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martedì 3 gennaio 2017

Jacques Biederer (1887-1942) Photographer

Biederer Studio

Nato a Moravska-Ostrava, in Cecoslovacchia nel 1887, Jacques Biederer si trasferisce a Parigi nel 1908 e  apre uno studio fotografico: nel 1913 fu raggiunto da suo fratello Carlo . Molto probabilmente ha iniziato come fotografo di ritratti, e le sue prime fotografie note sono di nudi in classica pose tipiche dell'epoca.
Nel corso del tempo le sue composizioni sono diventate più moderne; ha cominciato a fotografare all'aria aperta e ha creato dei set che raccontato una storia , come una coppia romantica capriole in un parco. In un primo momento Biederer ha firmato le sue fotografie, ma come ha incominciato a specializzarsi in nudi e soggetti più osé cominciò a firmare solo con le sue iniziali J.B. o semplicemente una "B" sotto un accento. Alla fine non li firma del tutto anche se molte immagini non firmate possono ancora essere identificati tramite  gli oggetti di scena utilizzati di frequente, o come  sono impostate le decorazioni e temi.

Il Biederer Studio è diventato ben noto negli anni 1920 e '30 per le eleganti e sofisticate di foto nudi erotici e composizioni concentrati sulla schiavitù, frustate e sculacciate. La maggior parte dei BDSM tema fotografie coinvolgono sculacciata o tutto al femminile
scenari o una dominatrice umilianti e frustate uno o due femmine
schiavi, e fatto uso efficace di abbigliamento feticista e accessori.

 Nel 1940 la Francia fu invasa dalla Germania nazista; l'occupazione tedesca è durata fino al 1944. I fratelli Biederer, di origine ebraica, sono stati sequestrati dai nazisti e deportati nel campo di concentramento di Auschwitz, dove morirono. L'eredità del Biederer Studio vive nelle centinaia di foto che sono ora ampiamente disponibili su Internet; Jacques Biederer ha esplorato un nuovo territorio e stabilito lo standard per gli artisti successivi come Charles Guyette, John Willie e Irving Klaw che ne hanno seguito le orme.

Female in Corset Chained
circa 1930 


The Biederer Studio, a.k.a. Studio Biederer, was one of the main producers of high quality erotic and fetish photography in Paris in the years between the two world wars. Its photographs explored sensational, explicit, and often ironic fantasies that pushed the boundaries of accepted sexuality. 

Early years

In 1908 Jacques Biederer (1887-1942), a Czech immigrant, set up a photography studio in Paris. His brother Charles, who joined him in 1913, helped run the studio. Biederer most probably began as a portrait photographer who later switched to making erotic studies of undraped figures.
His earliest known photographs were fashionable, tastefully posed nudes inspired by classical art. Over time his compositions became more contemporary. He began to shoot outdoors, creating photo-sets that told a simple story, such as a romantic couple cavorting in a park.
At first, Biederer signed his photographs. When he began specializing in more risque subjects, he marked some with his initials J.B. or just "B" beneath an accent mark, and then stopped signing them altogether. Scores of unmarked images have been identified by the repeated use of the same models, costumes, props, furnishings and set decorations.

Style and content

In the 1920s and '30s, Biederer Studio became well-known for producing sleek, sophisticated photos of erotic nudes and daring fetishistic images depicting bondage, whipping, and spanking. These compositions made effective use of specialized clothing and accessories such as leather and rubber corsets, high-heel boots, leather opera gloves, shackles, chains, chastity belts, and even a metal spreader bar (perhaps the first to be photographed).
Most of the BDSM-themed photographs involve either all-female (F/F) spanking scenarios or a dominatrix humiliating and whipping one or two female slaves. Biederer also made Maledom images (men punishing women) and Femdom photos, some of which feature men being used as pony play slaves.

Ostra Studio

Sometime in the 1930s a subdivision called Ostra Studio was created. This line of photographs was intended for publication in erotic books, catalogs, and self-published "Editions Ostra" of photo-sets based on a theme. A few of these photos are marked "Ostra", others have a question mark inside an inverted triangle symbol. Most are unmarked, which has created difficulties in separating the work of one division from the other.
The Ostra pictures encompass a broader range of subjects, including fantasy, romance, history, and humor. Unlike the studio-bound Biederer pictures, many of these are taken outdoors. These range from mildly suggestive images of romantic couples on a picnic to more risque, and sometimes humorous, displays of nudity, implied lesbianism, and playful spanking. One series with a historical theme shows a Napoleonic soldier confronting two women and then spanking them. Ostra produced an extensive series of nudes in semi-classical poses and elegant images of corporal punishment erotica that blends into the similar line made under the Biederer Studio name.
Biederer worked for other companies as well. He created photographs for Yva Richard's La Lingerie Moderne mail-order catalog of lingerie and bondage accouterments. Many of these photos bear Ostra's triangle-and-question-mark logo.
The studio also produced some of the earliest known 8mm (non-pornographic) stag reels depicting erotic F/F spanking and whipping scenarios. A few of these brief, silent reels have survived to the present day (see the Ostra Studio page for details).

Demise and legacy

During World War II, the harsh conditions under German occupation put an end to the erotica industry in France from 1940 to 1944. As the Biederer brothers were of Jewish descent, they were seized by the Nazis and deported to the concentration camp at Auschwitz where they perished.
The legacy of the Biederer Studio lives on in the hundreds of photos that are now widely available on the Internet and the influence they've had on the early development of fetish fashion, art and photography. Jacques Biederer broke new ground and set the standard for later artists such as Charles Guyette, John Willie and Irving Klaw who followed in his footsteps.

Books and films

There is a book about the Biederer Studio entitled Les Éditions Ostra: L'âge d'Or du Fétichisme (2007) by Alexandre Dupouy. (Astarté: Paris) ISBN 9782909607191. This is a companion piece to Dupouy's book about Yva Richard.
Biederer's work is also well represented in the photobook Jeux de Dames Cruelles 1850-1960 by Serge Nazarieff (Benedikt Taschen Verlag: 1992).
The historical drama Quartet (1981), set in Paris in 1927, shows a fetish photographer at work, most likely inspired by Biederer. A nude model wearing only a maid's apron poses with a martinet, about to whip her mistress.
Bondage Furniture with leg cuffs and domme. 
circa 1930

Dressage Whipping 1 
 circa 1930

 Dressage Whipping 2
 circa 1930

Female whipping two women - one with chastity belt and one with corset
  circa 1930

Female whipping two women
circa 1930

Female whipping woman while another watches.  
 circa 1930

Ostra - Ballet Spanking.
Created: circa 1930
 Ostra Outdoor Spanking
 circa 1930
A female violin student getting spanked by the violin bow by a strict female teacher
  circa 1930
 Three topless women sitting cross-legged, one with exposed crotch
   circa 1930
 A woman lying on a bed, exposing her buttocks
  circa 1930
A naked woman whipping another suspended by chains and seemingly wearing a chastity belt
   circa 1930
Two scantily-clad women, one topless, hugging
   circa 1930
Shirtless man whipping two nude women crawling. 
  circa 1930
 Shirtless man whipping two nude women crawling. 2
  circa 1930
Whipping in Chastity Belt
   circa 1930
 Whipping on Easel
circa 1930
A 14.5 x 11 photograph of a woman in a corset whipping the buttocks of another woman tied to a wooden frame
circa 1935
An 18 x 13 photograph of two naked women in a forest, one tying the other to a tree using chains and rope  
 circa 1935
An 18 x 13 photograph of two naked women drinking at a table
 circa 1935
An 18 x 13 photograph of two naked women, one tying the other up in chains
 circa 1935
A 14.5 x 11 photograph of a clothed woman spanking a naked woman with her hand
 circa 1935
A 14 x 9 photograph of a topless woman sitting
 circa 1935
A 14 x 9 photograph of a woman exposing her buttocks, wearing seemingly child-like clothing, including a large hair bow
 circa 1935
 A 16.5 x 11 photograph of a woman peeking from behind a door, wearing stockings and having part of her buttocks exposed
 circa 1935
 A 13 x 18 photograph of a naked woman leaning against an antique car, seemingly talking to another woman inside
  circa 1935
A 9 x 14 photograph of two women at the beach, playing with sand
  circa 1935
An 18 x 13 photograph of two naked women, with arms around each other, walking through a forest
  circa 1935

30s French fetish stag films #3 : Jacques Biederer : Free Download ...
25 ott 2010
Biederer's Ostra Studio made a few non-pornographic films of this type. He is best known for his elegant ...

Rare 1930s French fetish stag film #2: S&M with a smile : Jacques ...
03 set 2010
From fetish photographer Jacques Biederer at his Ostra Studio. You can read my article on the Ostra, and ...

1930s French fetish stag film: S&M, whipping, domination : Jacques ...
02 set 2010
Made by Jacques Biederer (Ostra Studio), a Paris photographer of high-class erotica. In the '20s & 30s he
 ...a suivre!


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