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sabato 29 ottobre 2022

EROTIC ART COLLECTION 87 - OEuvre priapique de Denon (1793)


Oeuvre priapique de Denon (1793)

Wonder woman Mike Collins Artist: Mike Collins (All)


Wonder woman Mike Collins

Artist: Mike Collins (All) 

London Supercomic con 2013

Pen and Ink       Commission



Unknown artist 

Country:    Unknown 1917

Félix Hemme Artworks Paintings Guer, Brittany, France


Félix Hemme Artworks

Guer, Brittany, France
528 Triptyque à la tempera
Drawings, 27 W x 36 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
611 L'Ankou, Albuglyphe
Paintings, 75 W x 100 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                                 France 
612 Albuglyphe
Paintings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
641 On the beach
Sculpture, 15 W x 38 H x 15 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
646 Tessoglyphe
Paintings, 60 W x 90 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
651 Gypsoglyphe
Sculpture, 24 W x 16 H x 4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
652 Glyphe
Paintings, 50 W x 61 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
670 Adam & Eve
Paintings, 50 W x 40 H x 1 D cm
 Félix Hemme                    France 
671 Sans Titre
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
680 Cernunnos
Paintings, 60 W x 72 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
681 De loin
Paintings, 80 W x 80 H x 5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
682 Lulu et le Monstre
Paintings, 27 W x 35 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
691 La cime des arbres
Paintings, 160 W x 130 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
692 Oh hey ho !
Sculpture, 44 W x 31 H x 17 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
695 Hémisphère Sud
Paintings, 30 W x 30 H x 1 D cm
 Félix Hemme                          France 
717 La fugue
Sculpture, 100 W x 60 H x 40 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
718 Les grands lacs
Sculpture, 20 W x 52 H x 20 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
720 Le frère de papier
Sculpture, 50 W x 42 H x 25 D cm
 Félix Hemme                          France 
A l'aube des premiers jours
Paintings, 81 W x 116 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                             France 
Au bord du lit
Paintings, 116 W x 89 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                      France 
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Bête aquatique clitoridienne I
Sculpture, 12 W x 30 H x 12 D cm 
Félix Hemme                              France 
Chambre Jaune
Paintings, 40 W x 40 H x 0.4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Empreinte d'une branche de chêne
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                             France 
Face à la mer
Paintings, 116 W x 81 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France
Je suis Rom - N°1
Paintings, 60 W x 60 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Je suis Rom - N°2
Paintings, 54 W x 65 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Jute IV
Paintings, 40 W x 48 H x 5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Paintings, 73 W x 92 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Le Tricot
Paintings, 100 W x 100 H x 5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Mélanzé 1
Paintings, 130 W x 100 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                             France
Mélanzé 7
Paintings, 97 W x 130 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                    France 
NU N°17
Paintings, 81 W x 100 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Nu (Outre Mers, Etude 6)
Paintings, 29 W x 49 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Outre Mers XXXI
Paintings, 80 W x 80 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Outre Mers XXXII
Paintings, 24 W x 33 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                   France 
Outre Mers XXXIII
Paintings, 80 W x 100 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Outre Mers XXXIV
Paintings, 160 W x 130 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
Outre Mers XXXV
Paintings, 70 W x 70 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                 France 
Outre Mers XXXVI
Paintings, 92 W x 60 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 

Outre Mers XXXVII
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France
Outre Mers XXXIX
Paintings, 50 W x 50 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                  France 
Outre Mers XL
Paintings, 116 W x 89 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Outre Mers XLVI
Paintings, 97 W x 130 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Outre Mers XLVII
Paintings, 27 W x 19 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Outre Mers L
Paintings, 65 W x 80 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Outre Mers LVII
Paintings, 46 W x 55 H x 2 D cm
Félix Hemme                     France
Outre Mers LX
Paintings, 50 W x 60 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France
Outre Mers LXIII
Paintings, 69 W x 92 H x 4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France
Outre Mers LXXI
Paintings, 38 W x 45 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Outre Mers LXXV
Paintings, 40 W x 50 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Outre Mers LXXVI
Paintings, 40 W x 50 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
Outre Mers X / From over the seas X
Paintings, 70 W x 70 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Outre Mers XVII / From over the seas XVIII
Paintings, 32 W x 38 H x 0.5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                               France 
Outre Mers XXI / From over the seas XXI
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
Oviglyphe 21, Les Cactus
Paintings, 80 W x 100 H x 0.4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
Pi XXVI Fusain
Drawings, 29 W x 42 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme               France 
Paintings, 40 W x 50 H x 0.4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Pi XXXIV - Limited Edition of 5
Printmaking, 30 W x 42 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
Portrait N°19
Paintings, 65 W x 80 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Portrait N20
Paintings, 60 W x 60 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Postom VI
Paintings, 73 W x 92 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Postom XXXI
Paintings, 27 W x 37 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Paintings, 97 W x 130 H x 4 D cm 
Félix Hemme                     France 
Postom XLIV
Paintings, 73 W x 92 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Postom LI
Paintings, 27 W x 35 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Postom LXI
Paintings, 20 W x 20 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Postom Informel II
Paintings, 60 W x 73 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Postom Informel IV
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Postom Informel V
Paintings, 13 W x 18 H x 0.3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Première variation sur un dos
Paintings, 60 W x 60 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Pumicantes II
Paintings, 40 W x 40 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Pumicantes III
Paintings, 124 W x 82 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Pumicantes VIII
Paintings, 40 W x 40 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                  France 
Sans Titre
Paintings, 60 W x 60 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
She used to: smoke on the beach
Paintings, 40 W x 40 H x 0.5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                             France 
Tapon II
Paintings, 40 W x 50 H x 0.5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                           France 
Tapon III
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 0.5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
Tapon IV
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 0.5 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
Tapon XI
Paintings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Tapon XIV
Paintings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                        France 
Tapon XVII
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          Franc 
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Paintings, 60 W x 80 H x 2 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Tessellé 1, version papier 2
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                              France 
Tessellé 1, Version papier 3
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                             France 
Tessellé 1, Version papier 4
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                         France 
Tessellé 3, Version papier 2
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                               France 
Tessoglyphe 1
Paintings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Tessellé 6, Etude
Drawings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                            France 
Tessoglyphe 7
Paintings, 50 W x 65 H x 0.1 D cm 
Félix Hemme                          France 
Tessellé 21
Paintings, 65 W x 91 H x 3 D cm 
Félix Hemme                       France 
Félix was born in France in 1976. He lives and works in Brittany.

"I'm largely self-taught and this has shaped my entire approach to making art.

I began painting in 2010, starting with realistic figure studies. At this time my work consisted mainly of portraits and nudes. These are beneficial subjects to learn as you are finding your style (much of my technique was based on scratch markings at the time). One of this series echoes even in my present day work, paintings that represent bodies – or parts of bodies – assembled and mixed. I called them Mélanzés (Creole) in memory of Reunion Island, where everything began.

In 2016 I started to create abstract works. I felt imprisoned by realistic drawing and representation. An exhibition about Dansaekwha (Korean minimalism) persuaded me to change. I simplified the shapes, designs and colors. I created a lot in monochrome, sometimes employing complex methods… these were research works. The Outre Mers paintings are important when considering my art. Here lines and strokes dominate. With Outre Mers I push my ‘scratch and erase’ technique further – the line appears in negative ... it exists by its absence. The background of the canvas is the line. This idea persists in my current work.

At the beginning of 2020 I visited a rock cave, Les Combarelles in the South West of France; the cave was not decorated with paintings, but only with engraving marks. These interlaced lines reveal the bodies of animals. I was fascinated. This resonates in some of my work: the bodies of the Mélanzés, the lines-by-absence of the Outre Mers works… a few months later I returned to figurative art. Glyphs Serie is the result. It is a kind of summation of my last ten years of research: simplified figurations, freed from realism.

More recently I have had the idea to add words in my paintings. My work remains in progress ...

 DESCD, Diplôme d'Etude Supérieur de Concepteur Designer en 2000, Institut Européen de Design, Toulon.
- La Gacilly, Centre d'art La Passerelle, du 15 octobre au 30 décembre.
- St Malo de Beignon, Médiathèque, du 09 septembre au 09 octobre.
- Orliac, La Forge de Charles, du 23 juillet au 21 aout.
- Paris, Salon Maison Contemporain #2, Espace Bertrand Grimont.
- La Gacilly, Centre d'art La Passerelle.
- Paris, Young International Art Fair.
- Oslo, Golsa Gallery, "Velvet Ropes".
- Paris, Salon des Réalités Nouvelles.
- Metz, Boeckercontemporary à "Faux Mouvement, Centre d'art contemporain"
- Paris, Les Caves du Louvre.
- London, Factory art Projects "London Calling 015".
- Paris, Vinochromie, "Edition Champagne".
- Paris, Concorde Art Gallery, "Corps à corps".
- Paris, Vinochromie, édition #06.
- Paris, Galerie Numero 1, Lauréat du concours
- Metz, Art'Gone: "Creatifs young Artists & Designers".
- Verneuil-sur-Avre, Collectif PSP.
- Bayeux, Galerie le Radar, D'un mur à l'autre #2.
- La Mothe St Héray, Les Nouvelles Métamorphes.
- Toulouse, Artoulouse.
- Le Touquet, festival Alain Godon.
- Milan, Hotel Straff, Donkey Art Prize.
- Le Touquet, festival Alain Godon.
- La Rivière (Réunion), exposition collective.