'The Walking Dead' Is Finally Getting Its First Totally Nude Zombie
If there's one things that fans and critics of The Walking Dead have all been clamoring for since the series began way back in 2010, it's fully nude walkers.
Or, well, maybe that's actually not what fans have been asking for, but it's what we're getting in the second half of Season 8 regardless.
“There’s an episode where we did our first fully nude walker. We’ve never done that before," producer Greg Nicotero told Entertainment Weekly earlier this month.
This could either be a sign of the show grasping desperately at straws to help patch up slipping ratings or it could be something much more interesting. It could be another silly attempt to drum up attention, sort of like the midseason finale's big reveal/death, or it could be science.
Yes, science.
Allow me to explain.
You see, the zombie apocalypse has been going on for some time now. And these zombies aren't getting any younger. Over time, the walkers are essentially falling apart, wasting away, and losing weight. Walker waistlines are shrinking. As much as they enjoy eating brains, walkers don't have enough brains to so much as tighten their own belts or buy new clothes.
And so pretty much every walker (with some exceptions) would have their pants fall off. One by one, every undead denizen of this show would lose their trousers and underwear. Nicotero says we're getting a fully nude zombie this season, but if AMC has any inclination toward realism, by Season 9 we should have 99% half-naked zombies from the waist down.
There would be some exceptions, naturally. Dress-wearing walkers would be safe. So would any walker clad in overalls (though eventually the straps would probably come off.) Full jumpsuit/onesie-wearing walkers will be the last to don their birthday suits and let it all hang out.
Yes, a zombie apocalypse is frightening enough as it stands, but a zombie apocalypse where all the zombies are naked? Now that's terrifying. Of course, AMC will never go all the way with this concept for obvious reasons, but it's a funny thought. It's also a lot more realistic than what we've seen on the show in the past couple seasons.
Credit: AMC

Dale was sort of irritating but he meant well.
and he was a good lookout and RV driver.
and he was a good lookout and RV driver.
Credit: AMC
Noah's dead in Season 5 was probably the most gruesome, stomach-churning death of them all. His face was litterally ripped from his skull. This was one of the hardest deaths to wach, and one ofhe only deaths that may have gone too far with its gore.

Hershel the grandfatherly voce of reason in Rick's group, had his head lopped off by a vengeful Governor.
We never got to know Karen and David all that well because Carol made short work of them, killing them and burning their bodies. In some ways, this led to Tyreese's death down the road. He lost his will the fight after Karen died.
While not a major villain or character, we have to include Joe's death in this list. Rick ripped the guys carotid artery open with his teeth! His teeth!
Lizzie never should have been allowed to be near a weapon, or other children for that matter. In one of the most shocking scenes in the entires series, Lzzie kills her little sister Mika. Carol has no choice but to do the same to Lizzie. It's as sad as it is shocking.
Probably the most shocking moment of "The Walking Dead" up to that point was when Sophia came out of the barn when Shane opened it up kill the walkers. Carol's zombified daughter had to be put down. No doubt Carol was thinking of Sophia when she killed Lizzie, and thinks or her whenever she tells children to be strong.
Not many people saw this death coming. Everything seemed to be going so well with the meet-and-greet at the hospital.And it could have been so much worse.But honestly, the ost shocking thing about Beth's dead was that it came as the result of one of the weakest storylines in the entire show's run.
Andrea's death was pretty grim but it needed to happen.While i didn't exactly cheer, i felt enormous relief when Andrea was killed off.Easily the worst character in the entire show.
I liked Shane until he went full-on crazy.Sometimes Rick remind me of Shane,actually.He's slowly becoming a very similar character.Shane's death, at it best friend's hands, marked a real turning point for our sheriff, too.
The Governor's death was also pretty gratifying.And who better to kill him than Michonne? This may not have been a particularly gruesome death, but the governor remains the top villain of the show, even more than the creepy Termites in my book.So his death was important.
Poor T-Dog. He was woefully under-utilizzed as character, and then sacrificed himself to save Carol.
Like many other, i was never a big fan of Lori.She wasn't Andrea levels of bad, but she was pretty irritating.Still, her death was really hard to wach---mainly because poor Carl had to kill his own mother.Maybe that's why he has such bad hair now.
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