James Love, at age fourteen. Two years later, he went as a midshipman on the maiden voyage of the Hartwell from Gravesend to China. A mutiny took place on 22 May 1787, which led to the ship running aground and sinking.
In early 1794, a man named John Bellingham opened a tin factory on London's Oxford Street, but it failed and the owner was declared bankrupt in March. It is not certain this is he, but Bellingham definitely worked as a clerk in a counting house in the late 1790s, and about 1800 he went to Arkhangelsk, Russia, as an agent for importers and exporters. He returned to England in 1802 and was a merchant broker in Liverpool. He married Mary Neville in 1803. In the summer of 1804, Bellingham again went to Arkhangelsk to work as an export representative.

Russian imprisonment

In autumn 1803, the Russian ship Soleure (or sometimes "Sojus"), insured at Lloyd's of London, had been lost in the White Sea. Her owners (the house of R. Van Brienen) filed a claim on their insurance, but an anonymous letter told Lloyd's the ship had been sabotaged. Soloman Van Brienen believed Bellingham was the author, and retaliated by accusing him of a debt of 4,890 roubles to a bankruptcy of which he was an assignee.[clarification needed] Bellingham, about to return from Russia to Britain on 16 November 1804, had his travelling pass withdrawn because of the alleged debt.
Van Brienen persuaded the local Governor-General to imprison Bellingham, and he was placed in a Russian jail. One year later, Bellingham secured his release and went to Saint Petersburg, where he attempted to impeach the Governor-General. This angered the Russian authorities, who charged him with leaving Arkhangelsk in a clandestine manner. He was again imprisoned until October 1808, when he was put out onto the streets, but still without permission to leave. In desperation, he petitioned the Tsar. He was allowed to leave Russia in 1809, arriving in England in December.

Assassination of the Prime Minister

Once home, Bellingham began petitioning the United Kingdom's government for compensation over his imprisonment. This was refused, as the United Kingdom had broken off diplomatic relations with Russia in November 1808. Bellingham's wife urged him to drop the matter and he reluctantly did.
In 1812, Bellingham renewed his attempts to win compensation. On 18 April, he went to the Foreign Office where a civil servant told him he was at liberty to take whatever measures he thought proper. On 20 April, Bellingham purchased two .50 calibre (12.7 mm) pistols from a gunsmith of 58 Skinner Street. He also had a tailor sew an inside pocket to his coat. At this time, he was often seen in the lobby of the House of Commons.
After taking a friend's family to a painting exhibition on 11 May 1812, Bellingham remarked that he had some business to attend to. He made his way to Parliament, where he waited in the lobby. When Prime Minister Spencer Perceval appeared, Bellingham stepped forward and shot him in the heart. He then calmly sat on a bench. Bellingham was immediately restrained and was identified by Isaac Gascoyne, MP for Liverpool.

Trial, execution and legacy

John Bellingham was tried on Friday 15 May 1812 at the Old Bailey, where he argued that he would have preferred to shoot the British Ambassador to Russia, but insisted as a wronged man he was justified in killing the representative of his oppressors.
He made a formal statement to the court, saying:
"Recollect, Gentlemen, what was my situation. Recollect that my family was ruined and myself destroyed, merely because it was Mr Perceval's pleasure that justice should not be granted; sheltering himself behind the imagined security of his station, and trampling upon law and right in the belief that no retribution could reach him. I demand only my right, and not a favour; I demand what is the birthright and privilege of every Englishman.
Gentlemen, when a minister sets himself above the laws, as Mr Perceval did, he does it as his own personal risk. If this were not so, the mere will of the minister would become the law, and what would then become of your liberties?
I trust that this serious lesson will operate as a warning to all future ministers, and that they will henceforth do the thing that is right, for if the upper ranks of society are permitted to act wrong with impunity, the inferior ramifications will soon become wholly corrupted.
Gentlemen, my life is in your hands, I rely confidently in your justice."
Evidence was presented that Bellingham was insane, but it was discounted by the trial judge, Sir James Mansfield. Bellingham was found guilty, and was sentenced to death.
Bellingham was hanged in public three days later. René Martin Pillet, a Frenchman who wrote an account of his ten years in England, described the sentiment of the crowd at the execution:
"Farewell poor man, you owe satisfaction to the offended laws of your country, but God bless you! you have rendered an important service to your country, you have taught ministers that they should do justice, and grant audience when it is asked of them."
A subscription was raised for the widow and children of Bellingham, and "their fortune was ten times greater than they could ever have expected in any other circumstances". His widow remarried the following year.
Bellingham's skull was preserved at Barts Pathology Museum.
In September 2009 the St Neots Local History Society erected a plaque on Bellingham House in St Neots. The house, on the corner of Huntingdon Street and Cambridge Street, is said to be the birthplace of Bellingham.

Portrait of John Bellingham
The Newgate Calendar


Alle 5:15 del mattino dell'11 maggio 1812, Perceval si stava recando a presiedere in parlamento. Egli entrò nel porticato della Camera dei Comuni, un uomo lo fermò per chiedergli una cosa, estrasse una pistola e gli sparò in pieno petto. Perceval cadde a terra dopo aver mormorato qualcosa come "Assassino!" oppure "Oh mio Dio!". Egli venne subito portato in una sala adiacente e deposto su un tavolo coi piedi posati su due sedie, privo di sensi e con deboli pulsazioni. Quando il medico giunse alcuni minuti dopo, le pulsazioni cessarono e Perceval venne dichiarato morto. All'inizio si pensò all'assassinio politico che avrebbe sollevato fiumi di rivolte, ma l'assassino non aveva tentato la fuga e di lì a poco i motivi di un tale gesto sarebbero stati chiariti. John Bellingham era un mercante che era stato ingiustamente imprigionato in Russia e richiedeva una compensazione dal governo, ma la sua istanza era stata più volte rigettata. Il corpo senza vita di Perceval venne portato al numero 10 di Downing Street nelle prime ore del 12 maggio.
Perceval lasciò la vedova e dodici figli e si iniziò a mormorare che il suo assassinio fosse stato pensato ad hoc in quanto non disponeva più dei soldi per mantenere la sua numerosa famiglia. Nelle sue casse, infatti, vennero trovate solo 106 sterline, 5 scellini e 1 penny. Nei giorni successivi alla sua morte, ad ogni modo, il parlamento decise di devolvere la pensione annua di 50.000 sterline alla famiglia del primo ministro con degli extra per la vedova e per il figlio primogenito. Jane Perceval si risposò poi con il Luogotenente Colonnello Sir Henry Carr nel 1815 e si ritrovò vedova sei anni dopo. Ella morì a 74 anni nel 1844.
Perceval venne sepolto il 16 maggio a Charlton ove si tennero anche i funerali in forma privata, secondo il volere della vedova. Il giorno precedente Bellingham era stato condotto in giudizio ed era stato riconosciuto colpevole senza che gli fosse riconosciuta l'infermità mentale che alcuni invocavano. Venne impiccato il 18 maggio successivo.

A 19th-century illustration of Bellingham's assassination of Spencer Perceval 
Editors of The Newgate Calendar. - Newgate Calendar, Thomas Tegg, London 1841, pp. 527–547

A contemporary engraving of John Bellingham 
Charles Squire, printer - Thomas Hodgson's A Full and Authentic Report of the Trial of John Bellingham.... Sherwood, Neely and Jones, London 1812 
An engraving of the assassin John Bellingham, who killed the British prime minister Spencer Perceval in 1812

 Assassination of Spencer Perceval

The victim
The British Prime Minister Spencer Percebal

The skull of John Bellingham
"That you be taken from hence…to a place of execution, where you shall be hanged by the neck until you be dead; your body to be dissected and anatomised."

The Dissecting Room by Rowlandson - Courtesy of Project Gutenberg  

On Monday, 11 May 1812, John Bellingham made his way to the Palace of Westminster. In the lobby leading to the House of Commons, he took out a concealed pistol and shot the Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval. There was no mystery about the killer's identity, but why did he do it? Captured in this dramatic story are all the ingredients of a thriller: suspense, revenge, personal tragedy, and murder. At the heart is the extraordinary story of how an honest businessman ended up imprisoned in a rat-infested Russian jail for six years, refused all help by his own government. Unable to obtain the justice he thought was his due, Bellingham did the only thing he could to express his outrage and achieve a kind of natural justice. David C. Hanrahan's lively and colorful narrative does full justice to this extraordinary tale of neglect and obsession. He paints a convincing and moving picture of Bellingham's desperation and explores the reasons for the ambassador's failure to take any action to help him as well as the indifference shown by the government to his petitions once he had managed to get back home.


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