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martedì 14 marzo 2017

Without Borders - Iraq


Analfabetismo, violenze, guerra: la condizione delle donne nell'Iraq del 2015

"Il 40% delle donne irachene è analfabeta"; la violenza sessuale "riguarda una donna su cinque"; c'è anche "il problema dello Stato islamico, con migliaia di donne rapite, in particolare membri della comunità Yazidi"; ci sono "un milione e mezzo di vedove" e "3 milioni di sfollati interni, in maggioranza donne e bambini". La maggioranza di cristiani, yazidi, mandei (unica comunità religiosa di origine gnostica tuttora esistente), "stanno lasciando il Paese". 

 'We Left Everything Behind' 

Yazidi women prisoner by Islamic State (ISIS) fighters in Iraq. Yazidi femmes prisonnier par combattants État islamique (EI) en Irak.
© Alfred YAGHOBZADEH / Divergence
Hayat 38 years old from the Yazidi religious minority, shows a picture of her two daughters Wahid 18 years old and Riwaz 14 years old captured by Islamic State militants (ISIS) trying to flee Sinjar also known as Shingal a town in Iraq's Nineveh province near Mount Shengal, Sinjar also known as Shingal a town in Iraq's Nineveh province near Mount Shengal, subjected to rape and to assist women and girls who were sexually abused particularly brutal treatment by the militants Islamic State fighters (ISIS) captured the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar region, near the Syrian border. Khanki refugee camp called filled with hundreds of Yazidis, a religious minority group. The settlement, known as Khanki, is located in a province just north of Iraq's second largest city, Mosul. Tens of thousands of Yazidis were run out of their homes. the Iraq's Yazidi religious minority as they hide from the Islamists who call them "devil worshippers" and will kill them if they try to return to their homes. The Yazidis are a small community that follows a 4,000-year-old faith and have been repeatedly targeted by jihadists who call them "devil-worshipers" because of their unique beliefs and practices Sharia-Kurdistan Region,Iraq 15/11/2014

'I Want to Go Back Home'


“Iraq, jihadisti sequestrano centinaia di donne”

La deputata Dakhil: le donne prigioniere dei miliziani dell’Isis in località vicino a Tel Afar Appartengono alla minoranza religiosa degli Yazidi. Appello governativo alla comunità internazionale perché adotti «misure urgenti»
 Iraq 1972 .The Federation of Women of Kurdistan visiting Mustafa Barzani in Nawperdan .Irak

 harrowing abuse of Iraqi women
 Shocking revelations of the torture and rape of Iraqi women in Iraqi prisons show that the culture established by the US occupation continues to prevail

'People Will Start Talking About Me'

 Circa 10 mila donne in Iraq sono state rapite, vendute come schiave o rese vittime del traffico sessuale dal 2003 a oggi. È quanto emerge dal rapporto 2015 del Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights, stilato dall'ong Minority Rights Group International con l’obiettivo di denunciare l’aumento esponenziale dei crimini commessi contro donne e bambini.

'They Look at Single Women as a Victim'

Iraq 2010 .Women, supporters of PKK, celebrating Nowruz in Qandil .Irak 2010 

'We Are Controlled by Men'


'I Am Afraid'

 Iraq: l’Isis brucia vive 19 donne yazide. Rifiutavano i rapporti sessuali coi miliziani
Le done sono state chiuse in alcune gabbie nel centro di Mosul e arse vive davanti a centinaia di persone.


Iraq - Mésopotamie - Mossoul - Jeunes Femmes de Karakoch

Non solo le curde, altre donne irachene si mostrano pronte alla lotta (Photo credit HAIDAR HAMDANI/AFP/Getty Images)

 “It is very sad news for us all, when the world is celebrating women’s day, our women are dying in the hands of terrorists,” a local  reporter said.

Mosul: Iraqi woman kills senior Isis commander after forcing her to act as sex slave



Iraq female police

 Iraqi Women Fear For Their Future




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