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lunedì 22 aprile 2019



Agrio (in greco antico Ἄγριος) era un personaggio della mitologia greca citato come uno dei giganti nella Gigantomachia.


Agrio fu uno dei combattenti durante la guerra fra i giganti e gli dei dell'Olimpo, nella quale i giganti cercarono di rubare il potere alle varie divinità.
Egli fu affrontato dalle Moire che con i loro proiettili infuocati riuscirono ad abbatterlo ed in seguito, nsieme agli altri, venne fatto precipitare nel Tartaro.

Agrio affrontato dalle Moire
The moirs struck Agrios and Thoas while gigantomachy
Claus Ableiter - Opera propria
Pergamonmuseum - Antikensammlung - Pergamonaltar 

Agrius (/ˈæɡriəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἄγριος means "wild, savage") in Greek mythology, is a name that may refer to:
  • Agrius, one of the Giants, sons of Gaia. He, together with Thoon, was clubbed to death by Moirai with maces made from bronze, during the Gigantomachy, the battle of the Giants versus the Olympian gods.
  • Agrius, son of King Porthaon of Calydon.
  • Agrius, son of Odysseus by Circe and a brother of Latinus and Telegonus, mentioned only in Hesiod's Theogony.
  • Agrius, one of the Centaurs who Heracles fought with.
  • Agrius, one of the suitors of Penelope, from Dulichium.
  • Agrius, one of Actaeon's dogs.
The city of Agrinio, the largest city in Aetolia, took its name from Agrius.

 Agrio giant_by_saryth


Agrio, Agrios o Agrius era un monstruo mitad hombre, mitad oso, gemelo de Orios


Su nombre significa "salvaje".


Era representado como un ser monstruoso y canibal, mitad humano, mitad oso.


Polifonte era una virgen que despreciaba el amor, odiaba a los hombres y el matrimonio. Para evitar ser forzada a casarse, huyó a los bosques y se unió al séquito de Artemisa. Afrodita, ofendida por el desprecio de Polifonte hacia el amor, la castigó haciendo que se enamorase de un oso, de manera que la muchacha se apareó con el animal y tuvo dos hijos: Agrio y Orios.


Agrios y su hermano eran caníbales, inmensamente altos y fuertes, carecían de respeto por los dioses y los humanos. Zeus los despreciaba, por lo cual envió a Hermes para que los castigara a su juicio. El dios mensajero quería desmembrar a los gemelos, pero en esto intervino Ares, el cual los transformó en aves: A Agrios en Buitre, a Orios en Búho real y a su madre en un Búho pequeño.
También se dice que posteriormente fueron igualmente castigados por su canibalismo, siendo convertidos en estirges.

Rc Agrios 4X4 Monster Truck USA

Agrios is a giant and powerful robotic monster, later mech that was both created and piloted by the Fearcats and is the final evil Zord of Power Rangers Operation Overdrive, it appears in the two-part episode "Home and Away".
The Agrios Anthropos is a wildman or gorilla-like creature, reported from Western Libya that was covered with hair.

 Agrios is rude and short-tempered.
He is the first to be defeated by Seiya.
Agrios reappears, but was immediately killed as a sacrifice to Typhon.
His Adams is dark blue and is made of Lapis Lazuli is also named. He’s adorned with exposed nails across the surface, clearly symbolizing the aggressive nature of the Giants. Under his horned helmet hides his evil smile.
Kuraggu Press : Agrios techniques are based on melee: he pounces on the opponent giving himself thrust into the ground, grabs him and throws him to the ground crashing bones.

  Zona Occidental

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