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giovedì 10 agosto 2023

erotic 7


e r o t i c  

After the Bath 1
painting of Edgar Degas

A French painted metal figurine, c 1900, showing a Chevalier seducing his mistress on a campaign drum. In the collection of the World Erotic Art Museum in Miami Beach, Florida. Photo by Jim Heaphy.
 Cullen328 - Opera propria


After the Bath 972
painting of Edgar Degas
Ah you want to blow me. Miss J. as known as the Plunger (woman inserting her head in the vagina of another woman). Drawing by Martin van Maele. Illustration from La Grande Danse macabre des vifs, 1905.


Après le bain 980 

painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1025
painting of Edgar Degas

Après le bain. Femme s’essuyant 1038
painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1046

 painting of Edgar Degas


After the Bath 1064

painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1068
painting of Edgar Degas
After the Bath 1070
painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1072
painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1084
painting of Edgar Degas
Après le bain. Femme s'essuyant les pieds 1100 
 painting of Edgar Degas

After the Bath 1800
painting of Edgar Degas
After the Bath 2248
painting of Edgar Degas

Après le bain. Femme s'essuyant 2649.
 painting of Edgar Degas

Cagnacci Morte di Cleopatra
Created: circa 1660

Cagnacci, suicide of the Cleopatra
Vienna, Museum of Art History,
Created: 1661

Cleopatra by Cagnacci (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

Guido Cagnacci    Created: circa 1645
Dancer Ruth St Denis in Ancient Egyptian style costume, photographed by Otto Sarony, c. 1900.
 Otto Sarony - Photograph by en:Otto Sarony. Digital ID: DEN_0234V. Sarony, Otto -- Photographer. c. 1900 Notes: National Endowment for the Arts Millennium Project. Source: Denishawn Collection (more info) Repository: The New York Public Library. The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Jerome Robbins Dance Division. See more information about this image and others at NYPL Digital Gallery. Persistent URL: Persistent URL: Rights Info: No known restrictions on publication; may be subject to third party rights  Via Ruth St. Denis in Egypta.
Dieselbe mit einem fehlerhaftenCorset 

Exlibris Elsa Asenijeff, Radierung und Stich von Max Klinger (Beltá vince = Schönheit siegt)  Creato: 1 gennaio 1900
Max Klinger -,
Félicien Rops, l’homme et l’artiste 091
Creato: 1 gennaio 1908
Gamiani - Image IX
Creato: 1 gennaio 1908 

Guido cagnacci, allegoria dell'astrologia sferica, 01

 Sailko - Own work

Guido cagnacci, allegoria della pittura (pescara, collez. venceslao di persio) 01
 Sailko - Own work

Guido cagnacci, allegoria del tempo (la vita umana), 1650 ca., da fondaz. cavallini sgarbi a ro ferrarese 
 Sailko and one more author - Own work
Guido Cagnacci, allegory of vanity and penance 
Dguendel and one more author
Guido cagnacci, lucrezia, 1650 ca.
 Created: circa 1650
I Serve My Master - 1900 - Downey Photo
India; Plaque; Sculpture
Creato: around 1st century BCE

Les Flagellants et les flagellés de Paris
Creato: 1 gennaio 1902
Lido 02 Studios from The Inner Mission San Francisco, Earth - Lido 02

Love scene, Shunga period, 1st century BCE.
 PHGCOM - self-made, photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Lucretia by Guido Cagnacci, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lyon
Created: circa 1660
Maddalena svenuta 
Guido Cagnacci -   Created: 1663
Marketing de gayrrilha 
Antonio Schubert from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Marketing de gayrrilha 
Martin Van Maele - La Grande Danse macabre des vifs - 23
Creato: 1 gennaio 1905 
Paris Sex-Appeal, cover of a magazine printed in Paris.
Creato: 1 luglio 1934 
Pay phone in Brazil.
 anna carol - Flickr: orelhão de sacanagem
phone both on Copacabana in Rio de Janiero 


Rape of Europa by Cagnacci, Molinari Pradelli Collection, Marano di Castenaso, Bologna
Created: circa 1650
so, you've been often at the brothel 
Martin van Maële - La Grande Danse macabre des vifs  Creato: 1 gennaio 1905
Susanna and the Elders   
Cagnacci  -  Created: 17th century
Telephone with prostitute ads in São Paulo 
Joshjrowe - Opera propria
The Repentant Magdalene, by Guido Cagnacci 
Guido Cagnacci -   Created: circa 1660
Vintage erotic photograph, from the Uwe-Scheid-Collection 
Sconosciuto1 gennaio 1900
Vitor Meireles - Tarquínio e Lucrécia - Cópia do original de Guido Cagnacci.
Created: 1850
Warren Cup BM GR 1999.4-26.1 n2  
Marie-Lan Nguyen e un altro autore - Opera propria

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