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giovedì 30 maggio 2024

Contemporary Arts 66

  C o n t e m p o r a r y   A r t s

A.B.S.T.K. 22
Collage, 76.2 W x 114.3 H x 0.3 D cm
 Sephora Venites                               Brazil

Paintings, 20 W x 20 H x 2 D cm
 Margarita Wolff                           Germany

Book Rider
  Instalación artística (book rider 2015) arte contemporáneo. Alexandru Tone
 Alexandru Tone - Own work   Created: 27 February 2016

Boris Groys después de dar una charla en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 
Paola Vela - Own work   Created: 30 November 1899
Botellas de Vitral. Un proyecto a 30 años vista con Carlos Cruz Diez 
AlloopWine&Pepper - Own work    Created: 14 March 2022
Bottazzi / Painting on a ceiling 
Guillaume Bottazzi   Created: 18 November 2013

Bottazzi  - art light-home
 Backlit paintings - Private order - Brussels, Belgium 
Guillaumb - Own work  Created: 21 June 2016

Bottazzi - art public - Martigues 2018
 80 square meters painting created by the artist Guillaume Bottazzi in the historical district of Martigues 
Stephanie.epelly - Own work
Bottazzi - French May - 2016
 Detail of Guillaume Bottazzi's solo show in Hong Kong during 'Le French May' in 2016. 
Guillaumb - Own work

Bottazzi - itsutsuji - tokyo
 Solo show of the artist Guillaume Bottazzi in Tokyo, at Gallery Itsutsuji in 2013. 
Guillaumb - Own work
Bottazzi - peinture marseille
 Public art: wall painting realized by the artist Guillaume Bottazzi in Marseille in 2017 
Guillaumb - Own work
Boules surprises 
Ferthewriter - Own work Created: 11 September 2006
Bracha L. Ettinger. Eurydice The Graces Medusa. Painting 2006-2012
 Oil paintimg by bracha L. Ettinger, 2006-2012  
רכה אטינגר  - Own work 
Brain Heart sculpture by Emilio Garcia
 Black Brain Heart sculpture by Emilio Garcia 
Emilio Garcia - Own work
Brain Heart by Emilio Garcia
 Chrome Brain Heart sculpture by Emilio Garcia 
Emilio Garcia - Own work    Created: 21 March 2017
Brainade sculpture collection by Emilio Garcia 
Emilio Garcia - Own work    Created: 23 January 2017
Brainade sculpture by Emilio Garcia
 Brainade sculpture made of clear resin and metal parts 
Emilio Garcia - Own work    Created: 22 September 2015
Brave Old New World, 2011. Samuel Rousseau
 Installation vidéo. 
Masson Marguerite - Own work  Created: 2 June 2011
Brida Villalán
 Pintura de una brida 
Amoralartemusical - Own work  Created: 11 March 2022
Bridget Riley, Bolt of Colour, 2017-2019. Installation view, Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas
 Colmandavid - Own work

Bright Light Darkest Shadow
 Animations exhibited at MoCA Tucson in 2020 for "Diana Shpungin: Bright Light / Darkest Shadow" 
Diana Shpungin - from the owner
Broken landscape, Portland Maine, by Christopher Willard visual artist and author. Oil on canvas. 14x16 inches. (1983) 
 Christopher Willard - Own work

Brothers of Dirhuvud
 The Captain and Oscarioth 
Oscarioth - Own work   Created: 1 March 2024
Brown lines
 Oil pastel on paper 45x60 cm Rizwan Ali 2012 
Tashfeen Rizwan - Own work

Bubble of Wishful Gems
 Pema Rinzin's 2014 painting titled "Bubble of Wishful Gems" 
Pema Rinzin -
Busca incessante
 Acrílico e carvão sobre tela 0,80m X 1,10m. 
Kika salvi - Own work   Created: 2008
Digital, 70 W x 70 H x 0.1 D cm
 Aude Simon                                  France 
i discovered the cake
Paintings, 106.7 W x 106.7 H x 3.3 D cm
 Chris Ingraham 
I Miss The Cold War/ Dakota Landscape as Canopy
Paintings, 120.7 W x 147.3 H x 4.5 D cm
 Paul Peterson                                    United States 
Paintings, 55 W x 90 H x 2.5 D cm
 Saoud Abdallah                          Jordan 

Last Night
Paintings, 80 W x 60 H x 2 D cm
 Nikolina Petolas                              Croatia
LX 60
Paintings, 200 W x 100 H x 4 D cm
 Viktor Antonuyuk 
Magnolias In Bloom
Paintings, 51 W x 51 H x 2 D cm
 Michelle Carolan                            United Kingdom 
Mexican Colors
Paintings, 40 W x 40 H x 4.5 D cm
 Fabiola Quezada                                    Switzerland
Microscopic life
Paintings, 152.4 W x 101.6 H x 5.1 D cm
 Pablo Miquel                                            Chile 

Modern dalbit 2023-6
Paintings, 60.7 W x 72.9 H x 1.8 D cm
 Zinna Yoo                                      South Korea
multiverse 3
Paintings, 45.7 W x 61 H x 0.8 D cm
 Jason Lincoln Jeffers                             United States
multiverse 14
Mixed Media, 45.7 W x 61 H x 0.8 D cm 
Jason Lincoln Jeffers                             United States
NATURE 2. 13 x 19 in. Limited Edition Photography #1 of 30
Photography, 48.3 W x 33 H x 0.3 D cm
 Oscar Manuel Vargas                           United States
Pink Roses in Muddy Water (small) - Limited Edition of 8
Photography, 49 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 Vikram Kushwah                            United Kingdom
Paintings, 80 W x 100 H x 4 D cm
 Christiane Lohrig                              Germany 
Riding the Calm
Paintings, 91.4 W x 91.4 H x 3.8 D cm
 Katherine Hunsaker                                United States 
*SALE* 25% OFF. Crosshatchwork Dirty Pastels 8
Paintings, 100 W x 80 H x 1.5 D cm
 William Watkin                               United Kingdom 
Sky-Blue Flowers
Paintings, 50.8 W x 66 H x 0.6 D cm
 Vlad Zabavskiy                               United States 
'sun ballet'
Sculpture, 24 W x 40 H x 24 D cm
 Nick Moran                       United Kingdom 
This feeling will not stay. This feeling will return. (small) - Limited Edition of 8
Photography, 49 W x 60 H x 0.1 D cm
 Vikram Kushwah                                  United Kingdom 
Tino Buazzelli Attore in Arte "Vittorio", Olio su tela cm.50X70 (Retro) 
Marianna fedele - Own work   Created: 14 October 2013
torso de mujer joven
Paintings, 29.6 W x 42 H x 0.1 D cm
 Gaston Rene Moreno Manzo              Mexico 
Paintings, 30 W x 30 H x 1 D cm
 Joanna Pilarczyk                              United Kingdom 
Paintings, 203.2 W x 152.4 H x 5.1 D cm
 Paul Peterson                                              United States