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domenica 22 aprile 2018

Robert (Bob) Stanley, American (1932 - 1997) Artist

Robert (Bob) Stanley, American (1932 - 1997)

Robert (Bob) Stanley was a painter whose early work was figurative painting about contemporary American life. In the 1960s and early 1970s, he based his paintings on photographs, which he manipulated from black and white ot larger than life colored shapes. Stanley was born in Yonkers, New York and studied at the Arts Students League, the Brooklyn Museum Art School on a Max Beckman Scholarship, Columbia University and Oglethorpe University. His first one-man exhibition was in 1963, and exhibition venues included the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Art Institute of Chicago. His preferred medium was acrylic and sources for his work subjects included coloring book figures, puzzles, graphs and scientific diagrams.
Born: January 3, 1932, Yonkers, New York
Died: November 15, 1997

1954-1956 The Brooklyn Museum of Art School, Brooklyn, NY
1953 Columbia University, New York, NY
1951-1952 The High Museum Art School, Atlanta, GA
1951 Columbia University, New York, NY
1949-1953 Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA B.A. 1953
1987 The Igor Foundation Award for Painting, New York, NY
1969 The Cassandra Foundation Award for Painting, Chicago, IL
1954-1956 Max Beckmann Scholarship Award for Painting and Sculpture,
The Brooklyn Museum of Art School, Brooklyn, NY
1984-1997 School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, Instructor: Painting and Drawing
1983 The New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA, Visiting Artist
1979-1980 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Visiting Artist
1978 St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY, Visiting Artist, spring semester
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, Visiting Artist
1976 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, Visiting Artist
1970-1972 School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, Instructor: Painting and Drawing

2001 The Mayor Gallery, London, “Bob Stanley -Works from the Sixties”
2000 Northampton Community College, Bethlehem, PA, Exhibition of Early Works, in conjunction with New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA, Exhibition of Later Works
1999 Beatrice Conde Gallery, New York, NY, Late Paintings
Mitchell Algus Gallery, New York, NY, Paintings: 1963-1967
1997 Mitchell Angus Gallery, New York, NY
1996 Beatrice Conde Gallery, New York, NY
1992 Barbierato Arte Contemporanea, Asiago, Italy, Catalog, text by Wim van Sinderen
Moderne Kunst Dietmar Werle, Köln, GDR. Catalog, text by Robert Stanley
1991 The Greenville County Art Museum, Greenville, SC
1989 Galerie Bébert, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Catalog text by Robert Pincus-Witten
1988 Galleri Johnny Ericsson, (Gothenburg), Lonstmässas Stockholm
Art Fair Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden
Gallerie Georges Lavrov, (Paris), Die International Kunstmesse, Art 1988, Basel, Switzerland
1987 Galerie Georges Lavrov, Paris, France, Catalog text by Richard Artswager
The New Arts Program Exhibition Space, Kutztown, PA
John Davis Gallery, New York, NY
1986 Le Consortium, Centre d’art Contemporain, The Atheneum, Dijon, France
John Davis Gallery, New York, NY
1983 Bucklew-Goehring Gallery, Tampa, FL
1980 Elizabeth Weiner Gallery, New York, NY, Recent work
Holly Keenberg-Contemporary Art, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,
“A Retrospective Exhibit: Bob Stanley, 1965-1980”
1978 Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY
Elizabeth Weiner Gallery, New York, NY
St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY
1976 The Union Gallery, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
1974 The New York Cultural Center, New York, NY
1972 Warren Benedek Gallery, New York, NY
1969 Gegenverkehr Kunsthalle, Aachen, Germany, Catalog, text by Klaus Honnef
1968 Kleine Galerie e.v., Frankfort, Germany
1967 Galerie Ricke, Kassel, Germany
Galerie ü Kückles, Bochum, Germany
1966 The Paul Bianchini Gallery, New York, NY
International Gallery Orez, The Hague, Holland
Galerie Ricke, Kassel, Germany
The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
1965 Bianchini-Birillo Gallery, New York, NY

2004 Karolyn Sherwood Gallery, Holiday Group Show
2003 Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY, “Object Lessons: Additions to the Collection, 1997 – 2002.”
Karolyn Sherwood Gallery, "Up Close and Personal: A Collection of Minimalist and Figurative Drawings”
2001 Karolyn Sherwood Gallery, Group Exhibition
2000 BGH Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, “Some New York Artists”
Steven Vail Gallery, Des Moines, IA, “Paintings and Drawings” 2 person exhibition with Jan Frank
Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, SI, NY, “The Figure: Another Side of Modernism”
1999 Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, “Coming to Life, The Figure
in American Art 1955-165”, curated by Sheryl Conkelton
1997 Beatrice Conde Gallery, New York, NY, Group Show
1996 Sharadin Art Gallery, Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA, “Painting 1996”
1995 Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, SC; “Tattoo Your Dog”,
A Collaborative Installation in Memory of Jeannie Williams Styron
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH, travels to 10 other institutions; “It’s Only Rock and Roll”, Catalog essay by David S. Rubin, Curator of 20th Century Art, Phoenix Art Museum
Beatrice Conde Gallery, New York, NY, “Paintings, Drawings, Photographs”, Curated by Jan Frank
1990 The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH, “Contemporary Vision”
The Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, PA, 2 person exhibition with Patricia McCabe
Centro Cultural La General, Granada, Spain, “Honenaje a Federico García Lorca
Catalog texts by Jesus Manuel and others
1989 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO, “Art by Chance: Fortuitous Impressions”
1988 The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA, “Recent Painting Acquisitions”
Laguada Art Galleries, Granada, Spain, “Homage to Frederico Garcia Lorca”
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, “33rd Annual Contemporary American Art Exhibition”
Curated by James Carroll; Catalog text by Ricardo Viera and James Carroll
1987 White Columns, New York, NY, “Overtalk: Fahlstrom, Nagy, Stanley” Curated by Gary Stephen
Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, CT, “The Pop Decade:
The Bianchini Gallery in the Sixties”; Exhibition monograph by Barbara Zabel
1986 The John Davis Gallery, Akron, OH
1985 Fuji Television Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, “Contemporary Graphics: NYC”
The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, “A Decade of Visual Arts at
Princeton: Faculty 1975-1985”’ Catalog text by Allen Rosenbaum and James Seawright
The University of Rhode Island, Main Gallery, Kingston, Rhode Island, “Diversity:
New York City Artists”, Catalog texts by Jane Logemann and Aimee Brown-Price
John Nichols, New York, NY, “Window: East/West Grand Street, The First Anniversary Exhibition: Ten Artists”
1984 Centro Studi Pietro Mancini, Cosenza, Italy, “Progetto su Pace, Guerra e Altro”
The Fort Worth Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX, “The Pop Art Print”
The Madison Art Center, Madison, Wisconsin, “Recent Acquisitions”
Harcus Gallery, Boston, MA, “Artist/Poet’s Books”
1983 The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers, NJ, “The Rutgers Archives for
Printmaking Studios Exhibition”, catalog texts by David Gilbert and Jeffery Wechsler
Civico Institut Duchessa di Galleria, Genova, Italy
1982 The American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters New York, NY, “Paintings
and Sculpture: 1982 Art Award Candidates
Motowave, Caserta, Italy, “La Seduzione della Velocita”
1981 Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA, “Illusions of Light”, Exhibition monograph
by Teri Priest
CDAV Rosamilia, Castel San Giorgio, Italy, “Fantastic Art”
Metronom Rafael Tous, Barcelona, Spain, “Artist’s Books”; Catalog text by Ulises Carrion
Galantai Gyorgy, Budapest, Hungary, “Artist’s Stamps”
Jose Clement Orozco Gallery, Mexico City, Mexico, “Cuarto Quartos”
1980 CDDA, Barcelona, Spain, “Exposicio de Tramesa Postal”; Catalog text by Gloria Picazo
The De Moines Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa, “Recent Acquisitions”
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C., “The Human Form, Contemporary American Drawing and the Academic Tradition”; Catalog text by Edward J. Nygren
The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, “20th Century Prints from the
Permanent Collection”
1978 P.S.1, Long Island City, New York, “Another Aspect of Pop Art”
1977 P.S.1, Long Island City, NY, 2 person exhibition with Barton Wasserman
1976 National Galerie, Berlin and Kunsthll zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany “Druckgrafik der USA” Catalog texts by Von Lucius Grisebach and others
1975 The New York Cultural Center, New York, NY, The Minneapolis Museum of Art, Minneapolis,
Minnesota and The University of Houston Art Center, Houston, Texas, “The Nude in
American Art: a survey from the 16th century to the present”
The Clocktower, New York, NY, “ Collectors of the 70’s, Part III: A Collection in Progress
of Milton Brutten and Helen Herrick”
The Institute of Contemporary Arts, Philadelphia, PA, “Painting, Drawing and Sculpture of the 60’s and 70’s
Kasseler Kunst Verein, Kassel, Germany, ‘Arnold Bode züm 75. Gebürstag” Catalog text by Karl Oskar Blae
1973 The Whitney Museum of American Art, “ The First Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Art”
The Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, “Art on Paper”
1972 The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, “ Recent Sculpture Acquisitions”
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, “The Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Painting”
1970 The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH, “Monumental Art” Catalog texts by William A. Leonard and Douglas Macagy
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, “Recent Acquisitions”
1969 The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, “ The Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Painting”
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, “The 29th Annual Exhibition of the Society for Contemporary Art”
The Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, WI,
The Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas and The Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH, “Directions 2: Aspects of a New Realism”’ Catalog text by William S. Wilson
1968 4. Documenta, Kassel, Germany; Catalog 2, text by Guther Gerkin and Werner Spies
Galerie Ricke, Cologne, Germany, “Program I”
The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH, “Four NYC Artists: Gordon, Lozano,
Ryman, Stanley”; Catalog text by Robert Christgau
The ICA, London, England, “The Obsessive Image: 1960-1968”
Catalog texts by Mario Amaya and Roland Penrose
1967 Galerie Ricke, Kassel, Germany, “Söeben Erschienen”
The Herron Museum, Indianapolis, IN, “Painting and Sculpture Today”
Washington University Museum, St. Louis, MI, “Recent Acquisitions” Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany, “Pop Art”
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, “The Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Painting”
1966 Norfolk Museum, Norfolk, VA, “Contemporary Painting”
The Larry Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CT, “Selections from the John G. Powers Collection
1965 Van Bovenkamp Gallery, New York, NY, “Erotic Art”
Four Seasons, New York, NY, “Pop and Circumstance”
The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
The Fort Worth Art Center, Fort Worth, TX
The McClung Museum, Knoxville, TN
1962 Barnard College, New York, NY, “Young Americans”
1961 The Henri Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1960 The Charles Alan Gallery, New York, NY
1958 The Charles Alan Gallery, New York, NY
1957 The Artist’s Gallery, New York, NY
The Charles Alan Gallery, New York, NY

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
The Fogg Museum of Art, Cambridge, MA
The Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, PA
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
The Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, WI
The Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
Washington University, St. Louis. MO
The Madison Art Center, Madison, WI
The Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, NY
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jernerette, Inc., New York, NY
William Bernhard and Catherine Cahill, New York, NY
Roy and Dorothy Litchenstein, New York, NY and Southampton, NY
John Chamberlain, Sarasota, FL
Richard Artschwager, Hudson, NY
Stephen Antonakos and Naomi Spector, New York, NY

Dionne Warwick; James Brown; and Ringo,1965
Three acrylic paintings on illustration board 
60.6 x 44.5 cm. (23.9 x 17.5 in.)

Robert (Bob) Stanley è stato un pittore il cui primo lavoro era un dipinto figurativo sulla vita americana contemporanea. Negli anni '60 e nei primi anni '70, ha basato i suoi dipinti su fotografie, che ha manipolato dal bianco e nero a forme più grandi di quelle colorate. Stanley è nato a Yonkers, New York e ha studiato alla Arts Students League, alla Brooklyn Museum Art School sulla borsa di studio Max Beckman, alla Columbia University e alla Oglethorpe University.

La sua prima mostra personale fu nel 1963 e le sedi espositive includevano il Whitney Museum of American Art e l'Art Institute of Chicago. Il suo mezzo preferito era l'acrilico e le fonti per i suoi soggetti di lavoro includevano figure da libro da colorare, puzzle, grafici e diagrammi scientifici.

Nato: 3 gennaio 1932, Yonkers, New York
Morto: 15 novembre 1997

Untitled, 1961 
oil on paper
3.75 x 5.5 in. (9.5 x 14 cm.)

  Harkness down, 1964 
oil on canvas
64 x 81 cm. (25.2 x 31.9 in.)

Hedy Lamarr (Ecstasy 2) by Robert Stanley 1965

 Beach boys, 1965
color silkscreen
 15 x 20 in. (38.1 x 50.8 cm.)

James Brown, 1965 
color screenprint
23.25 x 17.5 in. (59.1 x 44.4 cm.) 

2 Beatles (Paul + George), 1965
 Liquitex on canvas
12 x 12 in. (30.5 x 30.5 cm.)

Rolling Stones Recording, 1965
oil on canvas
 38 x 45 in. (96.5 x 114.3 cm.)
James Brown, 1965
acrylic on canvas
 114.3 x 96.5 cm. (45 x 38 in.)

 The Beatles, 1965 
liquitex on canvas
114.3 x 96.5 cm. (45 x 38 in.)

Music legends (portfolio of 10), 1965 
color silkscreens
45.7 x 61 cm. (18 x 24 in.) 

Brian Jones, 1965
acrylic on canvas 
61 x 61 cm. (24 x 24 in.)
 Erotic portfolio (set of 8), 1966
40.5 x 32 cm. (15.9 x 12.6 in.)

 Lauren Bacall Lights Humphrey Bogart's Cigarette, 1966

Erotic Portfolio, 1966
The complete set of eight screenprints in colors, on wove paper, the full sheets, all contained in the original cloth covered portfolio22.9 x 30.5 cm. (9 x 12 in.) 

 4 Beatles, 1966
silkscreen on canvas
38 x 45 in. (96.5 x 114.3 cm.)
Ohne Titel (Erotic Portfolio) (8 works), 1966
color silkscreens
23 x 30.5 cm. (9.1 x 12 in.) 

Reproduction + promotion rights (Sports Illustrated), 1966 
acrylic silkscreen on canvas 
62.9 x 77.8 cm. (24.8 x 30.6 in.)

 Woman in a pool , 1967
45.5 x 60.5 cm. (17.9 x 23.8 in.)
Black and White Trees, 1967 
acrylic on canvas
243.8 x 152.4 cm. (96 x 60 in.) 

Erotic Portfolio (Braun), 1968

Ohne Titel (Sträucher) , 1968 
silkscreen on cardboard

 54.5 x 71 cm. (21.5 x 28 in.)

  Erotic Portfolio (Grün), 1969

  Erotic Portfolio (Rot), 1969

 Erotic pop playing cards (set of 54) , 1969
prints, serigraph / screenprint
7.5 x 5.5 in. (19 x 14 cm.)
 Ohne Titel (Erotische Szene) , 1969 
color silkscreen on cardboard
 60 x 97 cm. (23.6 x 38.2 in.)

Erotic pop playing cards (set of 54) , 1969
prints, serigraph / screenprint
7.5 x 5.5 in. (19 x 14 cm.) 

  Ohne Titel (Erotische Szene) , 1969 
color silkscreen on cardboard
 60 x 97 cm. (23.6 x 38.2 in.)

Trash, 1970
 23 x 29 in. (58.4 x 73.7 cm.)

Fellatio, 1971 
42.5 x 57 cm. (16.7 x 22.4 in.)

  White Garbage, 1971 
acrylic on canvas 
114.3 x 182.8 cm. (45 x 72 in.)

 Cunnilingus, 1971 
42.5 x 57 cm. (16.7 x 22.4 in.)
Cracker Jack, 1972
14 x 18 in. (35.6 x 45.7 cm.)

tempera on paper
18 x 23.75 in. (45.7 x 60.3 cm.)

  Marina, 1985
oil on canvas 
103 x 86 cm. (40.6 x 33.9 in.)

  Andrea, 1988
painting on canvas
188 x 165 cm. (74 x 65 in.)

   Andrea, 1988
painting on canvas
188 x 165 cm. (74 x 65 in.)

  Elisabeth E - Smoking, 1989
Acrylic on Canvas
147 x 184 cm. (57.9 x 72.4 in.)  

 Andrea , 1990
painting on canvas 
166 x 177 cm. (65.4 x 69.7 in.)  

 #468 Nancy 
oil on canvas 
151 x 188 cm. (59.4 x 74 in.)

Groupes des 60s (5 works)
silkscreen laid on canvas
45 x 60 cm. (17.7 x 23.6 in.) 

 "Ringo Starr"

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