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sabato 4 marzo 2017

Without Borders - Ghana


 Ghana: Women farmers resist plan to grab Africa's seeds (The Ecologist)

How Climate Change Affects Women in Ghana
 Il degrado del suolo, la desertificazione e l'erosione del suolo influenzano pesantemente le donne, e le tante persone che prevedono. In media, una donna può essere responsabile per 6 a 17 persone, dai bambini agli anziani ai malati ai portatori di handicap. La loro sopravvivenza dipende in larga misura dalle risorse naturali.

Ghana by emanuelle01

 Accused witch Ashetu Chonfo. There are around five camps across northern Ghana that each home about 700 women accused of witchcraft

 The 'witches' live in mud huts and have no access to basic sanitation and health facilities. Some women have  been kept in the ghetto style villages for decades

Stuck: Nine months pregnant Merci Gigire in a camp in Gambaga, Northern Ghana. British Commissioner to Ghana Jon Benjamin wants the camps shut

 Asana was accused of being a witch by her ex-husband who poured melted plastic over her

Chocolate Company Creates Jobs for Women in Ghana 

 Ghana by Ann_Polska

  Ghana women dance

by coxone1


Keeleah by miklpiwu

Ann by miklpiwu

 Vivian by miklpiwu

by Roman015

Ghana's women's 4x100m relay team ran the fastest time by a Ghanaian female team  

Nana by arne-wolf

The Beauty of Ghana by SlyckLyck

Lagoon at Winneba (Central Region, Ghana)
Andrew Moore on Flickr

Prisi Island is the closest land location to the centre of the world, peering over the Atlantic Ocean in Western Ghana at Cape Three Points.
SaintKwameTekpor - Opera propria

Iphone photo
Francesco Veronesi from Italy - Untouched pool in Ankasa - Ghana
Bui National Park, Ghana
Benjamin Mussler from Austria 

 Panorama and landscape view of Lake Volta in Volta Basin and Eastern Region of Ghana. Lake Volta by artificial surface area is the largest reservoir in the world. Lake Volta drains into the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean. Volta River has three main tributaries—the Black Volta, White Volta and Red Volta.
© Sandister Tei ( / Wikimedia Commons
 Accra market scene 
Francisco Anzola - Accra Market


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