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mercoledì 5 luglio 2023

Photography 4

 P H O T O G R A P H Y

Photography, 70 W x 50 H x 1 D cm
 Igor Vitomirov                                 Sweden


A love song (The Girl behind the White Picket Fence) (The Girl behind the White Picket Fence) - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 20 W x 20 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                             United States
A New Cold Day
Photography, 80 W x 120 H x 0.3 D cm
 Dan Cristian Lavric                                           Romania 

Abstract Contemporary Art#2018 - Limited Edition 1 of 20
Photography, 80 W x 80 H x 1 D cm
 Igor Bajenov                                Germany


Abstract SeaScape X
Photography, 100 W x 70 H x 1 D cm
 Igor Vitomirov                                          Sweden

Adoration to Dali
Photography, 77 W x 62.7 H x 2.5 D cm
 Svetlana Melik-Nubarova                   Turkey


Association - Limited Edition 2 of 10
Photography, 152.4 W x 101.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Journey Gong                                          United States

At 75m (1998) - Edition of 25
Photography, 112 W x 90 H x 0.2 D cm
 Zena Holloway                                    United Kingdom
Ballon #11 - 30 x 20 inch - Limited Edition of 50
Photography, 50.8 W x 76.2 H x 0.3 D cm
 Cody Choi                                            United Kingdom 
Balloon #18 - 20 x 30 inch - Limited Edition of 50
Photography, 76.2 W x 50.8 H x 0.3 D cm
 Cody Choi                                                United Kingdom 
Balloon #19 - 60 x 40 inch - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 152.4 W x 101.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Cody Choi                                                United Kingdom 
Baywatch (Venice Beach) - Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 49.8 W x 59.9 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                                   United States 

Because I am (Stage of Consciousness) - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 24 W x 20 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                             United States
Between the two rivers of happiness and sorrow my life flows, Limited Edition of 8
Photography, 129 W x 85 H x 0.1 D cm
 Viet Ha Tran                                          Spain 
Bice - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 101.6 W x 152.4 H x 0.3 D cm
 Gregory Prescott                                              United States 
Big First Impression - Limited Edition of 14/3AP
Photography, 180 W x 120 H x 0.7 D cm
 Cheraine Collette                             Netherlands 
Breath of a warm summer evening, a girl at sunset "7" - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 60 W x 90 H x 0.1 D cm
 Alex Grear                                       Ukraine 
Photography, 90 W x 90 H x 3 D cm
 Federico Bebber                                         Italy 
By the water's edge.. (Canvas Edition) - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 177.8 W x 101.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Lynne Douglas                                             United Kingdom 
CIRCA 1930 / Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 121.9 W x 121.9 H x 0.3 D cm
 Ysabel LeMay                                    United States 
Constantly Producing - Limited Edition of 1
Photography, 53.3 W x 71.1 H x 0.3 D cm
 Rachelmauricio Castro                                     Brazil
Cote d'Emeraude
Photography, 70 W x 45 H x 4 D cm
 Dimitri Bogachuk                                 Ukraine 
CrowdPhobia, Large - Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 81.3 W x 96.5 H x 0.3 D cm
 Simon McCheung                                        United Kingdom 
Cyclone (Stay) - Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 127 W x 127.8 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                                                 United States 
Dalma - Limited Edition of 25
Photography, 70 W x 70 H x 0.1 D cm
 Flora Borsi                                                   Hungary 
Dark sands. limited edition of 100
Photography, 26 W x 26 H x 0.3 D cm
 Nadia Attura                                    United Kingdom 
Deep blue - Ocean and sea series
Photography, 100 W x 70 H x 0.1 D cm
DESERT SHADOWS - PINK Limited Edition of 15
Photography, 81.3 W x 121.9 H x 2.5 D cm
 Kristin Hart                                                                        United States 
DOCKYARD DREAMING (MEDIUM) Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 80 W x 62 H x 0.1 D cm
 Miss Aniela                                     United Kingdom 
Edition 1/10 - The Eye, Pont de Normandie, France 2016
Photography, 50.8 W x 40.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 PAUL COOKLIN                                                   United Kingdom 
Embracing - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 91.4 W x 91.4 H x 0.3 D cm
 Mallory Morrison                                      United States 


ENLIGHTEN / Limited Edition of 7
Photography, 182.9 W x 91.4 H x 0.3 D cm
 Ysabel LeMay                                           United States

Eternal Summer - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 101.6 W x 152.4 H x 0.3 D cm
 Lynne Douglas                                         United Kingdom
Fighting Fish - Limited Edition 2 of 25
Photography, 70 W x 70 H x 0.1 D cm
 Flora Borsi                                    Hungary 
Finders Keepers - Limited Edition 1 of 7
Photography, 61 W x 91.4 H x 0.3 D cm
 Ransom and Mitchell                             United States 
Flowers 36, Limited edition 2/25
Photography, 30 W x 30 H x 0.1 D cm
 Veneta Karamfilova                               Bulgaria 
"Fly Away 2" - Limited Edition of 20
Photography, 50 W x 50 H x 1 D cm
 Maja Hrnjak                                             Croatia 
Photography, 54 W x 46 H x 0.1 D cm
 Miss Aniela                                    United Kingdom 
Gone Swimming - Limited Edition of 90
Photography, 50.8 W x 50.8 H x 0.3 D cm
 Nadia Attura                                                       United Kingdom 
Green Field #2
Photography, 76.2 W x 50.8 H x 2.5 D cm
 James Cooper                                     United States 
Henry watching Athena Dance (Stay) - Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 76 W x 78 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                        United States 
Human Blue
Photography, 140 W x 70 H x 5 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                              Germany 
Photography, 160 W x 80 H x 3 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                               Germany 
impressioni di marzo III
Photography, 30 W x 40 H x 0.1 D cm
 angelo dorigo                                    Italy 
James Bond Rock I - Thailand - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 101.6 W x 57.1 H x 0.3 D cm
 Jin-Woo Prensena                               United States 
Jane Bond I (Heavenly Falls) - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 20 W x 20 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                                     United States 
JAVA JAZZ JKT 3 - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 84 W x 84 H x 2 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                           Germany 
Late bloomers still bloom - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 59.9 W x 78.7 H x 0.3 D cm
 Fares Micue                                         Spain 
Learn To Fly - Limited Edition 1 of 10
Photography, 60 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 Michal Zahornacky                                              Slovakia

lemon twist - limited edition print, large size
Photography, 61 W x 40.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Elle Hanley                                      United States 
Limited Edition of 3
Photography, 110 W x 110 H x 1 D cm
 Dimitri Bogachuk                                              Ukraine 
Liquids #01 - Limited Edition 2 of 8
Photography, 70 W x 84 H x 0.1 D cm
 Agnieszka Maria Zieba                            Germany 
Lost in Red - Limited Edition of 5
Photography, 100 W x 100 H x 3 D cm
 Paul Brouns                                         Netherlands 

Lullaby (The Girl behind the White Picket Fence) - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 58.4 W x 48.3 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                                 United States
LUMINES / Artist Proof 1/3
Photography, 121.9 W x 129.5 H x 0.3 D cm
 Ysabel LeMay                                                                  United States 
Magda Limited #4 - Limited Edition of 3
Photography, 60 W x 90 H x 0.1 D cm
 Jens Kohlen                                     Germany 
Magic lights in Istanbul - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 58 W x 80 H x 0.1 D cm
 Viet Ha Tran                                      Spain 
Magical Nature Opus 90 New - Limited Edition of 8
Photography, 100 W x 80 H x 2 D cm
 Geert lemmers                              Netherlands 
Mirror Reflections #37 - Limited Edition of 8
Photography, 160 W x 160 H x 0.1 D cm
 Dana and Stephane Maitec                    France 
Mirror Reflections #126 - Limited Edition of 12
Photography, 110 W x 110 H x 0.1 D cm
 Dana and Stephane Maitec                   France 
Miss Bouncy #8.1
Photography, 127 W x 190.5 H x 0.3 D cm
 Cody Choi                                              United Kingdom 
Miss Bouncy #13
Photography, 50.8 W x 76.2 H x 0.3 D cm
 Cody Choi                                                United Kingdom 
Mo Lagbara (I am strong) - Limited Edition of 20
Photography, 40.6 W x 61 H x 0.3 D cm
 Vanessa Endeley                                   United Kingdom 
Mojave desert thoughts - Limited Edition of 1
Photography, 64.8 W x 44.5 H x 0.3 D cm
 Harry Moody                                        United States 
New Spring - Limited Edition of 7
Photography, 60 W x 87 H x 1 D cm
 Svetlana Melik-Nubarova                Turkey 
On the road again !
Photography, 60 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 Hélène Vallas Vincent                        France 
Paris, Pont Neuf - Limited Edition of 12
Photography, 110 W x 73 H x 0.1 D cm
 Dana and Stephane Maitec                             France 
Photography, 60.2 W x 90.7 H x 0.3 D cm
 Dan Cristian Lavric                                 Romania 
Pillars Of The Earth - Limited Edition of 2/1AP
Photography, 225 W x 150 H x 0.7 D cm
 Cheraine Collette                                Netherlands 
Photography, 120 W x 80 H x 3 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                              Germany 
Photography, 120 W x 80 H x 3 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                                                Germany 
Rayon Vert
Photography, 50.8 W x 40.6 H x 2.5 D cm
 Mary Mansey                                                       France 
Ripples (small size)
Photography, 50 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 Vikram Kushwah                                                    United Kingdom 
Photography, 96.5 W x 121.9 H x 2.5 D cm
 Ronald Rupert Santos                                United States 
Saturday Morning - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 61 W x 40.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Kenneth Laurence Neal                      United States 
Sheer Urbanism VI - Signed Limited Edition
Photography, 100 W x 80 H x 0.5 D cm
 Serge Horta                                          Hong Kong 
Sleeping Raven
Photography, 96.5 W x 96.5 H x 0.4 D cm
 Javiera Estrada                                                        United States 
Special needs - Limited Edition of 25
Photography, 70 W x 100 H x 0.1 D cm
 Federico Bebber                                            Italy 
Spirit of the Sea - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 101.6 W x 101.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Lynne Douglas                                         United Kingdom 
Striping down the fears - Limited Edition of 20
Photography, 59.9 W x 70.1 H x 0.3 D cm
 Fares Micue                                            Spain 
Sun dance - Limited Edition of 25
Photography, 100 W x 100 H x 0.1 D cm
 Emilie Möri                                      France 
The King - Limited Edition 3 of 7
Photography, 150 W x 100 H x 0.1 D cm
 Mona Vayda                                        India 
The Kiss (Till Death do us Part) - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 38.1 W x 27.9 H x 0.8 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                                United States 
The Petri-Dish Project / Cosmic Jewel (manifest 1)) - Limited Edition 1 of 3
Photography, 100 W x 100 H x 2 D cm
 JD Doria                                                 Israel
The Sky Is The Limit - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 76.2 W x 114.3 H x 0.8 D cm
 Matthew Farrar                                      United States 
The Story Teller; Edition 7 of 10
Photography, 80 W x 80 H x 0.5 D cm
 Michael Vincent Manalo                                    Taiwan 

THE WINNER - Limited Edition of 15
Photography, 55 W x 110 H x 0.2 D cm
 Bojan Jevtić                                          Serbia
Time Lapse. Melrose, Los Angeles, CA - Limited Edition of 25
Photography, 76.2 W x 114.3 H x 0.3 D cm
 Xan Padron                                          United States 
 Tortuga Print On Metal - Limited Edition of 50
Photography, 40.6 W x 61 H x 2.5 D cm
 Kelly Nicolaisen                               United States 
Transformations (No. 2 of 10 / 1 sold)
Photography, 60 W x 60 H x 1 D cm
 Paul Brouns                                                   Netherlands 
Tree of Life - Willow, Edition 3/10 (Published at VOGUE.IT)
Photography, 80 W x 120 H x 0.1 D cm
 Pete Edmunds                                     United Kingdom 
Tristis - Small - Limited Edition 9 of 25
Photography, 60 W x 60 H x 0.3 D cm
 Flora Borsi                                                   Hungary
Turn exercises
Photography, 100 W x 80 H x 2 D cm
 Geert lemmers                              Netherlands 
Unfold - Large - Limited Edition 5 of 5
Photography, 130 W x 100 H x 0.2 D cm
 Flora Borsi                                             Hungary 
Photography, 130 W x 100 H x 3 D cm
 Sven Pfrommer                                    Germany 
Photography, 68.6 W x 68.6 H x 0.4 D cm
 Javiera Estrada                                  United States 
Photography, 40 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 ACQUA LUNA                                    Spain 
 Wall of Nature XI - Limited Edition of 3 (MUSEUM EDITION)
Photography, 105 W x 157 H x 0.1 D cm
 Viet Ha Tran                                             Spain 
Wall People detail no.12.1 | Orig. Photo Under 4 mm Acrylic Glass
Photography, 80 W x 80 H x 2 D cm
 Eka Sharashidze                          Germany 
With my head in the clouds - Limited Edition 2 of 20
Photography, 59.9 W x 70.1 H x 0.3 D cm
 Fares Micue                                                         Spain 
White Trash Beautiful (29 Palms, CA) - Limited Edition 3 of 5
Photography, 125 W x 128 H x 0.3 D cm
 Stefanie Schneider                            United States 
Winter Comes to the Highlands - Limited Edition of 10
Photography, 152.4 W x 101.6 H x 0.3 D cm
 Lynne Douglas                                                  United Kingdom 
winter Vegetation IV - Limited Edition #2/3 + 2 AP
Photography, 120 W x 80 H x 0.1 D cm
 Christoffer Relander                            Finland 
Zen Spring 2: Cyanotype on Wood Panel
Photography, 35.6 W x 35.6 H x 2.5 D cm
 Christine So                                             United States

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