Sienkiewicz-Batman/Odyessy pin-up
Artists: Neal Adams (Penciller) , Bill Sienkiewicz (Inker)
Pen and Ink
Artists: Neal Adams (Penciller) , Bill Sienkiewicz (Inker)
Pen and Ink
Batman and Robin are tracking down Magpie, who is lethal to anyone who stands in the way of her compulsive quest to collect bird-themed gemstones. In the course of their encounter with Magpie, the Dynamic Duo are assaulted by an unruly mob, leaving Robin badly injured.
Includes one page artwork by Brian Bolland with a quote by Raymond Chandler.
Batman #401 - A Bird in the Hand... released by DC Comics on November 1986.
An impostor Batman killed two muggers. Batman talked to Gordon about what was happening. The impostor struck again, this time killing some would-be liquor store robbers. The media went nuts over the Batman killings. The victims all turned out to be criminals released from custody due to technicalities. Some detective work revealed the true killer - a former policeman who was dismissed for using excessive force.
Instead of letters from the fans there's a writeup by Max A. Collins titled "The Batman/Dick Tracy Connection".
** Reprint has no date on cover **
Batman #402 - There's Nothing So Savage as a Man Destroying Himself released by DC Comics on December 1986.
Greg Brooks inker
John Costanza
Max Allan Collins
The former cop who was convinced that he was Batman (see Batman 402) escaped Arkham after killing two guards who he thought was Joker and Two-Face. He happened upon the Batcave, stole an outfit, and stole the car. The real Batman realized what was going on and tracked the impostor down. After a short fight, the true Batman won.
** Reprinted twice - one has no date on cover, other has DC Multi-pack after indica **
Batman #403 - One Batman Too Many released by DC Comics on January 1987.
But, James Gordon's heroism is soon eclipsed by 'The Batman' a vigilante who seems to be busting up criminals up the ladder from street level dealers and muggers to distributors to dealers and bosses. But when 'The Batman' breaks in on a party of bigwigs at the mayor's mansion and threatens them, he becomes Gotham's Public Enemy #1.
'The Batman' has found at least one ally, though, in the form of District Attorney Harvey Dent who's fed up with seeing his witnesses come up dead or missing whenever he tries to go after the big fish.
Can Batman, even with Harvey's help escape the entire Gotham police dragnet?
Batman #405 - War Is Declared released by DC Comics on March 1, 1987.
They've got him OUTNUMBERED.
They've got him TRAPPED.
They're in TROUBLE.
Gotham City P.D. has Batman trapped in an allegedly abandoned tenement. They proceed to bomb it from the air. Batman scrambles to the safety of a sub-basement, but loses his utility belt when the thermite in it ignites. After the bombing ceases, Branden's SWAT team scours the building and a wounded Batman, wounded and missing most of his weapons, has to fight his way to freedom.
Meanwhile, Detective Gordon begins an affair with his partner and Selina Kyle is inspired to don a costume of her own - a catsuit.
Batman #406 - Black Dawn released by DC Comics on April 1, 1987.
Meanwhile, it becomes more apparent that Batman is secretly in collusion with D.A. Harvey Dent. After a visit from Batman, Gotham's notorious drug kingpin Skeevers cops a plea deal to turn over evidence implicating corrupt cop Flass.
But this does not go over well with Commissioner Loeb, who tries to blackmail Gordon to back off or he'll tell Barbara about his affair with Essen.
Through it all, Gordon begins to suspect that Batman is Bruce Wayne, and Selina Kyle pushes herself to more daring crimes in order to usurp Batman in the headlines.
Batman #407 - Friend In Need released by DC Comics on May 1, 1987.
Batman is helping Gotham PD try and solve the Dumpster Killer murders. When investigating the scene of the third victim, Batman helps with a fire rescue where he meets a young lady named Kate Babcock. He later meets her as Bruce Wayne and becomes fast friends with her. When she becomes a victim of the Dumpster Killer, he lets his emotions get the best of him.
Batman #414 - Victims! released by DC Comics on December 1987.
This issue takes place after the Millennium #2.
Batman is attacked by Commissioner Gordon, but he's certain that this Gordon is in fact an impostor, and is actually a Manhunter. He gets a tip from a police officer that there is someone in Arkham Asylum, the Floronic Man, who is claiming to be part of the Herupa and Nadia's new millennium. Batman realizes that the Manhunter who is posing as Gordon will try to kill the Floronic Man.
Meanwhile, in Tannersville Robin has tracked down the the Scarecrow. Robin watches as Scarecrow makes up a concentrated batch of fear gas, and while Robin was told not to interact, he breaks the jar containing the gas and exposes Scarecrow to it. The toxin is too powerful, and so Robin takes Scarecrow to the Batcave for Alfred to look after.
That night Batman and Robin pass the guards at Arkham dressed as Scarecrow and Dr. Merula (which Jason chooses because merula migratoria is the scientific classification for a robin). They make it past the inmates by using Scarecrow's fear toxin and fight the imposter Gordon. After he is defeated Batman leaves the Floronic Man in Arkham, and begins the search for the real Jim Gordon, who he tracks to Louisiana.
Batman #415 - Millennium released by DC Comics on January 1988.
The KGBeast has arrived to Gotham entrusted with a lethal assignment, he must kill 10 people during the next 10 nights, 10 people involved in the goverment secret program named "Star Wars Project". Now, the beast is in Batman´s territory and the dark knight takes matters into.
Batman #417 - Ten Nights of the Beast Part I released by DC Comics on March 1, 1988.
The KGBeast is loose in Gotham and nothing is sacred to the highly trained Russian. Politics, money, nor the Batman will deter the Beast from hitting his target. As death, and destruction spills out, Batman faces a war on his turf. A war that realizes the Beast is ready to finish, the hard way.
Batman #418 - Ten Nights of the Beast Part II released by DC Comics on April 1, 1988.
Part 3 of the story opens up with a bang. More fall to
the wrath of the KGBeast, and Batman remains powerless to stop him.
Commissioner Gordon is hiding the remaining targets not even trusting
the CIA of their location. Batman and the Beast come together yet again ,
and its the Beast who continues to school the Batman on death, and
The President Ronald Reagan is kidnapped by the Batman right under the nose of the secret service. President Reagan becomes a willing participant in the plan to capture the KGBeast. As the plan unfolds the leak is plugged in more ways then one.
Facing off with the Beast, Batman doesn't push the contest, and walks away leaving the Beast to his own end.
Batman #420 - Ten Nights of the Beast Part IV released by DC Comics on June 1, 1988.
Continues the storyline that started with issue 414.
Batman #421 - Elmore's Lady released by DC Comics on July 1, 1988.
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Batman #422 - Just Deserts released by DC Comics on August 1, 1988.
Three cops get together to talk about Batman. One of them tells how Batman saved a drug addict who attempts suicide. While saving the young man from jumping off a bridge, Batman demands he clean up his life. The other, a SWAT team member, tells how Batman stopped a hostage situation involving a gang. With Batarangs thrown and gang member's limbs broken, the gang leader holds a gun to the head of an elderly woman. When the gang leader threatens the woman's life, Batman retorts, "... And I swear that if you harm that woman at all, I'll make you pay! I will break and twist things within you. You can't conceive of the pain I can cause. It's Pain that will go on forever! You won't escape it... because I won't let you die!" before throwing the addled gang member out the window. The third cop however tells about how he and Batman met two orphans and how they helped them get through their dilemma and return them to their relatives in Florida. The SWAT officer doesn't believe him but we are shown a scene with the orphans in the care of Bruce Wayne and Alfred wherein Alfred questions if the Dark Knight is going soft. Bruce tells him that it may be true, but only he would be allowed to see it.
Batman #423 - You Shoulda Seen Him ... released by DC Comics on September 1988.
Robin vows to take down Felipe Garzonas for his crimes, no matter the cost .
After finding a beautiful young woman, abused and battered in the bed of Felipe Garzonas, Robin is sure that he is going to jail. But when Garzona walks because of Diplomatic Immunity, a collision is set as Jason sets out for vengeance with dire unexpected results.
Batman #424 - The Diplomat's Son released by DC Comics on October 1988.
Batman receives a message from Felipe Garzonas' bereaved father - he has taken James Gordon hostage and wants to see both Batman and Robin to avenge his son's death. Batman intends to go alone, but is followed by Robin. In the process of rescuing Gordon, two of Garzonas' men shoot each other, and Garzonas himself is crushed under a pile of junk cars when he fires wildly. Finally, Robin is seeing the consequences of his actions.
Batman #425 - Consequences released by DC Comics on November 1, 1988.
Meanwhile, the Joker has broken out of Arkham Asylum yet again and has decided to get into the international arms business to replace the funds that have been seized by the government. He's got a nuclear weapon and he's decided to sell it to a buyer in Lebanon. So while Jason takes off to look for his mother... Bruce takes off to track down the Joker. Little do they realize they're both headed for the same place.
Batman and Robin have both separately shown up in Lebanon but both are on different missions. Batman is trying to track down the Joker and the nuclear warhead he's peddling. Robin (Jason Todd) is trying to track down his biological mother and there are two possibilities who are currently in Lebanon. Sharmin Rosen, an Israeli secret agent, and Shiva Woosan, a mercenary. Sharmin is also on the case of the cruise missile in Joker's possession and when Batman, Robin, and the Joker finish their mini-face off Jason is able to ask her if she's his mother. She isn't and the guys move on to try and track down the next person on the list, Shiva.
Batman and Robin raid a terrorist training camp in Lebanon to question the woman doing the training, Shiva Woosan, aka Lady Shiva. Jason Todd needs to know the truth about who his mother is and she is one of the potential candidates on his list. After a knock-down-drag-out fight between Batman and Lady Shiva, he finally gets her ready to answer some questions honestly with a little help from some Sodium Pentothal. She's not his mother and they have to continue on to the last person on Jason's list, Dr. Sheila Haywood, a relief worker in Ethiopia.
Unfortunately the Joker has already beaten them to her. He knows about some shady details from her past in Gotham and is blackmailing her into helping him obtain some black market medical supplies that he can sell for some quick capital.
Death is reigning down from the roofs of Gotham, and Batman must go to work. With Batman starting his first mission without Robin (Jason Todd), Batman has more then bullets to distract him.
Distractions of the past, and present may cause the Batman have no future.
Batman #430 - Fatal Wish released by DC Comics on February 1, 1989.
Batman infiltrates the F.B.I. in order to get a lead on a boy who disappeared seven years ago.
This comic also introduces Tim Drake.
Batman #436 - Year Three Part 1: Different Roads released by DC Comics on August 1, 1989.
Batman continues to act in an uncontrolled and undisciplined manner, unaware that Two-Face is trying to have him killed, or that someone has been tailing him and taking photos. This same someone attempts to find Dick Grayson, and hearing that Haly's Circus is closing, assumes that this will be Dick's destination.
Batman #440 - A Lonely Place of Dying Part 1: Suspects released by DC Comics on October 1, 1989.
"A Lonely Place of Dying" part 3, continued from The New Titans (1988-1996) #60. As the Dark Knight and Two-Face face off, Dick Grayson and Tim Drake discuss the future of Batman and Robin. Continued in The New Titans (1988-1996) #61.
Batman tries to capture Two-Face, while Two-Face attempts to lure Batman to his death - inevitably both fail in their endeavours. Meanwhile, Dick Grayson brings Tim Drake to Wayne Manor, where Tim explains how he deduced Batman and Robin's secret identities. He tries to persuade Dick to take up the Robin identity to help Batman. However, although Dick wants to help his mentor, he will do so as Nightwing, not as Robin.
Batman #441 - A Lonely Place of Dying Chapter Three: Parallel Lines! released by DC Comics on November 1, 1989.
Tim and Alfred are at the Batcave, waiting for Bruce to come back but Tim is worried something happened to them. He's right Batman and Nightwing are in an old house stuck under debris and crossbeams and Nightwing is unconscious. Tim arrives to find Two Face as he blows up the building! Dressed in Jason's Robin uniform, Tim faces off against Two Face, however Dent escapes but Tim is able to rescue Batman and Nightwing. Bruce is reluctant to take up Tim as his partner but Dick and Alfred sees him as a good Robin. They follow Two Face's trail since Tim had put a tracking device on him. They were able to capture Two Face and Bruce begins to see Tim's value as Robin but wants to take things one at a time. Meanwhile, Two Face's mysterious partner is still free and wants to kill the new Robin. If the pale face,red lips and the psychotic laugh doesn't give you a clue, it's the Joker!
Batman braves the gantlet of Crimesmith's security system.
Batman #444 - Crimesmith and Punishment released by DC Comics on February 1, 1990.
Batman travels to the Soviet Union to track down the KGBeast's protege the NKVDemon who is on a murdering spree. The brutal fight that ensues nearly costs Batman his life.
Batman has one last chance to stop the NKVDemon and his plan to assassinate Gorbachev.
Batman #447 - Earth Day! Demon Night! released by DC Comics on May 1990.
Penguin picked up a hunchback mute ( Harold) who turned out to be a mechanical genius. He built devices that would allow Penguin to control birds. Thinking of the profit margin, Penguin soon had the birds wreaking havoc all over Gotham City. He also had them kidnap an actress that he had an obsession with.
[continued in Detective Comics #615 - The Penguin Affair part 2 : Bird of Ill Omen!]
Batman #448 - The Penguin Affair Part 1: Pawns released by DC Comics on June 1990.
Penguin readied the auction for his new electronics; Batman, Tim, and Alfred monitored possible buyers. They pinpointed Penguin's broadcast location and Batman attacked. Using microwaves, he disrupted the Penguin's signal and took down the crime lord.
Batman #449 - The Penguin Affair Part 3: Winged Vengeance released by DC Comics on June 1990.
The Joker has returned...but is he the one committing all of these crimes involving bad puns and ironic twists? Not even the Joker himself seems to know for sure.
Batman #450 - Wildcard! released by DC Comics on July 1, 1990.
Beneath the brick and mortar of modern Gotham, a centuries old secret stirs.
Batman is led through a labyrinthine urban maze by his old nemesis the Riddler, who seems to have changed into an abominable monster with one purpose: to drive Batman insane. Why the elaborate ruses and constructs? What is the Riddler really trying to achieve? Find out in Dark Knight, Dark City.
The story is split into two parts, past and present. In the past writer Peter Milligan is exploring the occult connection in The Batman universe. In the present, Bruce Wayne is taken on a gauntlet of trials set up by The Riddler. The Riddler would become obsessed with the Tarot card of The Hangman, which is used as a symbol for the need of Sacrifice. The Hangman is also The Riddler's codeword for The Barman.
Batman #452 - Dark Knight, Dark City released by DC Comics on August 1, 1990.
This story is still spit between the Past and the Present. In the Past we are seeing the work of occultist summoning a demon and them loosing control over it. In the present The Riddler has changed, be has become more sadistic and barbaric, The Batman knows The Riddler is play a giant game with him but cannot figure out why.
The final installment of Dark Knight, Dark City brings The Batman to the end of The Riddler's Gantlet. The Riddler being warped by the Confessions of Jacob Stockman, a book from the past that documents the arrival of Barbathos (The Bat Demon) to Gotham. This issue would also reconcile The Batman with The Bat Demon.
This arc would be one of the many arcs to help inspire Grant Morrison's R.I.P. story arc.
Batman #454 - Dark Knight, Dark City Part III released by DC Comics on September 1, 1990.
As the funeral of Tim Drake's mother is held, Batman investigates a spate of seemingly random murders by various people with no seeming connection to one another, killing purely on whims. Vicki Vale becomes involved while working on a feature on the homeless in Gotham, but as she works to track down the source of the murders, her life is put in great danger.
Christmas Eve and Batman is out investigating a trail of murders, back at the Batcave Tim Drake is trying to get Batman to let him be the next Robin.
Tim Drake becomes Robin. While Batman tries to fight the effects of Scarecrow's fear toxins, Tim Drake must overcome his own fears if he hopes to rescue the caped crusader in "Master of Fear."
Batman #457 - Master of Fear released by DC Comics on December 1990.
Batman saved Penguin's former electronics genius, Harold, from a mob calling him a monster and pervert. Batman invites Harold to join him. Commissioner Gordon welcomes Sarah Essen back to the GCPD.
Batman #458 - Night Monsters released by DC Comics on January 1991.
Batman saves the city as Gordon tries to light up an old flame, but is it too much for his heart to handle?
Gordon and Essen picked right back up with their affair (see Batman Year One). Gordon began feeling like a kid again - he walked Sarah back to her hotel, then had a chest pain.
Batman #459 - Saturday Night at the Movies released by DC Comics on February 1991.
Catwoman adopts a young girl and scouts out a new job at a highly secure artifact showing.
On her way home from a jewel heist, Catwoman saved a couple from a mugging. Joe Potato contacted Batman about what he believed was a slaving ring. Everyone readied for a Catwoman appearance - an ancient Egyptian cat artifact was on display at a museum. Bruce was afraid Vicki Vale (who was assigned to photograph it) would get hurt; Gordon was afraid Sarah would get hurt.
Batman #460 - Sisters in Arms, Part 1: It's a Man's World released by DC Comics on March 1991.
The Emerald Cat of Karnak is on Catwoman's radar…but can she get past security, and the rest of Gotham's best, who are there for the same thing?
Batman #461 - Sisters in Arms, Part 2: Ladies' Night released by DC Comics on April 1991.
Batman found one of Bruce Wayne's friends dying of an axe wound. He followed a lead to San Francisco. He was on the scene when another was attacked, but he couldn't stop it. Native Americans were taking back artifacts that the white man had taken from them.
Batman #462 - Spirit of the Beast, Part 1: To Live and Die in California released by DC Comics on May 1, 1991.
Batman #463 - Spirit of the Beast, Part 2: Ghost released by DC Comics on June 1, 1991.
The streets of Gotham erupt as Triad gangs battle the Ghost Dragons for underworld supremacy, while Batman tries to keep Robin out of King Snake's way.
The story begins with Batman and Gordon looking at the body of a young Chinese street criminal whose killers dressed him in a Robin. Batman blames the act on Dorrance, the leader of the Ghost Dragons, and the fact that rival Chinese crime lords are in a turf war. In Chinatown, Lynx and other members of the Ghost Dragons use a rocket launcher to enforce their protection racket, while Dorrance wakes from a nightmare cursing Robin and vowing to murder the Boy Wonder. Fearful for the Boy Wonder's safety, Batman tries to go it alone, fighting drugged up gang members in an effort to protect Chinatown.
Batman #468 - Shadow Box; Part Two released by DC Comics on September 1, 1991.
Continuing from the last scene of Batman 468, Batman find jewels in the dead robin he discovered in Chinatown. Batman goes out seeking answers but falls into a trap set up by Kingsnake. The two battle and Batman defeats the blind martial artist, while Robin encounters Lynx.
Batman and Robin are searching for the missing Themysciran Goblet to help Wonder Woman. They track it to Maxie Zeus, just released from Arkham. After recovering it, Batman discovers that all is not what it seems with the goblet.
Batman traveled to Rio De Janeiro tracking the Queen of Hearts. He encountered mindless children called dead boys; they were thought to be taking a new designer drug. He located the Queen and tracked her into the drug den (she was chasing down one of the dealers).
Buildings in Gotham are being Imploded. Batman needs to first figure out why these particular buildings are being destroyed before he can figure out which one is next and who is doing it.
Batman #474 - The Destroyer Part One: A Tale of Two Cities released by DC Comics on February 1992.
Batman looks to find a connection between two men brutally beaten and tortured and discovers a woman named Pagan is responsible.
Tim prepared for his father's release from the hospital. Batman and Robin went out for possibly their last night together (Tim's father would require much assistance and could not live alone). Alfred showed Tim the house nearest to Wayne Manor was for sale.
Pair of bank robbers make their next stop in Gotham City, where they meet their match by the Caped Crusader and The Boy Wonder.
The return of the Black Mask! This time, he has his sights set on Lucius Fox!
Batman #484 - Warpaint released by DC Comics on September 1, 1992.