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mercoledì 16 giugno 2021

Edgar Degas


Edgar Degas


A Cotton Office in New Orleans, 1873 
Edgar Degas - Painted in 1873 in NewOrleans, Louisiana
A esposa de Candaules
Edgar Degas - tra il 1855 e il 1856
A Woman Seated beside a Vase of Flowers (Madame Paul Valpinçon) 1865, oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Achille De Gas in the Uniform of a Cadet, 1856/57, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 
Edgar Degas  
After the Bath 
Edgar Degas - 1895 circa 
After the bath, woman drying herself   
Edgar Degas - 1884/1886
"After the Bath, Woman with a Towel," pastel on blue-gray wove paper, 27 7/8 in. x 22 9/16 in., by the French artist Edgar Degas. Harvard Art Museum/Fogg Museum, gift of Mrs. J. Montgomery. Courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
 between circa 1893 and circa 1897
Après le bain (Solothurn) - Fondation Dübi-Müller
 Edgar Degas - 1888
APRÈS LE BAIN (FEMME S'ESSUYANT) between circa 1882 and circa 1885

At the Café-Concert: The Song of the Dog, 1875–1877
Edgar Degas

At the Races, 1877–1880, oil on canvas, Musée d'Orsay, Paris 
Edgar Degas
Baigneuse allongée sur le sol 1886-1888 Edgar Degas (1834-1917) Pastel sur papier beige Oeuvre récupérée après la seconde guerre mondiale (MNR) Exposition "Le mystère et l'éclat", pastels du musée d'Orsay (8/10/08-1/02/09) 
Ballet Rehearsal, 1873, The Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Edgar Degas
Bathers - BF153 - Barnes Foundation
Edgar Degas 
Before the Race, 1882–1884, oil on panel, The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore
Edgar Degas 
Dancer Moving Forward, Arms Raised c. 1882–1895 Cast posthumously 1919–1926 Bronze Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Thannhauser Galleries New York City
David Heald and one more author 

Dancer with a Bouquet of Flowers (Star of the Ballet) (also with ballerina Rosita Mauri), 1878
Edgar Degas
Dancers, 1900, Princeton University Art Museum
 Edgar Degas  
Dancers at the Bar, 1888, The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Edgar Degas 

Edgar Degas, Deux danseuses, ca. 1879. Pastel and gouache on paper, 18 1/8 x 26 ¼ in. Collection of Shelburne Museum, gift of the Electra Havemeyer Webb Fund

Edgar Degas self portrait 185
Courtesy of the Musée d'Orsay, Paris.

Edgar Degas, Self-Portrait, c. 1855. Red chalk on laid paper; 31 x 23.3 cm (12 3/16 x 9 3/16 in.) National Gallery of Art, Washington.

Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1884

Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas  1885 ca.

Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1885 ca.

Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1886 ca.
Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1886 ca.

Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1887 ca.
Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas 1890 ca.

Édouard Manet and Mme. Manet, 1868–1869, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Japan 
Edgar Degas
Femme au tub (1896-1901) Edgar Degas voir aussi : La collection d'oeuvres d'art et d'antiquités acquise durant sa vie par William Burrel, un riche armateur de Glasgow qu'il a donnée à la ville en 1944, a été installée au sein du plus grand parc de Glasgow : le Pollock Country Park (le donateur avait exigé que sa collection soit exposée dans un bâtiment entouré de verdure, loin du centre-ville). Le bâtiment a été 
Femme-Lyon 1903 circa
Edgar Degas - Œuvre appartenant au musée des beaux-arts de Lyon 
Femme s’épongeant le dos. Christie's 
Edgar Degas - 1895 circa

Fin d'Arabesque, with ballerina Rosita Mauri, 1877, Musée d'Orsay 
Edgar Degas
Frau sich die Haare kämmend - Edgar Germain Hilaire Degas ca. 1888–90

James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot (1836–1902), 1867, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City 
Edgar Degas


L'Absinthe, 1876, oil on canvas 
Edgar Degas
Le pedit déjeuner après le bain 
Edgar Degas - c. 1883 - 1898
Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, 1878–1881, National Gallery of Art 
Edgar Degas
Little Dancer of Fourteen Years Cast posthumously in 1922 from a mixed-media sculpture modeled c. 1879–1880 Bronze Partly tinted, with cotton skirt and satin hair ribbon, on a wooden base Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City
AgnosticPreachersKid and one more author
Male Nude, 1856, oil on canvas, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Edgar Degas 

Edgar Degas, Mary Cassatt Seated, Holding Cards, c. 1880–1884, oil on canvas, National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC 
Mulher Enxugando a Perna Esquerda
 Edgar Degas -  1903
Musicians in the Orchestra, 1872, oil on canvas 
Edgar Degas  
Nude woman combing her hair
Edgar Degas 

Nude Woman Drying Herself (Femme au Tub) - Edgar Degas  tra il 1880 e il 1890
 Brooklyn Museum

Place de la Concorde, 1875, oil on canvas, Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg 
Edgar Degas
Portrait of Henri Michel-Lévy, 1878, Calouste Gulbenkian Museum
 Edgar Degas
Portrait of Mlle. Hortense Valpinçon, c. 1871, Minneapolis Institute of Art
 Edgar Degas

Rehearsal on Stage, 1874, Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Edgar Degas
Seated Woman, Wiping Her Left Side c. 1896–1911 Cast posthumously 1919–1926 Bronze Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Thannhauser Galleries New York City
 David Heald and one more author 
Seated Nude Woman Drying Her Hair (Femme nue assise s'essuyant les cheveux) - Edgar Degas circa 1902
Brooklyn Museum
Self-portrait (photograph), c. 1895

Edgar Degas - Harvard Art Museum 

Photographic self-portrait by Edgar Degas, the French painter, gelatin silver print. 4 11/16 in. x 6 9/16 in. Harvard Art Museum/Fogg Museum, Richard and Ronay Menschel Fund for the Acquisition of Photographs. Courtesy of the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

Stage Rehearsal, 1878–1879, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Edgar Degas

The acrobat Miss La La caused a sensation when she performed at the Cirque Fernando in Paris. Here she is shown suspended from the rafters of the circus dome by a rope clenched between her teeth. Degas sought out such striking modern subjects, concentrating on figures in arresting poses. In January 1879 he make a series of drawings at the Cirque Fernando including a pastel study of Miss La La (London, Tate Gallery), which culminated in this painting. We view the spectacle as the audience would have done, gazing up at the daring feat taking place above. 
Edgar Degas - 1879
The Amateur, 1866, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
 Edgar Degas 

The Bathers DMA 
Edgar Degas tra il 1890 e il 1895 circa

The Bellelli Family, 1858–1867, Musée d'Orsay, Paris 
Edgar Degas

The Dance Class (La Classe de Danse), 1873–1876, oil on canvas 
Edgar Degas
The Dancing Class, 1871, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Edgar Degas 
The Millinery Shop, 1885, The Art Institute of Chicago
 Edgar Degas 
The Singer with the Glove
, 1878, The Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Edgar Degas 
The Spanish Dance c. 1885 Cast posthumously in 1921 Bronze 46.3 × 14.3 cm Ackland Art Museum Chapel Hill, North Carolina
 Edgar Degas
Three Dancers in Yellow Skirts, c. 1891, oil on canvas, The Detroit Institute of Arts
Edgar Degas 
Waiting, pastel on paper, 1880–1882
Edgar Degas

Woman at Her Toilette 
Edgar Degas - tra il 1900 e il 1905 circa
Woman combing her hair
Edgar Degas
Woman Drying Her Hair (Femme s'essuyant les cheveux) - Edgar Degas - overall 1889 circa
Brooklyn Museum  
Woman in Street Clothes, Portrait of Ellen Andrée, 1879, pastel on paper
Edgar Degas 
Young Spartans Exercising, c. 1860–1862, National Gallery, London
Edgar Degas