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domenica 24 gennaio 2021

Sienkiewicz-Batman/Odyessy splash


Sienkiewicz-Batman/Odyessy splash

Artists: Neal  Adams (Penciller) ,  Bill Sienkiewicz (Inker) 


 Pen and Ink

venerdì 22 gennaio 2021

Batman n. 300-399 1978/1986




David V. Reed writer
Dick Giordano cover, inker
  Jerry Serpe colorist Julius Schwartz editor Shelly Leferman letterer Walter Simonson cover, penciler

Batman #300 - Last Batman Story! released by DC Comics on June 1978. 

An alternate future story where Batman considers the later years of his life after defeating a criminal syndicate.

"The Last Batman Story -- ?" Reprinted in: DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories #2.


Ben Oda letterer
  David V. Reed writer
  Jerry Serpe colorist 
 John Calnan penciler
Julius Schwartz editor Tex Blaisdell penciler

Batman #301 - The Only Man Batman Ever Killed! released by DC Comics on July 1978. 

 In order to take down a Gotham City "overlord," the Dark Knight must go undercover as a psychic murderer, but will he be able to stop someone with murder on their mind?



David V. Reed writer
Jim Aparo inker, penciler

Batman #302 - The Attack of the Wire-Head Killers released by DC Comics on August 1, 1978. 
After admitting to the murder of Malcolm Millbrook in order to spare Gotham from a gang war, Batman becomes the target of Millbrook's "wire-head killers."


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer
  David V. Reed writer
Dennis O'Neil writer Dick Giordano inker
  Jerry Serpe colorist
Jim Aparo cover
  John Calnan penciler
Julius Schwartz editor

Batman #303 - Batman's Great Identity Switch released by DC Comics on September 1, 1978.  


David V. Reed writer

  Jim Aparo inker, penciler

Batman #304 - To Hell With Batman... and Back! released by DC Comics on October 1978. 

The Dark Knight has been kidnapped and drugged by the Spook, who attempts to convince the hero that he has been killed.


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Bob Rozakis editor Dave Hunt inker Don Newton penciler Gerry Conway writer
  Jerry Serpe colorist
Jim Aparo cover
  John Calnan penciler
Julius Schwartz editor Tatjana Wood cover

Batman #305 - Death-Gamble of a Darknight Detective! / With This Ring Find Me Dead released by DC Comics on November 1, 1978.  

The Dark Knight takes on the Death's Head terrorist gang and Thanatos, their masked and costumed leader.

Death-Gamble of a Darknight Detective!

With This Ring Find Me Dead!


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Bob Rozakis writer Dave Hunt inker Don Newton penciler Gerry Conway writer
  Jerry Serpe colorist
Jim Aparo cover
  John Calnan artist
Julius Schwartz editor

Batman #306 - Night of Siege released by DC Comics on December 1978. 

Two stories featuring the villain Black Spider, and a mysterious Mrs. Batman?!

Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano artist Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Jim Aparo cover John Calnan artist
Julius Schwartz editor Len Wein writer


Batman #307 - Dark Messenger of Mercy released by DC Comics on January 1979.  

Batman must find a murderer, and the first appearance Lucius Fox!

Writer Len Wein and artist John Calnan introduced Bruce Wayne's new executive, Lucius Fox in this issue of Batman. Handling the foundations day-to-day transactions, Fox freed up Wayne's schedule for more Dark Knight duty. With his business in the hands of a man with the Midas touch, Batman pursued a killer who placed poisoned gold coins over his victims' eyes.

Batman discovered the "coin killer" Limehouse Jack was Quentin Conroy, whose rich father had abandoned his family for the streets. Unhinged, Conroy employed his patriarch's coin collection to become a dark messenger of mercy.

Note: This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Superman in "An Unbeatable Power!"


Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Jim Aparo cover John Calnan penciler
Julius Schwartz editor Len Wein writer

Batman #308 - There'll Be a Cold Time in the Old Town Tonight! released by DC Comics on February 1, 1979. 

The Dark Knight takes on Mr. Freeze and his Cold Pack, citizens of Gotham whose brain cells have been frozen, making them living zombies.

Note: This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Superman in "An Unbeatable Power!"

Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin artist Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Jim Aparo cover
  John Calnan artist
Julius Schwartz editor Len Wein writer

Batman #309 - Have Yourself a Deadly Little Christmas! released by DC Comics on March 1979. 

In this Christmas tale featuring the Dark Knight and Blockbuster, the depressed and out-of-work Kathy Crawford decides to end her life, and it’s up to Batman to stop her. But first he’ll have to get through Blockbuster.

Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler Joe Kubert cover, inker, penciler Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor

Batman #310 - The Ghost Who Haunted Batman released by DC Comics on April 1979. 

 Batman faces the Gentleman Ghost and an enemy he never expected: Alfred Pennyworth.



Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin artist Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick artist José Luis García-López cover Paul Levitz editor Steve Englehart writer

Batman #311 - Dr. Phosphorus is Back! released by DC Comics on May 1979. 

Batman teams with Batgirl to take on Dr. Phosphorus, who threatens to “reign over all” in Gotham City. 


Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Walter Simonson penciler

Batman #312 - A Caper a Day Keeps the Batman at Bay! released by DC Comics on June 1, 1979. 

The Calendar Man returns, intent on committing a crime a day for a full week, unless Batman can figure out the villain’s newest theme and put a stop to his seven days of crime.



Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler José Luis García-López cover Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor

Batman #313 - Two For The Money! released by DC Comics on July 1, 1979. 

It’s a race against the clock as Batman attempts to recover stolen defense codes before Two-Face, who plans on selling the information to Soviet spies.


Frank McLaughlin inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler José Luis García-López cover Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Todd Klein penciler

Batman #314 - Once Beaten, Twice Sly! released by DC Comics on August 1, 1979. 

Batman and King Faraday tail Two-Face to Mardi Gras, but can they stop the villain from selling the defense codes before it’s too late?


Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover, inker, penciler Frank McLaughlin artist Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick artist Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor

Batman #315 - Danger on the Wing! released by DC Comics on September 1, 1979. 
Batman faces Kite-Man in a battle in the skies with the livelihood of many Gotham City citizens at stake.

Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Frank McLaughlin inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor


Batman #316 - Color Me Deadly! released by DC Comics on October 1979.

Crazy-Quilt learns that his sight will fade away permanently in a matter of months, prompting the villain to kidnap a renowned surgeon from S.T.A.R. Labs.

Gordon debunks Robin, Fire at the Hospital, and a charismatic pen wheel on the loose. What can all this mean to the Batman and the Boy Wonder. Whats this , high stakes surgery and Batman says NO ! Fox giving trade secrets to the Boy wonder , and Batman is OK with this. My OH My, who cant see strait now ?!?!


Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker, penciler Frank McLaughlin artist Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick artist Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover

Batman #317 - The 1,001 Clue Caper or Why Did the Riddler Cross the Road? released by DC Comics on November 1, 1979.

Batman and Robin try to piece together the puzzling mystery hidden within a book of 1,001 riddles autographed by the Riddler.



Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler José Luis García-López cover Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor

Batman #318 - My City Burns at Both Ends -- It Will Not Last the Night! released by DC Comics on December 1, 1979. 

Batman faces the fiery flames of the villainous Firebug.


Bob Smith penciler
Dick Giordano cover, inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Joe Kubert cover, penciler Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover

Batman #319 - Never Give Up the Ghost! released by DC Comics on January 1, 1980.

The Dark Knight faces off against the Gentleman Ghost and his two-man gang.



Ben Oda letterer Bernie Wrightson cover
  Bob Smith inker
Dennis O'Neil writer Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover

Batman #320 - The Curse of the Inquisitor! released by DC Comics on February 1, 1980.  

Batman heads to Spain to investigate the murder of two priests in a small town.



Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist José Luis García-López cover, inker, penciler Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover Walter Simonson penciler

Batman #321 - Dreadful Birthday, Dear Joker...! released by DC Comics on March 1980.

The Joker celebrates his birthday by rounding up his enemies from all around town, including Robin, James Gordon, Selina Kyle, and Alfred Pennyworth.

  1. Cover by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.
  2. "Dreadful Birthday, Dear Joker...!" written by Len Wein, penciled by Walter Simonson, inked by Dick Giordano, colored by Glynis Wein and lettered by Ben Oda.

Upon entering Gotham Police headquarters Commissioner Gordon is handed an envelope containing an invitation to the Jokers birthday party. As he tosses away the invitation the whole lobby begins to laugh hysterically as the Joker enters the room. Outside the Batman sees the joker mobile and hears the Joker laughing inside police HQ. The Jokers men keep the Batman busy while the Joker gets away along with kidnapping the commissioner. The Batman soon finds out that Robin too has been abducted. The Joker kidnaps Bruce Wayne’s butler as the next target of his victim go round. The Joker placed an ad in the newspaper " Harlequin Bakery Co. invites you for a free sample of its wares at the spectacular new Seaside Coliseum tomorrow night at 9:00pm". The Batman sees the ad realizes this is a ploy of the Jokers. people attend and are victims to the Jokers nerve gas. Inside ,the Joker has those he kidnapped tied to giant candles on a giant cake. The Batman steps out of the shadows and surrenders himself as the Joker agrees to let his other kidnapped victims go. Batman is strapped to a candle and then blasted thru the roof surprising the Joker.The Batman had rigged his candle earlier with incendiary jets and on the rebound throws several Batarang cutting the fuse to candles with hostages tied to them before they can explode.The Joker realizes his scheme is not working and heads out of the building hopping on a nearby speed boat. With the Batman on his tail virtually water-skiing up and into the boat. On board they tussle as the boat careens out of control heading for shoals .The Batman manages to grab the Jokers hand as he falls out of the speed boat. The Joker yells at the Batman"The old phony hand up the sleeve gag." just as the speed boat crashes into the shoals and explodes leaving no trace of the Joker.Afterwards the commissioner and Robin wonder if he's really gone this time. The Batman replies "I'd like to think so but I doubt it."

Ben Oda letterer Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick penciler Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover Vince Colletta inker
Batman #322 - Chaos -- Coming and Going! released by DC Comics on April 1980. 
Captain Boomerang comes to Gotham!



Ben Oda letterer Bob Brown artist Dick Giordano inker, penciler Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick artist Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover
Batman #323 - Shadow of the Cat released by DC Comics on May 1980.

A series of "Cat" related crimes Batman to believe the culprit is none other than Selina Kyle, The Catwoman.When they are both trapped in a giant cat's cradle, the true villain is revealed to be Batman's old enemy, The Catman!

Ben Oda letterer Bob Brown inker Glynis Oliver Wein colorist Irv Novick artist Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover


Batman #324 - The Cat Who Would Be King released by DC Comics on June 1, 1980.
Batman and Catwoman escape from the trap of a deadly Cats Cradle and trace the Catman to the islands owned by millionaire Adros Akropolis.
Adrienne Roy colorist Irv Novick artist Jim Aparo cover Milt Snapinn letterer Paul Levitz editor Roger McKenzie writer Steve Mitchell artist


Batman #325 - Death -- Twenty Stories High released by DC Comics on July 1980.

Someone is on the hunt for Commissioner Gordon!

A stool pigeon with no answers, a crime wave without a boss, and power to be had. Our capped crime fighter continues to fight the crime of Gotham, as Gordon fights to stay the Commish. Is this a "rope a dope" of Gotham's power struggle , who side will Batman take in the upcoming elections, what is this, Batman throwing Gordon from the roof ? What is going on with the masked man, has he decided to cast his ballot early , but in blood ?



Adrienne Roy colorist Frank McLaughlin artist Irv Novick artist Jim Aparo cover John Costanza letterer Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor


Batman #326 - This Way Lies Madness released by DC Comics on August 1980. 

A mysterious villain manipulates people to attack Batman!


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin artist Irv Novick artist Joe Kubert cover Len Wein writer Paul Levitz editor

Batman #327 - Asylum Sinister! released by DC Comics on September 1, 1980. 



Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin inker Irv Novick penciler Joe Kubert cover, inker, penciler Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor


Batman #328 - Double Jeopardy released by DC Comics on October 1980. 

When a killer is set loose, Batman must find other means to get justice! Plus, an eight-page bonus story.

Batman is handed another mystery. This time the crime is now above the law and the alleged killer can't be touched. If the caped crusader does pursue him, he himself could be a villian, or will he. There are two sides of every story, and truth is only relevant to what can be proven. A woman is haunted by her past, and a man is now in her life to give her a new future. Batman defends a vagrant, and springs a chump from the slammer. Murder at every corner and floating in Gotham harbor. IS the Batman slipping, can he no longer protect those who are close to him , and what is this Lucius is leaving Wayne Enterprises. Holy chain of events, Batman's world is unraveling.


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin artist Irv Novick artist Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover
Batman #329 - Twice Dies the Batman!; Case of the Hijacked Head released by DC Comics on November 1980. 

Two-Face has Batman locked up in court and sentenced to death! Plus, a back-up story featuring Batman and Robin.

The labyrinthine mystery of "Carl Ternion" twists and turns to a stunning conclusion as Gilda Stevens' new beau is revealed to be her ex-husband: Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face! But why did Dent take on the new identity, and what's the real reason he avenged her husband's murder at the hands of the mysterious Anton Karoselle? Two-Face, Batman, and Gilda's paths all meet inside the old Gotham Courthouse for an emotionally-charged, heartwrenching finale in "Twice Dies the Batman!"

Back-Up Story: "The Case of the Hijacked Heart"


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda inker Dick Giordano inker Irv Novick artist Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor Ross Andru penciler Vince Colletta inker
Batman #330 - Target! released by DC Comics on December 1980.

When a mysterious woman comes to town, Batman and Robin must put aside their differences!

Convicted murderer Arch Skyler is sentenced to the electric chair, and offers his fortune of 10 million dollars in gold to whoever can kill Batman in the last 24 hours before he takes the final walk.

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Don Newton artist, penciler Frank McLaughlin inker Irv Novick penciler Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler John Costanza letterer Marv Wolfman writer Michael Fleisher writer Mike W. Barr writer Paul Levitz editor Steve Mitchell artist, inker


Batman #331 - Closed Circuit! released by DC Comics on January 1981.

Two stories in one! First, Batman takes on the Electrocutioner! Then, someone's after Commissioner Gordon's files!



A Commissioner Gordon story.

Note: This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, Aquaman And The Space Capsule

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Don Newton penciler Frank McLaughlin innker Irv Novick penciler Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler John Costanza letterer Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor Steve Mitchell inker 

The Lazarus Affair begins as Talia comes to town. Then, Catwoman takes on criminals!

Fallout! [The Lazarus Affair]

Cat's Paw!

Catwoman story

Note: This issue contains the Hostess Superhero Ad, The Flash Meets the Bureauc-Rat

Batman #332 - Fallout! [The Lazarus Affair] ; Cat's Paw! released by DC Comics on February 1981.




Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin inker Irv Novick penciler Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler John Celardo inker Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor



Traveling the world together, Batman and Talia end up in Hong Kong! Then, Catwoman and Robin team up!

Batman #333 - The China Syndrome [The Lazarous Affair] ; Shangahaied! released by DC Comics on March 1981. 



Adrienne Roy colorist 
 Albert De Guzman letterer
Ben Oda letterer Bob Rozakis writer Dan Spiegle inker, penciler Frank McLaughlin inker Irv Novick penciler Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler Joe Staton penciler Marv Wolfman writer Mike W. Barr writer Paul Levitz editor Tatjana Wood colorist, cover
The Lazarus Affair continues on Infinity Island! Plus: a backup story featuring tales of Gotham City.

Batman #334 - Infinity Island [The Lazarus Affair] ; Whodunit; ...From the Ashes released by DC Comics on April 1981.

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Frank McLaughlin inker Irv Novick penciler Jim Aparo inker, penciler Marv Wolfman writer Paul Levitz editor
The stunning conclusion of the Lazarus Affair!

Batman #335 - Ashes to Ashes [The Lazarus Affair] released by DC Comics on May 1981. 


  • Adrienne Roy colorist
  • Jim Aparo inker, penciler
  • José Luis García-López artist
  • Paul Levitz editor
  • Roy Thomas writer



With Batman's disappearance, crime in Gotham has skyrocketed! Will Batman ever return?

Batman #336 - While the Bat's Away ... released by DC Comics on June 1981. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Gerry Conway writer Jim Aparo inker, penciler José Luis García-López artist Roy Thomas writer



Batman tries to uncover the true identity of the villainous Snowman terrorizing the city in "Where Walks a Snowman." Script by Gerry Conway. Plot assist by Roy Thomas. Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez & Steve Mitchell. Back-up tale: Robin in "Murder on the Midway." Continued next issue.

Batman #337 - Where Walks A Snowman released by DC Comics on July 1981.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano editor Frank McLaughlin artist Gerry Conway writer Irv Novick artist Jim Aparo cover John Costanza letterer Roy Thomas writer



“THE SPORTING DEATH!” Batman does battle with the Sportsman, an athletically costumed murderer who is out to kill famous sports figures! In “KILLER UNDER THE BIG TOP!” Robin investigates the murder of Jo-Jo Jones, a member of Hill’s Circus!

Batman #338 - This Sporting Death! released by DC Comics on August 1981.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer
  Bruce Patterson artist
Dick Giordano cover, editor Gerry Conway writer Irv Novick cover, editor John Costanza letterer Rich Buckler cover Steve Mitchell artist


“A SWEET KISS OF POISON!” Batman has been working extremely hard and as a result, his performance has been severely affected. Unfortunately for him Poison Ivy has just found the perfect opportunity to strike! Plus, “YESTERDAY’S HEROES!” Dick Grayson looks back to his early days with the circus as a member of the Flying Graysons.

Batman #339 - A Sweet Kiss of Poison released by DC Comics on September 1981.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Gerry Conway writer Jim Aparo inker, penciler Roy Thomas writer


A new villain is in town and it's up to Batman to stop him! With a backup story featuring Robin.

  Batman #340 - A Man Called Mole! released by DC Comics on October 1981. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano editor Frank McLaughlin artist Gerry Conway writer Irv Novick artist Jim Aparo inker, penciler


The Wayne Manor is rumored to be haunted so Gordon and his troop of Gotham Police go to investigate.

Two children run out of the abandoned Wayne Manor, screaming in fright and claiming that the house is haunted. One of them runs into a police officer and tells his wild tale. The news circles back to Commissioner Gordon who goes to the Wayne Foundation to ask Bruce Wayne for permission to inspect the house. Bruce doesn't want the GCPD accidentally stumbling upon the old Batcave, so he politely denies Gordon's request. Gordon snaps and angrily tells him that he is going through with the investigation whether Wayne likes it or not.

Meanwhile, Rupert Thorne returns to Gotham City after being locked away in Arkham Asylum for a over a year. He re-establishes his position at the Tobacconists' Club and tells his fellow members how he intends on putting his own political stooge in the mayor's office. He blackmails the other club members into supporting his scheme.

Commissioner Gordon hires famed ghost breaker Doctor Terrence Thirteen to accompany his officers on an inspection of the manor. Also in attendance is Miss Crum, manager of the Gotham Historical Society who has been administering to the upkeep of the mansion ever since Wayne abandoned it.

Batman secretly arrives at Wayne Manor and tries to seal off all of the known entrances to the Batcave. He detects that someone else has been inhabiting in the Batcave and begins exploring. Suddenly, the Man-Bat swoops down out of nowhere and attacks him. Doctor Thirteen enters the Batcave just as the Man-Bat grasps Batman by the throat.

Batman #341 - The Ghost of Wayne Mansion released by DC Comics on November 1981. 



Adrienne Roy colorist Carl Gafford colorist Denys Cowan cover Dick Giordano cover, editor Frank Chiaramonte artist Frank McLaughlin artist Gerry Conway writer Irv Novick artist Shelly Leferman letterer Trevor Von Eeden artist

“REQUIEM FOR A HERO.” Batman battles Rupert Thorn and the deadly Man-Bat! Batman will have to return to Crime Alley where he will uncover Man-Bat’s origin!

Doctor Thirteen enters the Batcave just as the Man-Bat has Batman in his clutches. He tries to pistol whip the Man-Bat with his sonar gun, but the Man-Bat backhands Thirteen, sending him crashing into a cavern wall, knocking him unconscious. Batman picks up the weapon and, realizing what it is, activates it. The high-pitched sonic vibration sends the Man-Bat reeling in pain and he swoops off down a darkened corridor.

Doctor Thirteen is admitted to Gotham City Medical Center where he is diagnosed with a mild concussion. Commissioner Gordon questions Batman about what happened at Wayne Manor, but Batman remains close-lipped on the subject. Gordon has another angry outburst and tells him that he will not tolerate any lack of cooperation. The commissioner immediately apologizes for his behavior, citing that he has been under a lot of stress. He is concerned about the upcoming mayoral election involving Arthur Reeves and Hamilton Hill.

Batman leaves and changes into his civilian attire. He goes to the Wayne Foundation to consult with Lucius Fox who tells him about a woman named Penelope Ivy who is filing a claim for Wayne Foundation assets. Bruce knows that this is Poison Ivy, but thanks to a post-hypnotic suggestion, he is physically incapable of exposing her plan.

At the Tobacconists' Club, former city councilman Rupert Thorne reads a newspaper announcing that Hamilton Hill has an early lead in the polls. Thorne is distressed by this news and tells his associate that things are not going according to his design. When the associate leaves, Thorne sees the spectral image of the late Hugo Strange reflected in a mirror.

Later, Bruce Wayne goes to an apartment in Crime Alley where he visits the Man-Bat's wife, Francine Langstrom. Francine, unaware that Bruce Wayne is Batman, tells him about her history with Kirk and how his obsession cost them their entire fortune, forcing them to relocate back to Gotham City from Chicago. She also tells him how Kirk recently began conducting his experiments with the bat gland extract again, but miscalculated the dosage, transforming him into a completely primal creature.

Bruce returns to the second Batcave beneath the Wayne Foundation and tells Alfred everything that he has learned. He takes the Batmobile through the old subway tunnel that connects this cave to the original Batcave. His search for the Man-Bat brings him into cavernous veins that he has never explored before.

He eventually comes upon the Man-Bat and the two begin fighting. Batman finally subdues him and forces him to take the antidote that he has used in the past to turn him human. The formula has no affect this time however and the Man-Bat escapes.
Batman #342 - Man-Bat Is Back! released by DC Comics on December 1981. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover, inker Gene Colan cover, penciler Gerry Conway writer John Costanza letterer Klaus Janson other


Batman attempts to stop Poison Ivy from cleaning out Wayne Foundation assets but must first face the Dagger.
Batman #343 - A Dagger So Deadly released by DC Comics on January 1, 1982. 



Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano editor Gene Colan artist Gerry Conway writer Joe Kubert inker, penciler Klaus Janson artist

The Dark Knight must deal with Arthur Reeves, who claims to have knowledge of Batman's secret identity.

Note: This annual contains the Hostess Superhero Advertisement The Flash In "Marathon Madman"

Batman #344 - Monster, My Sweet! released by DC Comics on February 1, 1982. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano inker Gene Colan penciler

Batman and Robin are introduced to a new villain in town-Dr. Death.

Batman #345 - Calling Doctor Death! released by DC Comics on March 1982.  



Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Bruce Jones writer Dick Giordano editor Don Newton artist Frank Chiaramonte artist Gerry Conway writer Pablo Marcos artist Rich Buckler cover Shelly Leferman letterer
  Tom Ziuko colorist
Trevor Von Eeden artist

Batman is trapped in a halfway house taken over by Two-Face. Plus, Vicki Vale becomes even more convinced Batman and Bruce Wayne are in fact the same person.

Batman: "Half a Hero"

Catwoman: "In the Land of the Dead!"
Batman #346 - Half a Hero released by DC Comics on April 1, 1982. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano inker Rich Buckler penciler Roger Slifer writer Tatjana Wood colorist, cover

A small-time crook tries to convince a buddy to join in on a bank robbery, but his friend relates two tales of their biggest obstacle: the Batman.

Batman #347 - The Shadow of the Batman starring Batman released by DC Comics on May 1, 1982.  



Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano editor Gene Colan artist Gerry Conway writer Jim Aparo cover, inker, penciler Klaus Janson inker


Batman #348 - Shadow Play released by DC Comics on June 1982.  

“SHADOW PLAY!” Batman and Robin return to Wayne Manor but they did not anticipate Man-Bat would be there to welcome them home!

Welcome home Batman back to the cave, but are you really ready to play host to your past. A desperate woman, Batman running into the dark with a little girl, Vicki Vale has the identity of the Batman to press, and Robin is nesting through the summer. 25 pages is barely enough to cover this story, and most of all, there are more then just bats in the bat cave.....



Adrienne Roy colorist Bruce Jones writer Dick Giordano inker Gerry Conway writer Ross Andru penciler


Batman #349 - Blood Sport released by DC Comics on July 1, 1982. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Frank McLaughlin inker Gene Colan penciler Gerry Conway writer Paul Levitz writer


Batman and Robin face the combined, vampiric might of the Monk and Dala.

Batman #350 - Nightmare in Crimson! released by DC Comics on August 1, 1982.  

Adrian Gonzales artist
Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Bruce Jones writer Dick Giordano cover, editor Ernie Colon cover Gene Colan artist Gerry Conway writer Janice Chiang letterer Len Wein editor
  Tom Ziuko colorist
Tony DeZuniga artist



Batman and Father Green must develop a serum from the Monk's blood in order to cure their vampiric curse.

Batman: "What Stalks the Gotham Night?"

Catwoman: "Gentlemen Defer Blondes"

Batman #351 - What Stalks the Gotham Night? released by DC Comics on September 1, 1982.  



Ben Oda inker Carl Gafford colorist Dick Giordano editor Don Newton artist Gerry Conway other Jim Aparo cover
  John Calnan inker
Paul Kupperberg writer

Batman and Robin face Colonel Blimp, a villain that uses a zeppelin to capture Navy battleships.

"The Killer Sky!"

Similar to other Batman issues in 1982, this tale is a reimagining of the golden age story from Detective Comics 33. Batman finds himself up against a would be dictator, Colonel Blimp, and his horde of revolutionaries, who make use of a dirigible with an incredibly powerful ray beam. The story is continued in Detective Comics 519.

While this comic is similar previous story arcs that modernized golden age villains like Dr. Death or the Mad Monk, it differs from the other revisits by renaming the antagonist.

Batman #352 - The Killer Sky! released by DC Comics on October 1, 1982.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Anthony Tollin colorist Ben Oda letterer Curt Swan artist Dan Adkins inker Dave Hunt artist Dave Manak editor
  Dennis Jensen artist
Don Newton artist Gerry Conway writer José Luis García-López artist Len Wein editor Mike W. Barr writer Paul Kupperberg writer Todd Klein letterer



The Joker's creating a monument to himself and wants Batman to be a part of it.

3 stories - 1 book

Story 1 - Batman "Last Laugh"

The new mayor and police comissioner is keeping Bats on the out. Joker is out of the Asylum, and he has art on his mind. Mount Gotham you say, Batman to be portrayed as splatter art, computer timers, and trick bombs. Watch out Batman of Joker's drugged darts, OH MY, the Joker has the last laugh !!!

Story 2 - Masters of the Universe " Fate is the Killer"

A jovial celebration is interrupted by Zodiac , and He-Man rises to the occasion to be tested. As Skeletor begins to gain his forces to take Grey Skull, Superman is somehow summoned to Eternia to help He-Man. Both Superman and He-Man find themselves at the mercy of Skeletor.

Story 3 - Batman and Robin the Teen Wonder "The Sting ... Batman style"

Robin begins to go out and fight crime on his own when he stumbles across a game of high stakes fraud. Later Bruce gives the go ahead for Robin to wear the Bat outfit. But what is this , Batman (robin) is easily attacked and defeated, and Robin learns a lesson on sharring missions.

Batman #353 - Last Laugh released by DC Comics on November 1, 1982.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala artist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Don Newton artist Gerry Conway writer Keith Giffen cover Len Wein editor



Batman and Robin join Dr. Thirteen in exposing the secrets behind the "ghost" of Hugo Strange.

Batman #354 - Showdown released by DC Comics on December 1, 1982.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala artist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover, editor Don Newton artist Ed Hannigan cover Gerry Conway writer Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor
Catwoman attacks Vicki Vale, leading to a confrontation between the Cat and the Bat.

Batman #355 - The Bat ... ... and the Cat released by DC Comics on January 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover, inker Don Newton artist Ed Hannigan cover, penciler Gerry Conway writer Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor


Hugo Strange lures Batman and Robin to a fake "Wayne Manor" where the Dynamic Duo face duplicates of themselves and Alfred.

Batman #356 - The Double Life of Hugo Strange released by DC Comics on February 1, 1983.  



Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano inker Don Newton artist Ed Hannigan cover Gerry Conway writer Nicola Cuti editor


Featuring the first appearance of Jason Todd and Killer Croc. The Squid arrives in Gotham City, intent on taking over its underworld and trap the Batman.

It was a familiar story. A circus owner was threatened by a mobster offering crooked protection. Refusing to give in to the criminal's demands, the owner unwittingly put a target on the heads of his star performers, a husband and wife trapeze act. A few days later, a young boy discovered that his parents had been brutally murdered. Taken in by the sympathetic millionaire Bruce Wayne (Batman) the boy submitted himself to a rigorous training schedule and soon joined his new mentor's side as Robin, the boy wonder. It was a familiar story indeed, but this time it didn't belong to Dick Grayson. This time it was the copycat story of Jason Todd, the second person to become Robin.

Red haired and cheerful, Todd made his debut in a circus scene in this issue. As the youngest member of the Sloan Circus high wire act known as the Flying Todds, Jason enjoyed his life in front of an audience alongside his parents, Trina and Joseph. On that fateful night when Jason was to lose his parents at the hands of gang boss Killer Croc, Dick Grayson had attended the Todd's circua act, but he and Batman were too caught up in the gang war between their adversaries the Squid and Killer Croc to prevent history from repeating itself and the Batman from gaining a new tragic partner.

Jason Todd initially wore his circus costume while fighting crime with Batman, until Dick Grayson presented him with his Robin costume. Todd would later dye his hair black in order to match the original Robin and even have his origin revamped entirely, but readers never really bonded with Jason and he would not reach the heights of popularity of his predecessor.

Batman #357 - Squid released by DC Comics on March 1983.

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Curt Swan artist Dick Giordano cover Ed Hannigan cover Gerry Conway writer Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor
  Rodin Rodriguez artist
With the Squid eliminated, Killer Croc appoints himself the new head of the Gotham Underground as Batman puts together the pieces of Killer Croc's involvement in the Squid's death. 

Batman #358 - Don't Mess With Killer Croc! released by DC Comics on April 1, 1983. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dan Jurgens penciler Dick Giordano cover Ed Hannigan cover Gerry Conway writer Len Wein editor


Featuring the origin of Killer Croc! Batman searches for the whereabouts of Killer Croc while Croc himself breaks into Gotham City Jail to take care of the last obstacle in his path toward ruling the Gotham Underground.

The bosses of Gotham are called to the Gotham Zoo where Killer Croc proclaims himself head of all crime in Gotham and now rules. He lays this claim on the fact that Batman was supposedly killed in Detective #525. Bruce Wayne continues to become more unhinged, and aggresive. His views of criminials, and what good people should be doing is more narrow than before. Killer Croc goes to the Gotham prison to kill Falco due to the rebuking of the boss mobs saying that there can only be one king boss. Croc soon faces Batman and is dismayed that he is alive while escaping after killing Falco. Dick Grayson (Robin) has put his friends the Flying Todd's (Trina, Joe, Jason) in harms way and into the clutches of the Killer Croc.-cgf

Batman #359 - Hunt released by DC Comics on May 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano inker Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor


Batman faces the Savage Skull, an ex-cop whose burned face drives him to murder the policemen who threw him off the force.

  Batman #360 - When Slays the Savage Skull released by DC Comics on June 1, 1983. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Nicola Cuti editor Pablo Marcos inker Phil Hugh Felix letterer


Jason Todd has been taken by Man-Bat, who intends to transform him into a bat-boy.

Batman #361 - The Most Successful Species! released by DC Comics on July 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Nicola Cuti editor


The Riddler embarks on another riddle-filled crime spree while Harvey Bullock brings up charges against Commissioner Gordon.

Batman #362 - When Riddled By The Riddler released by DC Comics on August 1, 1983.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Nicola Cuti editor

 Batman learns the origin of Nocturna and the Thief of Night.

Batman #363 - Elegant Night Crimes released by DC Comics on September 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor
Batman joins the circus incognito to help Jason Todd track down a disguised thief called Chimera.

  Batman #364 - The Man of a Thousand Menaces released by DC Comics on October 1, 1983.

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor


Vicki Vale is captured in a village in Guatemala.

Bruce Wayne is able to get Jason Todd back to Wayne Manor after promising him to go out with him as Batman . While Bruce was a way from Gotham, Bullock his facing his reality of what he had done to Commissioner Gordon. Gordon has suffered a stroke after Bullock told Gordon that Batman was dead, at the order of the corrupt Mayor Hill.

Vicki Vale is busy getting herself in trouble in Guatemala while taking picutres of the rebels. After escaping and recaptured, Batman is on his way to rescue her after a note she dropped told of her peril. As for the note itself, it was allowed to pass to bait the Batman.

Alfred has left a mysterios note at Wayne Manor and is no where to be found. Batman gets ambushed in the jungle, and losses yet another batplane.

It becomes to late for the Batman as he faces the Joker, and a camp of rebel fighters. The damsal in distress is at the Joker's feet.

Batman #365 - Ruins released by DC Comics on November 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor Walter Simonson cover


As rebels and government forces clash in Guatemala, Batman battles the Joker alongside a brand new ally: Jason Todd who debuts as the new Robin!

The contest in the Guatemala jungle climaxes with an assasination attempt on a general. Joker continues to stir the pot and lead by misdirection.

Two enemies in the jungle allie , if temporarily against the Joker and his cronies.

Jason Todd finds Drake's spare costume, dyes his hair, and fly's to the jungle to aid the Batman. His eagerness is evident, and Batman is grim, despite his aid in bagging the Joker. Evidence of Todd's brash behavior shows through.

Barbara Gordon is on her 3rd day of watching over her father in the hospital. Bullock gets a gut load of Mayor Hill and makes a stand.

Alfred finally meets his daughter after the death of her foster father. Things become merky as another mystery erupts.


This is the first issue that Jason Todd wears the Robin costume. As if an ominous decree of things to come , Joker screams "I'll KILL you ! I'll throttle you with my gloved hands !"

Batman #366 - The Joker Is Wild! released by DC Comics on December 1, 1983.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Nicola Cuti editor


Poison Ivy returns and takes control of business executives by means of special plants in order to create sentient "plant-men" slaves. 

  Batman #367 - The Green Ghosts of Gotham released by DC Comics on January 1, 1984. 



Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano inker Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Nicola Cuti editor

Dick Grayson officially passes along the mantle of Robin to Jason Todd, who accompanies Batman on a "shakedown cruise" around Gotham.
Batman #368 - A Revenge of Rainbows released by DC Comics on February 1, 1984. 





Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor Nicola Cuti editor

Batman goes to Canada to save Alfred and Julia from Deadshot.

Story continues in Detective Comics #536.

Batman #369 - Target Practice released by DC Comics on March 1, 1984. 
Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor


Harvey Bullock plays double agent by pretending to be in Dr. Fang's employ--and ends up putting Batman and Robin on the crimelord's trail.

Batman #370 - Up Above the Sin So High... released by DC Comics on April 1, 1984.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor


Catman escapes jail again with the intention of stealing a statue of the Egyptian cat goddess Bast.

Two man are locked up in the same cell, one known as Collins and the other Blake, who is Cat-Man. After a time of self induced catanoia, Blake wagers with Collins over defeating Batman and winning Collins hidden loot, or having to hand over the Cat-Man suit.

What ensues is a cat and bat game through Gotham museum. Robin (Jason Todd) is neturalized and less then effective in helping. With Batman disoriented with the sounds of the Cat-Man, he fights for his life.

In the end, there is more then one Cat, and the Batman costum is worse for wear.

Batman #371 - Nine Cradles of Death released by DC Comics on May 1, 1984.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Len Wein editor

Boxer Tommy Dunfey gets a title shot at world champion Michael Greene, not knowing that someone will try to kill Greene during the bout.

Batman conitnues to look for the elusive Dr Fang. During that time Dr Fang starts putting his teeth into the boxing scene with a scheme to make him very rich. Ultimately an innocent man pays the price for being the champ.

Batman #372 - What Price, the Prize? released by DC Comics on June 1, 1984. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano colorist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Gene Colan artist
The Scarecrow discovers a method of broadcasting waves of fear, and turns them against Batman and Robin.

Batman #373 - The Frequency of Fear released by DC Comics on July 1, 1984.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer
The Penguin is on the loose and out to steal the plans for the Pentagon's "early bird" warning system.
  Batman #374 - Pieces of Penguin! released by DC Comics on August 1, 1984. 


Adrienne Roy colorist Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Klaus Janson cover


Mr. Freeze returns with a giant ice-cannon, which he intends to use to freeze and loot Gotham City.

Batman #375 - The Glacier Under Gotham! released by DC Comics on September 1, 1984.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover Klaus Janson cover


Batman tries to crack a scare-for-hire party service which he suspects is targeting its clients for burglaries.

Story continues in Detective Comics #543.

Batman #376 - Nightmares, Inc. released by DC Comics on October 1, 1984.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala artist, letterer Dick Giordano cover Don Newton artist Doug Moench writer Len Wein editor

Bruce Wayne continues his war against Nocturna's adoption attempt in the courts while, as Batman, he must fight the recently escaped Thief of Night.
  Batman #377 - The Slayer of Night released by DC Comics on November 1, 1984. 




Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover Don Newton cover Doug Moench writer

Jason Todd is adopted by Nocturna, who becomes the Mad Hatter's mind-controlled pawn against Batman.

The Mad Hatter Is Back-- And This Time, He's Madder Than Ever!

Batman #378 - One Hat Madder! released by DC Comics on December 1, 1984.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover Don Newton penciler Doug Moench writer Ed Hannigan cover 

The Mad Hatter attacks Gotham City using a gang under his mind-controlled sway by their hats.

At War With The Minions Of The Mad Hatter!

  Batman #379 - Bedtime Stories released by DC Comics on January 1, 1985. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Dick Giordano cover, inker Doug Moench writer Rick Hoberg cover, penciler

Night-Slayer captures Nocturna and Jason Todd, forcing Batman to confront him.

Is This the END of the... Bat Man!?

Many from Batmans rogues gallery are seen in a hallucination.

Batman #380 - End of the Bat released by DC Comics on February 1, 1985. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker Ben Oda letterer Dick Giordano cover, inker Doug Moench writer Len Wein editor Rick Hoberg cover, penciler


With his memory restored, Batman has a final encounter with Night-Slayer and Hamilton Hill, with Robin and Nocturna in his corner.
 Batman #381 - Darkly Moved the Pawns released by DC Comics on March 1, 1985. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Ben Oda letterer Doug Moench writer Gil Kane cover Len Wein editor Rick Hoberg artist Rudy Nebres inker

Batman and Catwoman attempt to save a plane full of hostages from Darkwolf.

"The Vengance Spiral"

Batman is on the hunt for 2 criminals. One of which is mauling criminals and citiziesn alike in crime alley, and another known as Darkwolf who is involved in high profile crimes. Catwoman teams up against Darkwolf with the Batman in order for both of them to exact their form of justice for his crimes. Selina makes the ultimate sacrifice, and Batman goes off reservation exacting his vengance. There is more to tell in this tale of two kitties.-

Batman #382 - The Vengeance Spiral released by DC Comics on April 1, 1985.  

Adrienne Roy colorist
  Albert De Guzman penciler
Alfredo Alcala inker Dick Giordano cover Doug Moench writer Gene Colan artist Paris Cullins cover

The Batman badly needs sleep, but is forced to cope with routine problems during the day as Bruce Wayne and criminals plague Gotham City at night.

"A Night In The Life Of Batman"

After a long day at the "office" Bruce Wayne finds himself exhausted and in need of some overdue rest. After giving the Batmobile a tune-up and entering his reports in the computer, Bruce Heads inside to retire to the comfort of his bed. Unfortunately for him this is only the beginning of an all nighter that seems like it will never end.

The first thing on Bruce's plate is dealing with a construction crew that has been hired to fix some of the needed repair to the Wayne Manor. Once he settles on colors and sends the crew off to do their job, Jason appears and is ready for his ride to school.

After Meeting with Jason's Principal about the tiredness he has been showing in some of his classes, Bruce heads home for what he hopes will be his last adventure for the day.

A flat tire, a meeting with Lucius, a surprise visit from Julia Pennyworth, a call from Vicki Vale, a collapsed room forcing him into Jason's room, an appearance from Vicki Vale, picking up Jason from school and ANOTHER night on patrol for Batman later, Bruce FINALLY gets the long awaited rest he needs.... nestled up close to a gargoyle at the top of the Gotham skyline.

Batman #383 - Just As Night Follows Day... released by DC Comics on May 1, 1985.  




Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Workman letterer Len Wein editor Rick Hoberg artist, cover, inker, penciler Rudy Nebres inker
Cover by Rick Hoberg.
  1. "Broken Dates" written by Doug Moench, penciled by Rick Hoberg, inked by Rudy Nebres, colored by Adrienne Roy and lettered by John Workman.


  • This is a throwback cover to Detective Comics #71 by Jerry Robinson.

Dr Fangs goons have come to the conclusion that Batman has to die for them to profit in Gotham. With a phone call and a match pairing of prey and predator the Calendar man steps up. With a game of crime and celestial days, the Batman is pitted against a foe who may be intent on killing him. Bruce Wayne's romance life takes a hit as Vale severs her ties and Alfred plays match maker. No matter what Batman does, he is always one date and day to late. His mind is at ease tho with a parachute he finds outside of Gotham.-

Batman #384 - Broken Dates released by DC Comics on June 1985.


Adrienne Roy colorist Alfredo Alcala inker
  Bob Smith cover
Chuck Patton penciler Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Paris Cullins cover Rick Hoberg artist
Batman, wounded by one of Dr. Fang's gang, must face the final deathtrap of the Calendar Man.ù
  Batman #385 - Day Of Doom released by DC Comics on July 1, 1985. 
Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake artist, cover
Featuring the first appearance of Black Mask! After losing control of his company, cosmetics king Roman Sionis becomes the criminal known as Black Mask in order to take revenge. Continued in DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #553.

This issue presents the first appearance and full origin of the Black Mask!

When the heir of Janus Cosmetics is born, the doctor accidentally drops the baby, whose life is all downhill from there. From then on, something always seems off about little Roman Sionis, all the more so after he’s attacked by a rabid raccoon. In truth, Roman felt dead inside all his life, but at least tried to put on a mask of civility for his parents’ high-society friends like the Waynes.

When Roman rises in the ranks of Janus, he falls under the “spell” of a bewitching model named Circe. Shortly after Roman’s parents disapprove of the romance, they both die in a fire of mysterious circumstances. Roman inherits Janus, but soon drives the company into ruin, first with makeup designed to cover the face, then with untested waterproof makeup that causes horrible skin damage.

Circe and Janus both dump Roman, after he’s bailed out by Wayne Enterprises. For Roman, this gesture of friendship represents his greatest humiliation, causing him to “lose face.”

Snapping completely, he destroys his parents’ ebony coffins, and decides to carve a mask. Shortly thereafter, the new president of Janus Cosmetics is murdered, and the next target is Bruce Wayne.

Continued in Detective Comics #553. 

Batman #386 - Black Mask: Losing Face released by DC Comics on August 1985.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake artist, cover
Bruce Wayne hosts a masquerade ball at Wayne Manor in hopes of luring the criminal Black Mask into a confrontation.

What Terrifying Secret Lurks Behind the Black Mask?

Batman #387 - Ebon Masquery released by DC Comics on September 1, 1985.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer Tom Mandrake cover, inker, penciler
Captain Boomerang and Mirror Master both hit Gotham City at the same time, leading to a showdown between the villains and the Dark Knight! Continued in DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #555.

Mirror Master Vs. Captain Boomerang

Batman #388 - The Round-Trip Looking Glass! released by DC Comics on October 1, 1985. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake artist, cover, inker, penciler
With the Crisis turning the skies red, Batman re-encounters Catwoman and Nocturna while the Night-Slayer goes on a killing rampage against the False Face Society. Continued in DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #556.
  1. Cover by Tom Mandrake.
  2. "Red Skies" written by Doug Moench, penciled and inked by Tom Mandrake, colored by Adrienne Roy and lettered by John Costanza.

Note: Not bannered as a Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover.

Story continues in Detective Comics #556.

Batman #389 - Red Skies released by DC Comics on November 1985.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake artist, cover, inker, penciler
Continued from DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #556. While Nocturna tries to discover what's causing the red rain, Catwoman battles the Dynamic Duo. Continued in DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #557.
  1. Cover by Tom Mandrake.
  2. "Women Dark and Dangerous" written by Doug Moench, penciled and inked by Tom Mandrake, colored by Adrienne Roy and lettered by John Costanza.

Note: Not bannered as a Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover.

Story continues in Detective Comics #557.

..And One Shall Surely DIE!

Batman #390 - Women Dark and Dangerous released by DC Comics on December 1985.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake inker, penciler
Continued from DETECTIVE COMICS (1937-2011) #557. The Night-Slayer has marked Nocturna for death, but if means to take her life, he'll have to go through Batman, Robin, and Catwoman first.
  1. Cover by Tom Mandrake.
  2. "Death Comes as the End!" written by Doug Moench, penciled and inked by Tom Mandrake, colored by Adrienne Roy and lettered by John Costanza.

Note: Not bannered as a Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover.

Story continues in Detective Comics #558.

The Earth seemed to be coming to an end. Robin, while protecting Nocturna, was attacked by Night-Slayer. Batman got Robin's message while visiting the hospitalized Catwoman; he left to join his partner. Selina broke out of the hospital. Night-Slayer stabbed Nocturna three times while telling her he loved her. Batman arrived and took him on. Robin tried to get Nocturna (who was calling him her son) to safety. Catwoman crashed a helicopter into the observatory where the action was taking place. She helped Batman out, but both her and Night-Slayer were lost in an earthquake. Batman, Robin, Catwoman, and Night-Slayer washed up on the beach. The Crisis loomed near.

Batman #391 - Death Comes as the End! released by DC Comics on January 1986.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer Jan Duursema-Mandrake inker Tom Mandrake cover, inker, penciler

Batman and Catwoman try to go on a date, but crime keeps interrupting their night of romance. Meanwhile, Harvey Bullock tries to convince Commissioner Gordon that Catwoman needs to be brought to justice.

Batman #392 - A Night on the Town released by DC Comics on February 1, 1986. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer Paul Gulacy inker, penciler


Batman becomes involved in CIA and KGB affairs in order to help a Russian agent trap the Dark Rider, a terrorist that plans a plutonium deathtrap for America.

Batman met with a CIA agent in Venice for a mission. The chase led him to West Germany, then Moscow. He met with an operative there and traveled with her to Switzerland. The statue carrying plutonium moved again, this time to the United States. 

Batman #393 - The Dark Rider released by DC Comics on March 1986.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer Paul Gulacy inker, penciler
Batman and Katia track down the Dark Rider, who seeks to pollute Gotham's water supply with plutonium.

In Gotham, Batman and Katia (the operative he met in Moscow) tracked down the Dark Rider and his statue. The Russian zealot was not planning a bomb, but to pollute Gotham's water supply with the plutonium. Batman and Robin were able to stop him in time.

Batman #394 - At The Heart Of Stone released by DC Comics on April 1, 1986. 

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer Tom Mandrake cover, inker, penciler

Featuring the First Appearance of Film Freak! Batman and Catwoman team up to hunt down the villainous Film Freak, while Robin teams with Bullock for an investigation of their own.

With a jealous Jason at home, Batman again teamed up with Catwoman. They went after a burglar who was later dubbed the Film Freak due to spouting off classic movie lines. An old girlfriend gave the press his true identity. As the Bat and Cat checked out leads, Robin decided to team up with Bullock (who had knowledge of old films). The Film Freak's next stunt was the shower scene from Psycho with the reporter as his leading lady.

Batman #395 - Fury of the Film Freak released by DC Comics on May 1, 1986.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake inker, penciler

Batman, Catwoman, Robin, and Bullock chase down the Film Freak before he strikes again!

Batman and Catwoman were too late with the next strike - Film Freak killed an old friend. Gordon got everyone on the same team to work together. They stopped his next attempt, this time to blow up his old director's new premier. They finally stopped him doing a King Kong skit.

Batman #396 - Box-Office Smash released by DC Comics on June 1, 1986.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake cover 

Batman and Robin pursue Two-Face while Catwoman tracks down a woman who has a vendetta against Black Mask.

Batman, Catwoman, Robin, and Gordon met on the rooftop. Batman and Robin went after Two-Face while Catwoman tracked down a woman who had a vendetta against Black Mask (Roman Sionis). Two-Face broke in and took some computers to help him decide which crimes to commit. He and his crew robbed the Twin Towers Bank; they Dynamic Duo could not stop them.

Batman #397 - Binary Brains released by DC Comics on July 1, 1986.  

Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake cover

Batman, Robin, and Catwoman take on the team of Circe and Two-Face.

Batman and Catwoman discussed their feelings toward each other, and the Robin issue. Circe helped Harvey while Batman lurked behind. They attempt to bring the Harvey side back to the forefront failed. Batman, Robin, and Catwoman had to take him out. Circe got away; Selina tried to decide whether or not to pursue the relationship with Batman.

Batman #398 - About Faces! released by DC Comics on August 1, 1986.  


Adrienne Roy colorist Doug Moench writer John Costanza letterer Len Wein editor Tom Mandrake cover
Batman and Catwoman continue to try to get the goods on Roy Spivey, who has shrunk the head of his decapitated victim.

The dead lady's head was mailed to her roommate's boyfriend. Batman staked out and bugged the suspect's apartment. He captured him when he got the needed evidence. Catwoman broke it off with him.

Batman #399 - Strike Two! released by DC Comics on September 1, 1986.  

...A SUIVRE...