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domenica 30 giugno 2024

Cinema 9


  C I N E M A

Above the Limit

Addition and Subtraction

As Seen Through a Telescope

The Kiss in the Tunnel



 The earliest film kiss held by the BFI National Archive is this stolen smooch aboard a steam train, intended as a comic filler 
Directed by  George Albert Smith
Produced by George Albert Smith 
Starring   Laura Bayley/George Albert Smith
Cinematography  George Albert Smith 
 Release date March 1899
Country   United Kingdom


The Mysterious Knight

 A Mysterious Portrait


Directed by   Georges Méliès

Release date 1899

Country France

North Shore Steam Ferry

Sydney Ferry CAMMERAY (1884 - 1905)
Based on documentary
Cinematography  Frederick Wills
 Distributed by  Queensland Department of Agriculture
 Release date  1899
Country Australia

The Pillar of Fire


An Up-to-Date Conjuror

Country France

Upside Down; or, the Human Flies