
Tell the situation in Haiti has not "improved sufficiently to permit the US government to remove Haitian nationals"
Haïti – Social: Fanm Deside a marqué la journée mondiale des femmes rurales à Macary
Haiti hasn't recovered from the devastating 2010 quake which killed 250,000 and destroyed most of its infrastructure.
Autonomisation économique des femmes en Haïti : un défi à relever
A Haitian mother holds her newborn child close.
"Je pense à l'autre. Au traître. A la robe moulante que je mettrai ce
jour-là. A mes talons aiguilles. Au rouge carmin dont je dessinerai mes lèvres
et à cette chose que je dissimulerai dans mon sac."
"Dans cette île, dans cette ville, il faut être une pierre. Je suis une pierre."
"J'ai devancé l'aurore et j'ai ouvert la porte sur la nuit."
Signé : Moneypenny
Rosemonde and Gerthrude
La prison des femmes à Pétion-Ville, une Haïti qui crie justice
Construite en 1997, la prison des femmes à Pétion-Ville est l’archétype des prisons haïtiennes. L’établissement compte plus de prévenues que de condamnées.
A Haitian woman is a woman
who bake herself under the hot Caribbean sun, with a bucket on top of
her head selling small packages of water at the Croix des Bossales
market, to be able to send her children to school. Poor mother, her
beauty has faded away by hard work. The reminder of her astonishing
beauty is perhaps her smile.
A Haitian woman, is a
woman whose feet are worn out, from walking 10s' of miles with a basket
full of fruits and vegetables on top of her head, weighing hundreds of
pounds; her voice has almost vanished from yelling out merchandise as
she passes affluent neighborhoods.
Haitian women are great
entrepreneurs; they sell and make a profit out of everything they offer,
no matter how small they may seem; from tiny cups of pistachios, to
buckets of charcoal. In Haiti, women do it all.
They work for over 12 hours under hot light bulbs sewing clothes that they probably will never be able to afford.
They work for over 12 hours under hot light bulbs sewing clothes that they probably will never be able to afford.
Haitian women are not smiling because they enjoy the burden that miseries have bestowed upon them; they're smiling because even though all this hard work is probably not going to be enough to bring food on the table, but they will be able to save enough to give their children the education they did not receive.
You better not look down upon Haitian women.
Haitian women really can do it all.
Atardecer en una playa de Port Salut Haiti
A view of the beach at Paradis, northern Haiti
Cloud Forest on Deux Mamelles
Vue du lac Azuei depuis Foret des Pins en Haïti
Citadelle Laferrière situata sulla cima di una collina nella parte settentrionale di Haiti
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